I beleive you entirely missed the point that Hans and some of the other long time players have been trying to make.
Which is, this mod has been running for over 2 years and it has been, up to now, free to all. While this was nice for us, it was not so nice for Hans, who paid for all of the equipment, plus made the mod, plus donated his time in maintaining the servers. This has taken most of his time and alot of his own money, leaving him short of funds for his own bills and food.
The request for donations has been slowly comming to the forefront as the server load has become greater as the mod has increased in popularity.
Now the time has finally come that Donations are a must have. This will ensure that the quality of the game play will contine, at the level that we have become used to. Fixing bugs and adding content have cost Hans many hours of work. This is not his job, it is his hobby.
Those opposing the server split in this thread are New players who have not expereinced the growth of this mod, its great community, and stuck by Hans when things didn't go so well.
Hans has made it clear for quite a few months now, that he cannot handle the entire expense of this d2 mod community. As donations were too slow to come in to handle the high overhead cost of running this community, Something had to change. And that change is, Donations are now a must have situation. While obviously this does not please everyone, anyone who loves this mod and wants to stay connected to this great community, has a choice. Donate, or go somewhere else and play something else.
If you are new and don't understand why you have to pay to play D2, then you need to read some past posts and try to understand this is not Bnet. Bnet sucks and has a really crappy player base. Lots of cheaters, dupers, pkers, etc.... This mod has none of that. Here it is safe to mule in and open game, just let it be know what you are doing. Players help each other here, not kill each other.
This Mod is so fine, that it is the only online game I now play, and I have accounts in most new online games. The players here are so helpfull and friendly that it almost seems unreal that the only worry you have ingame is 'try to kill that monster before it kills you'.
If the free realm seems a little sparse, most likely the players you miss have moved over to the Donators realm. I was slow moving over because I didn't know about changing the realm to Chaose Empire.
Also I don't see the point you made about Donators "elite" status. It is not how much you donate, but that you do donate. That is the point. We do not care how much you give in comparison to us, me or whomever. The fact that you give, and stay as a member of this community. This is what is important to us.
We welcome you as a Donator, amount unknown. Please stay and join us in the new ladder season. We are not any different there as we were in the old realm. We will help all who ask and 99% of the time we will always be polite,, this depends on if we have had our coffee yet .

So Donate as much as you feel is right for you. I hope to see you in the new ream.