what is the meaning of GRAFT
Cut a branch from one tree (apple) and make a cut into another tree (pear) put the apple tree branch into the cut in the pear tree, and the pear tree now grows apples on that branch... this is what "graft the apple tree branch into the pear tree" means.
Giving the Necro a Paladin skill is grafting the skill. Â Cut skin from one person/creature to repair burn injury on another person is a skin graft.
@webwalker nice ideas
some seem not to be possible, some seem to be need more trial and error or me..maybe next version
I'll believe that! Â (I tried to keep the ideas fairly clear, but that doesn't mean that implementation is simple!)
necro: reduce curse curse..why..pala has an aura doing the same...i think it is also on a merc
You guys sleep the hours I play, I work the hours you play, so I'm almost always alone. Â Party play is almost impossible for me. Â And, I play much slower that most of you guys (you guys generally make Kamikazi Banzai Crazies seem a bit timid).
bonespear is 33% phys. dmg...
This must be new as of the next patch, because it wasn't there last time I tried to kill a Lava Maw with a Bone Spear. Â Bone Spirit also? Â (Bone Spirit needs a random laughter sound track while it is in flight...)
ama: why dim vision?
So ama doesn't get rushed by mobs of monsters and can strafe/multi from a distance until the area is clear. Â It's my idea of what skill does the Amazon most need (another possibility is Enchant... add magic damage from points in Penetrate and this is covered).
sorc: never saw a stone spell working in d2(long freeze lenght should be possible...but this wont work on cold immunes, what is multiple images??)
From ancient AD&D (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons) not d2 at all... stoneskin meaning physical damage reduction until the spell wears off (like assa Fade)... Â Multiple Images means there are 2, 3, 4, ... of you for the enemy to attack, only 1 is *really* you. Hitting an image wears it out. Â It's a mages' version of Dodge/Evade/Avoid/Decoy.
assa: if you wear a throwing weapon it should work with bladespells, i assume
It does, you are right, but since they're NOT claw-class weapons you have a big AR hurdle to overcome, and Baba Masteries overcome AR problems. Â Thus my suggestion that throwing mastery would be a great help to blade fury assassin.
pala: like nec...there is the spell..play party 
If I could, and could understand the chatter...
baba..really playing babas with daggers??? this man like a bear with such little knifes 
Yup! Â Whirlwind with a pair of Gull or other high-MF daggers and watch the stuff hit the ground! Â Much faster than a pair of Ali Baba blades (which are sslloowwwwww). Â Baba needs an Oil of IAS. (And to be able to dual-wield spear/polearm/GreatAxe/anything smaller than a real bear)
I love this mod! Â It keeps me out of SO much trouble!