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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #45 on: July 19, 2006, 06:21:51 pm »
Hi all,
        Got a few free minuetes to check forum and games. Trying to get some house cleaning done before Widowmaker get off work, or my butt might be sore.!:) She a Red head, so clean I must. lol

@sheeper, we were both at fault! Me as much as you. No worries :)

         Everybody is going to have to adjust to the facts that ALL games have problems and the real players will help the games and makers of the games. Mainly because, like me, it gives me a headache just thinking of all the brain work involved in building a game ! I love the games but I could never build one. I can build houses and racing engines and other stuff done with your hands and sweat, but building something as huge as this mod or any mod for that matter, is out of the question:) Hell, I cant even type good, but I can KILL the monsters!!

So anyway, we will all survive I am sure. Play hard and hang with it!!

@CE Hang in there :P, it gonna be alright!

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #46 on: July 19, 2006, 08:38:16 pm »
Hi guys, I'm not new to D2 but I'm a total newb at Chaos Empire; PLEASE HELP ME!

I'm at the Catacombs, all I can fight is 'The Butcher' from d1; he's basically impossible for me (Lvl 25 which is ridicilous for Act1 !!)

What am I suppose to do ?! Where do I go, the walkthrough is in german.

HELP ME PLEASE! (I'm a newb to this forums systems to, please post a tip here <this artical>)


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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #47 on: July 19, 2006, 10:11:09 pm »

I read this in three (wrong) boards!

Use the map, and use your eyes, and always look on small ways

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #48 on: July 19, 2006, 10:44:32 pm »
so, why discussing, if you never have the intation to support the hardware :)

I do support - u ll see in a few days :)

Well u said this problem is around for the last 6 months but i m here for maybe a month and i did not find a thread were the possibilities were discussed maybe i didn t look close enough ???

I just thought it s a pitty that noone seems to care for symforas post cause i agreed with his opinion.

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #49 on: July 20, 2006, 05:29:23 pm »
Wie funktioniert es genau? Kann ich dir 12 Euro schicken, und dann ein Jahr auf den "Donators" Servern spielen ?
Kann ich meine alten Chars nicht mitnehmen?
Und reicht das Geld fürn Jahr? (Bin Schüler und bald Student, da schmerzt jeder Betrag)...
Aber ich muss sagen, ich verstehs so wie dus gemacht, obwohl ich jez wohl oder übel zahlen muss :D

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #50 on: July 20, 2006, 10:59:33 pm »
da die 12 euro mal auf 300 leute gerechnet waren, wir aber nicht mal auf 100 kommen, wurde dies angehoben auf 30 pro jahr

und ich steh vor der fruerente und soll monatlich mit 1/3 dessen was ich vorher hatte auskommen..da schmerzt jeder cent sicher mehr.. vor allem, wenn er nicht mal fue rmich ausgegeben wird

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #51 on: July 21, 2006, 06:04:32 pm »
Morning all,

                   I am just checking in. I ran in the new realm last night, and it was smooth as glass!:)

it played with NO lag at all. Now I need to find Spock (Star Trek) to translate some of the posts on



lol !! Not complaining, just joking!
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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #52 on: July 21, 2006, 07:08:43 pm »
Now I need to find Spock (Star Trek) to translate some of the posts on here!!
There is a multi-level creature on your shoulder.
There is a multi-language creature on your shoulder.
There is a multi-legged creature on your shoulder.
*sounds of Leonard Nemoy killing the assistant director*
*Rodenberry*Ok, we'll go with "multi-legged".  Jeesh.  Leonard! what is so hard about saying "Look, a spider"?
It would be illogical to lie.  But the actor has lice. Sorry about the first two screw-ups.  Have the Dub-girl hold my script card still please.

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #53 on: July 21, 2006, 08:08:08 pm »
@brian donators realm...see new announcement..and check the skelliemancer there..but dont forget BO and the LifeGhost

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #54 on: July 22, 2006, 07:41:39 am »

• It seems that any message that does not sing glory about the new realm is immediately considered hostile, and the responses are not only unfriendly but totally besides the point.

• Neither I nor Sheeper have said anything indicating that we are *not* willing to contribute. We raised valid questions about the survivability of the community and are worried about the fragmentation of our not-so-big community, but in return we get a respin of old records. I've read Brian's beer and hamburger comparison on several other threads already, it didn't add anything new to the issues I brought forward. Allen's responses were downright spiteful and totally uncalled for. I do feel personally offended by his messages. If you have no intention to discuss a message constructively, then please restrain yourself from answering. Thanks.

• Not everyone is attracted to D2/CE for the same reasons.
Personally, I am a slow player. I like to collect items. I compare sets/uniques that I already have and keep the best of these, minor upgrades, but I like that. I also like to store a few extra items to hand down to new players or friends. I don't care about my ranking on a ladder. I play this game for my own entertainment and not for competition. I like to chat a lot. I like to help newbies or people with lesser knowledge about the game, as I was helped before. I like to learn from the people who have higher level characters and/or equipment. My highest level char is 86 and still in act1 cgs. I like to have many different characters and builds.

For most people 1 account may suffice. Considering the above, I have a big problem with the limited amount of space, especially since I've started my 6th character today.

• I think I do understand the original intentions of disabling level and player limitations, showing all games, no passworded games: prevent people from isolating themselves, stimulate community interaction. (Hans-Jürgen: correct me if I am wrong). I think I'm a perfect example of someone who interacts a lot with people *in game*. I care less about posting on a forum, since playing (organizing, comparing, chatting, learning, educating and helping) consumes nearly all my time already as is :-)

• The 8kb bug got me again yesterday, I was given a lot of items by a friend who changed realm (and whom I will miss dearly). Unfortunately I lost many great items, since my character was already holding a lot of items that you would consider low level crap :-(

I would gladly pay my membership fee to get rid of the current EULA limitations.
But starting from scratch, without newbies, without half of my friends, with only one account and continued risk to loose items due to 8kb bug, doesn't appeal to me at all.

• @Hans-Jürgen: as we are relatively new players, we have not seen the bot messages for 6-9 months, but only as long as we are playing (and evaluating this mod). To you it may be dragging on for a long time, for us newbs it's not been all that obvious.
Many times I felt that julia wasn't sending the proper message. The messages are usually set in a negative tone, complaining, nagging. I think you could yield better results with a friendly, challenging message, that clearly says what you want/expect from people. Julia likes to talk in riddles. I you want I'd gladly volunteer to proofread julia's messages to fix embarrasing mistakes like "to expensive, to laggy" (should be "too" in both cases).
For example, this particular message was just like a nagging old hag, spinning the same record over and over again, with an open ending like "servers are to expensive,..." (or something like that)
It may have been more fruitful if Julia had said something like "Hi, we urgently need funds to keep the servers running. please visit http*insert correct url* for detailed information.".

PS. english is not my native language. I am dutch, and we seem to be less political correct than is common in other countries. I apologize if I offended anyone unintentionally :-)

on a more positive note:

• I would like to know the system requirements for a server.
• Is there a ready made package to run a CE server, or how and where can I obtain the necessary software and settings?

I would gladly dedicate some hardware and my bandwidth to add an extra server to the public realm.

Having been a helpdesk/testlab engineer for more than seven years, I think I should be able to handle the setup easily :-)

Thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2006, 03:19:33 pm by symfora »

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #55 on: July 22, 2006, 09:55:16 am »
I m in hurry, so a quick answer:

In game there is a NEWS message, dated somewhat in future 2010, or similiar
Also, we have written about needed money since month in forum
The game opens forum automatically,

I also told many times, also with bot, thatI expect every user, to write/read in forum

Traffic in forum, with many people means, attractive for advertising partners

A dead (forum) community, is a dead advertiser place


We maked it more attractive to give you, and your friends a place to talk a lot, find friends, be part of real life events, share your goods at marketplace, upload your pictures, new also the option to create your personal family tree, and some more things, like the browser game and so on....

Mostly no one makes use of it...same people, do same things on other places

So, I hoped, you buy your amazon goods via our search box...again..failed...

So..last step, and most hated step, is make a must have donation, like in a closed club community (another description for CCC??? )

Once again, we can only life, and grow, if everyone takes the time, to be part of the community, shares his/her interests, let other be part of it

Mostly all told me, they are playing CE cause the mod is ok, AND the community is great....

Where is the community?! if it needs herself?!

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #56 on: July 22, 2006, 11:45:46 am »
Dont rail against the community, its still there...but most poeple are not interested in buying things on, the best market place for selling things is still ebay, this is just a question of efficiency... , and a family tree in an open forum, my opinion: a strange idea...., i think you still did not notice that 9x % from poeple who are here just want to play a mod in a friendly community, and everyone wants to decide himself if he`ll talk about personal things, or maybe meet poeple in reallife. (my experiences are positive with that)
Shure, i understand your request to get poeple together, and this is commendable, but theres no way to force that.

Where is the community?! if it needs herself?!
you wrote..

Here for example:
• I would like to know the system requirements for a server.
• Is there a ready made package to run a CE server, or how and where can I obtain the necessary software and settings?

I would gladly dedicate some hardware and my bandwidth to add an extra server to the public realm.

Having been a helpdesk/testlab engineer for more than seven years, I think I should be able to handle the setup easily :-)

 Just some thoughts on saturday morning, and..only my personal opinion.

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #57 on: July 22, 2006, 12:07:59 pm »
read my nbaseline, instead piucking some simple words out of context

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #58 on: July 22, 2006, 05:02:09 pm »
Well said Finger and CE !! I have nothing to add, because I am fixin to go play :) Have a great day you guys !

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Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
« Reply #59 on: July 24, 2006, 01:28:48 am »
Ok now that i am donator i hav access to the donators forum and there i found what i was looking for:
A Thread with a discussion about the possibilities to get some money for the realm...

Why didnt u move it to the public forum Hans? Some people were asking for it and i think this one could have been of great intrest for every player!
Well this discussion started some time before the split and is a little outdated now but for the forum active players this is for sure (hehe symfora i learned^^) intresting.

I understand why u like to hav a active forum community Hans but i think most new and older players just like your mod and the ingame community. The forum needs a lot of time to read the new posts and most of the time people r complaining about simple things that one either dont understand (cause he is new) or one dont care for (cause its of no intrest for you).

Hmm a dead forum is indeed no good idea but browser game foto upload or family tree just dont attract the people as much as your mod does :) (a sighn of your good work, ey?) and most of the questions r answered ingame i think, by people like symfora or lasarf for example.
At least the argument of a dead advertising space is a little weak for u did say serveral times that u r not able to aquire valuable advertising partners.

Its very difficult to bring people together wich just want to enjoy your game. If they get to know each other better and like to share a little more than playing together there r many other platforms for doin so, no?


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