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AuthorTopic: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members  (Read 26280 times)

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public server?
« Reply #60 on: July 24, 2006, 07:14:43 am »
I would like to know the system requirements for a server.
Is there a ready made package to run a CE server, or how and where can I obtain the necessary software and settings?

I would gladly dedicate some hardware and my bandwidth to add an extra server to the public realm.

Having been a helpdesk/testlab engineer for more than seven years, I think I should be able to handle the setup easily :-)

Thanks in advance.

Offline ChaosEmpireTopic starter

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #61 on: July 24, 2006, 07:31:18 am »
low latency, high upload, 24hour online, no big outgoing things, no emule /torrent, fixed ip, access to the machine and some open ports, webserver

At least the argument of a dead advertising space is a little weak for u did say serveral times that u r not able to aquire valuable advertising partners.
why is it is not possible, cause of the dead forum, it is the strongest argument

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #62 on: July 24, 2006, 09:20:34 am »
Hi Hans,

Thanks but that didn't answer my questions, all of that is obvious and speaks for itsself.
My computers are online 24/7. And with bandwidth shaping there's plenty of options to guarantee enough upstream for gaming servers.

I would like to know the hardware requirements for a server pc. What processor and how much ram does it take to run a small server?
I think I also read it's preferable if it runs windows? which version exactly?

Eagerly awaiting more details.

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #63 on: July 25, 2006, 05:52:15 am »
Another point for you guys that seem to be upset over the LITTLE money that is ask of you! I dont see yall working to keep the Servers up and running, with all the headaches and long hours. We do have some guys that help out in that department and they are very appreciated.. But for you to complain over the small amount ask of you is ridiculous!! Hell dont eat a hamber and fries for one day, or give up your beer for a day, I mean come on, grow up people!!

This doesnt to me seem like the attitude I expected to see from a "family" in a community, anyone can clearly see these people here care about the gam and the community on a whole, and are merely making suggestion, wich should have been taken before they jumped the gun and split up a happy well working community, I guess their ideas are the "ONLY" ones that are right, or will work? I just started CE and I love it, I have been playing since D1, D2, and LoD all came out, and I belive you have something here. I enjoy it thoughly, and was fixing to start donating on a regular basis, because I saw something here that looked like a "COMMUNITY".  I read somewhere I believe julia said CCC was a family? Hmmm Doesnt look like a very functional family any more. I really enjoy the rules here, and the laid back lets help everyone attitude, but I wish you people would quit calling these friends of the community whinners and telling them their ideas wont work, because you never tried them. I probably wont donate now, and probably wont get to play because of it, but I was liked what i saw before the split, and could use the least bit of common sence to see there are many different and better ways to go about funding a community. If you will read the actual words, and get it out of your head everyone is complaining about money, you'll see they havnt mentioned the money much, they mentioned the split, and the effect of the split. I have already noticed the gamplay has taken a downfall, because all the items for trade and people helping one another has gone away, and I would gladly donate and go play on the donators realm, if I thought it wasnt a buch of better than thou donated more than yopu forum posters I've saw in here. I feel the public realm will disapte and all newbies wont ever stay even though they think its a great MOD and  its because of julias negative spamming (like in LoD) constantly. I'll quit rambling now, and go lvl up my Amazon I wish our meeting would have been on better terms.
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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #64 on: July 26, 2006, 01:00:33 pm »

I beleive you entirely missed the point that Hans and some of the other long time players have been trying to make.

Which is, this mod has been running for over 2 years and it has been, up to now, free to all.  While this was nice for us, it was not so nice for Hans, who paid for all of the equipment, plus made the mod, plus donated his time in maintaining the servers.   This has taken most of his time and alot of his own money, leaving him short of funds for his own bills and food. 

The request for donations has been slowly comming to the forefront as the server load has become greater as the mod has increased in popularity.
Now the time has finally come that Donations are a must have.  This will ensure that the quality of the game play will contine, at the level that we have become used to.  Fixing bugs and adding content have cost Hans many hours of work.  This is not his job, it is his hobby.

Those opposing the server split in this thread are New players who have not expereinced the growth of this mod, its great community, and stuck by Hans when things didn't go so well.

Hans has made it clear for quite a few months now, that he cannot handle the entire expense of this d2 mod community.  As donations were too slow to come in to handle the high overhead cost of running this community, Something had to change.  And that change is, Donations are now a must have situation.  While obviously this does not please everyone, anyone who loves this mod and wants to stay connected to this great community, has a choice.  Donate, or go somewhere else and play something else.

If you are new and don't understand why you have to pay to play D2, then you need to read some past posts and try to understand this is not Bnet. Bnet sucks and has a really crappy player base.  Lots of cheaters, dupers, pkers, etc.... This mod has none of that.  Here it is safe to mule in and open game, just let it be know what you are doing.  Players help each other here, not kill each other.

This Mod is so fine, that it is the only online game I now play, and I have accounts in most new online games.  The players here are so helpfull and friendly that it almost seems unreal that the only worry you have ingame is 'try to kill that monster before it kills you'.

If the free realm seems a little sparse, most likely the players you miss have moved over to the Donators realm.  I was slow moving over because I didn't know about changing the realm to Chaose Empire.

Also I don't see the point you made about Donators "elite" status.  It is not how much you donate, but that you do donate. That is the point.  We do not care how much you give in comparison to us, me or whomever.  The fact that you give, and stay as a member of this community.  This is what is important to us.

We welcome you as a Donator, amount unknown.  Please stay and join us in the new ladder season.  We are not any different there as we were in the old realm.  We will help all who ask and 99% of the time we will always be polite,, this depends on if we have had our coffee yet . :P

So Donate as much as you feel is right for you.  I hope to see you in the new ream.


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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #65 on: July 26, 2006, 02:13:54 pm »
At this point I have a big bad news...

The company I worked for, will shutdown the servers hosted there

This means 50% reduce for free realm (only 1 is left there), and 2 little backup servers (nr 7+8) will go down on donators site

On 1rst August alohas server will go down...end of the last free server will also go down...much faster than expected

rest of servers are all hosted on my site, excluding the ZdL Server, I dont know, when it goes down, and I need to clarify this with the owner


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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #66 on: July 26, 2006, 04:13:55 pm »
Nice speech Sorky. I think most users will agree you. Sure there can always be more, maybe that some more players understood the situation if the thread "Chaos Empire Finanzierung... " were public and not donators only...

But what upsets some players i hav talked to is that many questions stay unanswered. It seems that serious questions are ignored.
Let me give you a example:

symfora offered to "donate" a new server <- no reaction

I asked Hans how he manages the donators realm access, for he must keep a list to see who paid for how long and when the accounts expire. For there are only little differences to the proposed WoW try and buy system, even it is not supported by the realm software <- no reaction

This is what upsets people and this is why some stick to the free realm and do not donate for as long as their questions r not answered.
I dont say this is the best soulution, these are just some facts i collected from my subjective point of view.

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #67 on: July 26, 2006, 04:16:52 pm »
wrong, i answered, but everything is visible to you, but i didnt get back an answer

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #68 on: July 26, 2006, 04:22:20 pm »
Sry u answered via pm?
Ok then excuse my impatience!


Hmm is asked him but nothin...

As far as i see your last post relating symforas offer is from July 24, 2006, 07:31:18 am
and the following post from July 24, 2006, 09:20:34 am is the last one relating this topic.

Maybe you two should get in close contact, outside the forum?!
Hehe theres a offer for new (for you Hans free) server capacity!
« Last Edit: July 26, 2006, 04:54:37 pm by sheeper »

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #69 on: July 26, 2006, 04:30:32 pm »
Morning CE and players,

                                     Well like you said, it has been coming to this. Does not make it easier, I am sure. You have worked tirelessly to make this mod the best it can be. You have done a great job too! I think if enough dedicated players stick with it, it will draw more players, and the mod will grow again! I am confident that this is a short time set back.

                                      Widowmaker and me will always play and have fun and donate to help keep mod alive.

@Sorky : nice post, and well said!

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #70 on: July 27, 2006, 07:32:42 am »
wrong, i answered, but everything is visible to you, but i didnt get back an answer

Sorry for sounding bitter now, but since July 22nd, I have suggested donating a server to the public realm three times. GubbelGubbel even quoted that particular passage in a direct reply to you. Only once did you get back with some futile, redundant, remarks.

I did not receive an answer in this thread, not a PM, not even an email, containing any additional information.

Now that the end of the public realm seems eminent, it surprises me that you simply ignore offers like these.

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #71 on: July 27, 2006, 07:47:04 am »
you got an answer in this thread, you got a pm
I didnt got answers

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #72 on: July 27, 2006, 11:15:17 am »
you got an answer in this thread, you got a pm
I didnt got answers

As of this time, 11:00 AM, I have only one message in my inbox (from GubbelGubbel, btw thanks!).
Perhaps you sent pm to the wrong person or account?
Please try to resend the info, either as PM or email. thanks.

low latency, high upload, 24hour online, no big outgoing things, no emule /torrent, fixed ip, access to the machine and some open ports, webserver

This is not the info I asked for. Those are obvious, as I stated before. All the things you mentioned here are common for any game server environment, or could be easily configured.

low latency: any latency is better than no public realm at all.
High upload: Unlimited 1024kb/s upstream should be sufficient to cater a fair number of simultaneous players.
24 hour online: all my systems are online 24/7
Outgoing/emule/torrent: bandwidth shaping is a wonderful thing.
fixed ip: it's been the same for almost a year now.
access to machine and webserver: can be provided. (I assume the webserver is for administrative purposes only?)

But I really need to know the CPU/RAM requirements.
If my spare machines do not meet those minimum requirements, then everything else is water under the bridge.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2006, 11:26:29 am by symfora »


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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #73 on: July 27, 2006, 02:20:55 pm »
As far as i see this leads to nowhere, just go to check the forums and maybe download the gameserver. The rest you should already got on your harddisk...


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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #74 on: July 27, 2006, 05:58:57 pm »
There was one post for Hardware Requirements of D2 and it said that for 200 active users a machine with 2Gb RAM and 3Ghz is needed.
Can u approve that Hans? How big is Aloas machine? For you long term experience u can surely give more informations.


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