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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #30 on: July 16, 2006, 09:47:38 pm »
kontonummer zum spenden gibts da
angeben sollteste vllt deinen nickname und das es ne spende ist

e-mail bekommste aufm donators realm, nachdem du dich da angemeldet hast

by chio:
Die Maßeinheit für spammen=1Fenris

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #31 on: July 16, 2006, 09:57:29 pm »
sobald du einen spender avatar hie rim forum hast, kannst in ein spzielles unterforum, dort steht, wie du dir den acc anlegst

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #32 on: July 16, 2006, 09:59:05 pm »

Yes i did not donate yet. But i was not complaining the need of some euros.
I do like the mod that much that i realy think about spending money to keep it alife.

The thing i want to point at is that a splitted server is a step in the wrong direction if u want to motivate new players. For me the community is the best i hav ever seen, but how should a newbie learn that lesson if he/she never meets the people cause they r playin on the donator realm and he/she cannot?


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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #33 on: July 17, 2006, 06:45:49 am »
Good behavior is not only the abandonment of donators, we expect it from everyone.

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #34 on: July 17, 2006, 08:48:14 am »

we tried it more than a half year, with a message in game, in forum and so on..

Really a few people (and those mostly more than once) donated, and the rest...used it as along, as free....
so, without a "must have", they wont start

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #35 on: July 17, 2006, 07:32:09 pm »
I understand that.
I know the server needs money. I dont expect u to pay that for all the other players. This is a free project and i see the realm as a bonus - a very fine one by the way.

What i dont understand is why u opened a new server.
Why dont u say we play all on one server. At least for one or two months it is free and if u want to continue after that u hav to pay.

Now new players start on the free server with only half the community they could get to know.
- One effect is that there r not so many "knowing" players who can help with the new gameplay.
- Second, when their characters grow up. There are less high lvl chars that may help in difficult passages (chaos sanctuary for melee chars e.g.).
- Third with only some better chars the market for good items (übers) is very small.
- And last but not least if u trained some chars on the free server and like the game, u may want to donate and want to play on the donators realm but u hav to start from zero again :(

Though i m relatively new i can see all of the effects above right now one week after the other server opened...

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #36 on: July 17, 2006, 07:44:19 pm »
the issue is, d2 has no option to make time counted account, so, the only way to give more performance to the donators, and have not much trouble with checking online times versus money is..the split...
i m really unhappy with that situatuion, but the 1-2month habve already been more than is not new that this sitaution will come..but mostly all ignored it..

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #37 on: July 17, 2006, 08:16:49 pm »
Hi Hans,
             Nice to see ya, and I just finished reading all the news and Widow told me to check this area cause I had posted here. I have not had a cup of wake up fuel (coffee) :), so I looked and see that some player has decided that he/she has been offended because they have to Donate to play on the New server! All those things said sound like a bunch of Bull to me. The new server is a great idea and it is working!! The games are getting smoother and more people are playing. There were 4 or more games running last night. It will continue to grow.
             Now I do not know what Sheeper problem is OTHER than he does not want to sent any funds to help the game! That a shame, and throwing comments at me is a bad move, because players like me, all read the forum and Now they know where Sheeper stands on everything and probably will not help. I know that sounds harse but that the way people are.
              That guy acts like some one is robbing him. lol !!

              Hans, you ideas of makin new serve is very good and the most of us fully agree!! Keep on doing what you do so well!! :)

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #38 on: July 18, 2006, 05:27:05 pm »
I looked and see that some player has decided that he/she has been offended because they have to Donate to play on the New server!

dont know who u point at and therefor i dont care. I said i understand the need of money. And i said i m willing to pay it. Good enough for you?

All those things said sound like a bunch of Bull to me.

very constructive  ??? - i see u hav great understanding of discussions.

The new server is a great idea and it is working!! The games are getting smoother and more people are playing. There were 4 or more games running last night. It will continue to grow.

Ok this is your opinion. I respect that. U like the server split - i dont.
As far as i understood Hans he s not happy with the situation too but the server dont support locking accounts after a preset of time. I see this is a problem and un/locking accounts by hand takes too much time :(
Hmm but how do you manage it with the donators server?

Now I do not know what Sheeper problem is OTHER than he does not want to sent any funds to help the game!

Well maybe its to early in the morning and your coffee isnt working the way he should but i think i clearly described the things i dont like about the split. Please try to pick every point i wrote and say why u dont see that as a problem. Maybe u see it in a completly other light and i was just too blind. That wouldnt be a problem for me.
So please try to convince me!

That a shame, and throwing comments at me is a bad move, because players like me, all read the forum and Now they know where Sheeper stands on everything and probably will not help. I know that sounds harse but that the way people are.
              That guy acts like some one is robbing him. lol !!

Damn what is that? Did i attack u personaly? Is it because i hav another opinion?
I tried to start a discussion because there is something happening i dont like. Aint this the key-feature of every forum?

Yes now everyone who read this thread knows "I (sheeper) dont like the server split".
What s wrong about that?

And what does the comment "players like me" mean? Am i no player like u? Cause i dont play the mod as long as u do? Cause u donated earlier than i do? Are u a better human than i am?

I m sorry i cut here. I didnt want to flame but i just dont understand what Allen wants to say, why shame on me?

All i wanted was a qualified discussion with pro and contra to the server spllit.
But what i read about it was smth. like that:
    "i m a better player cause i donated and u did not"
    "drink less beer and u can donate" or smth like that :angry:

All i wanted to talk about was the split not the need of donations, did i already say that i understand their need and that i m willing to donate?.
Well of course the problems r connected...

That a shame, and throwing Hans, you ideas of makin new serve is very good and the most of us fully agree!! Keep on doing what you do so well!! :)

Ok this is your opinion. It s ok for me. Just tell me why u like it and i m fine. And if u like to, read my posts and try to collect my arguments and say why u dont think they r problems. I did never want something else than that.

But everytime i read your post i thought u didnt read or understand mine :( a pretty bad base for a discussion.
Hopefully we only play on different servers and dont life in different worlds - oh sorry i didnt want to flame  :angel12:
« Last Edit: July 18, 2006, 05:29:41 pm by sheeper »

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #39 on: July 18, 2006, 05:43:51 pm »


this results into personal flame war, and I m much more unhabppy with that, than with the server split

The result of the Split, is the grow of a new single server...

Once again, the more people switch over, the less people play without donation...the more server are needed in donators backend(and are payable) there will be a time, when the last free server goes down
and this time is coming faster than most of all believe

reason is easy...i warned more than 9 month, since begin of this year i botted the message into games, mostly no effect
sometimes there popped up a discussion about donation, then..a few (really few) new people donated, and some always donating people, donated again(and helped people not able..but also people not willing to donate, also if they can)

we waited long enough, now ~14days left until 1 or 2 big servers (donated by users) will go down, so I must decide, and i have decided, and everybody has enough time to switch over..
probably on 1st august, the light goes out for free..probably there are only 5-10 games possible on a realy small machine..we will see

but my priority is not to invest 80% of my time for the free servers, when I m able to invest 20% time into donators and keep them running cause of people excepting the "fee" needed to keep their fun online

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #40 on: July 19, 2006, 05:15:46 am »
Hi Hans and players,

                                Well we (me and Widowmaker) have been off and on here lately, because we got alot going on lately around here too. So play time and all will suffer a little. No time and not enough hours in the day! But we will still donate as always and will continue to do so. Even tho we may not be around as much, we will keep visitin the Forum to keep up with the News, and playing when we can.
                                  I really hate it has come to this situation, but I think anyone watching knew it was possible, Widowmaker and myself keep paying attention to how many (Blue) names we were seeing and they have increased nicely, but we knew it wasn't looking like it was enough to really help with all the servers being used. Hopefully, even after losing the servers you are speaking of, It could still get better in the future!! Never lose your focus Hans, you have a great mod and will still grow I am sure :) It just may take a little longer than expected.

                                   Widowmaker and I will always support you and your helpers on the other side of the ocean, with this fantastic mod!! We enjoy it very much and I do not see that ending. It is a great way to relax and let off some steam, if you know what I mean lol !!

                                   We I gonna get off here, Keep your head up :P, it is gonna be alright !!


PS : We All gonna suffer if the Gas prices keep going up !! (:()
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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #41 on: July 19, 2006, 05:01:41 pm »
Hmm ok,
sry for flaming i didnt want to. I m harldy new to the mod and realy like it. A fantastic pice of work like Allen said. And je i understand u do much more like to spend your time for the donators than to the ones u were asking for half a year now.

As i said i relatively new and so i remeber my first steps on the mod. I was realy pleased about all the help i got and it just frightened me that with the grow of the new server new players wont get this help cause most people r gone. Especialy now that the blizzard server is goin even worse and possibly some new players therefor wanne try your mod (well this was my intetion).

I think more players will try the mod if the realm is free for at last a month or two and more of them stay if they experience the community as it was before the split.
Well it sounds like the free servers r going down in a near future and then new players will be even harder be aquired for they instantly hav to give some money to play on the realm.
Overall i m sorry about the situation, i just wanted to get to know the gameplay and donate when i like it. Seems the other way is needed to keep the server up and running.

As long as the free server is up, playable, crowded and i hav the time - i ll stick to it, cause i like to give the help i used to get. And when this one ll be shut down we met on the donators realm^^

sry for flaming i m shure u r a good man, just didnt understand u sometimes...


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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #42 on: July 19, 2006, 05:30:10 pm »
so..why not directly switch over to the donators..
new ladder season...much more friendly players ( less 1week playing bnet kids..which never will learn to behave)

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #43 on: July 19, 2006, 05:57:42 pm »
Oh there still are friendly players on the free realm ;)
And i just started a month ago, dont remeber the exacte date and now the time has come that i may find my first ueber... i want to find one on my own :D
Well and as i said i like to help the newbies.
How should they get to love the mod if noone is there to tell them about it? <- that was overall my problem with the new server

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #44 on: July 19, 2006, 06:08:13 pm »
so, why discussing, if you never have the intation to support the hardware :)

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