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AuthorTopic: Is Disco Aura bugged?  (Read 10213 times)

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Offline TiberianTopic starter

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Is Disco Aura bugged?
« on: October 03, 2005, 10:26:36 pm »
Just plain monsters have this thing, and it's on you before the monster is onscreen. By the time I find it I'm half dead and you have to ignore everything to charge straight at the monster, so you get destroyed by the mob you had to pull to get the other guy. I hope it's bugged, it seems like something that just need to be on uniques, not plain old whites roaming all over the place.

Also, it seems to be on way too many monsters. I ran the Bloody Foothills and it there was only a 10 seconds at the most till I found a monster with another aura.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2005, 10:30:56 pm by Tiberian »

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Re: Is Disco Aura bugged?
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2005, 10:39:16 pm »
no it's supposed to be on every monster with a 10% chance

but i agree with you the radius is too high, at least it shouldn't go through walls

Offline TiberianTopic starter

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Re: Is Disco Aura bugged?
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2005, 10:49:14 pm »
That seems a little high, doesn't it? 1 in 10 monsters has this thing? It's crippling. For my sorc, if my mana is low and I come across this aura, once my mana hits zero I can't even tele away, and I can't even wait 3 secs so I regen enough to kill it. Once it's on and I hit 0 mana I have to run or pot. When I use a pot it's still draining the little bit I get back from that so I don't get many attacks. This aura is about the meanest thing I'd expect to see on a unique and random guys gets it. That just seems crazy.

[img width=640 height=480][/img]

That's insane. There's 4 monsters on the same screen with it. I didn't get to see if it stacks, but I had to hit a full rejuv then exit the game just to avoid death. I'm lv42 in normal difficulty.

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Re: Is Disco Aura bugged?
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2005, 02:33:02 am »
I have a level 94 necro with almost 3k mana but when i run into disco aura it burns away in a flash using potions is hopeless i  had to back off to regenerate ,that was in frigid highlands so it wasn't too hard to back off but i imagine it won't be so easy in dungeons

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Re: Is Disco Aura bugged?
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2005, 06:06:00 am »
Sorcs got screwed hard because tele is already disabled in half the areas so running 2 screens away isn't that easy. This aura is crazy, but it'd at least be managable if the distance was reduced. This change just deviates way too much for me. Before it was still Diablo 2, now it's just like a million other mods where someone had a crazy idea and ran with it. I like the basic game, adding in wacky stuff just detracts too much from the core game play.

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Re: Is Disco Aura bugged?
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2005, 11:23:31 am »
This is my experience with the new Disco Aura.

I have a lvl 78 Bowazon that has completed all but Baal in the 'Lets Rock" level.  I have good life and mana leech, full Bartucs, with the new boots(95% resists all) and a Faith bow.

Since the 7.61 patch, I cannot go from the Frigid Highlands wp to the Arreat Plateau wp without bailing out of the game.
As a Bowazon, you can only leech life and mana from mobs that you can hit.  If the mob is not in your line of sight(as behind a wall) you can't hit it, thus you can't leech from him.  But he can leech your life and mana from behind any object, like a tree, or from  behind said wall, where he is safe from your attack.

I was repeatedly leeched dry from these hidden mobs while others ran up to me to hit me. You just cant drink fast enough in a situation like this.  I tried to get to the hidden mobs to kill them, only to be drained by a new one and chased back by adds. After about 1/2 an hour I gave up to check out other locations.
 I found the same thing every where I went. Where there was an object that could block my line of sight to my attack, I was eventually overwhelmed and I had to leave. I was even chased out of the normal Cow level.  :(

Here is another situation that caused me to have to bail out of the game.
I met a Disco mob who was Immune to all my attacks(or to my most damaging ones). This is a most fearsome encounter as they most always bring along some friends. Normal tactics do not apply here.  They will Drain you while attacking you, while you try to kill his friends. One or more of his friends may also be Immune to you and one or more may also have Disco.  This was how I was chased out of the Cow level and the Outer Steps,,, embarrassing.   :angry4:

While it is not unusual to have to drink while fighting,  having a high leech Zon, who is a fragil character to start with, who now has to drink a full Rejuve every 2 to 3 seconds,  is most unusual and ultimately a deadly combination. 

As of this time I don't have a character who is able to play in this mod.  I never have liked D2 melee characters and I don't plan on ever playing one.  If Disco was put in to make more people play melee characters, as it seems to say in the Readme.txt,  you have lost one devotee here.
I love a challange.  I hate the Impossible.

This is the only game I presently play and I do not find it Fun anymore.

I will retire my characters for now, just to keep them alive and see what happens. :dontknow:
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Re: Is Disco Aura bugged?
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2005, 03:07:54 pm »
That's disheartening, because a bowazon is the other char I would make. The readme says caster beware, but every class uses mana. Even a so called melee char will get their mana drained, and then what? No whirlwind, no zeal, no nothing. You can't even regular fight something because your life is going down too. I was looking forward to playing D2 again, and I really hope this thing goes away or gets toned down.

Sorry to keep griping about this, but did anyone try this aura out with a new char? How am I supposed to make any new char and live when I have no gear and have to single attack everything? I don't have the mana to support any attacks, and the ones I want are lv24 and 30 anyway. It's death to charge into any large mob at low levels with terrible equip, pleas please please do something to tone this aura down.

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Re: Is Disco Aura bugged?
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2005, 03:13:26 pm »
How many status points did you invested into energy?
I expect a minimum of 1/lvl

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Offline TiberianTopic starter

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Re: Is Disco Aura bugged?
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2005, 03:30:35 pm »
Are you asking about my sorc? I have 120 base energy, 168 with mods. I'm lv42. Total mana a little over a 1000. I don't see how it would matter if I had 5000 mana though. I might live just a bit longer before being forced back to town.

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Re: Is Disco Aura bugged?
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2005, 03:53:33 pm »
I tried my elemental Druid and he is totally non playable.  I get drained completely and I cant see who is doing it.  If I dont kill the drainer if the first few seconds, my mana is gone and I suck another juve.  I cant drink fast enough to keep hurricane and arma gedden going.  I have no ranged attack and by the time I reach the mobs, my mana is gone.
I emptied my belt in the cows and finally had to leave.  There were so many with disco, i couldnt kill them fast enough and I have alot of mana regen, but it is usless now.

I to will set aside and wait and see, I dont want to loose my character to areas that should be very easy for me. I tried to level and made 1/3 level before I ran out of juves, and came way to close to dying twice.

This is not a fun situation.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2005, 04:04:02 pm by Ruid »

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Re: Is Disco Aura bugged?
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2005, 04:11:35 pm »
It's death to charge into any large mob at low levels with terrible equip...

Ummm... Errr... charging into a large mob is called suicide in most places.  Regardless of the gear.  We've played Steam-rollerTheMonsters, I think we need to distract/breakup the mobs and engage them piecemeal.

Use movement and skills to break up large packs.

OK, I tried two new characters last night:
1: IchBinTot, a Throw-Cry barb.  I horked EVERY corpse for purples, drank MANY potions red and purple, and considered life steal a manadatory item attribute. I levelled OK, and progressed OK... through Q1 & Q2 in Act 1 Normal... in other words I don't have enough data to say.
2: ClownDerTot, a skelliemancer. Correction: Chickenmancer. I run up close enough to get my skellies to engage, then run out of aura range, drink, and return to keep my skellies engaged.  Rescued Cain.  Haven't tried Corpse Explosion (putting ALL points into raise skel/skel mastery)  Spent time to gamble a +3 RS head and +2 RS wand. So far, so good, the skelliemancer may again be a tank build.

I don't think we've got enough data to conclude anything except: our assumptions need re-study.

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Re: Is Disco Aura bugged?
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2005, 04:33:50 pm »

Ummm... Errr... charging into a large mob is called suicide in most places.  Regardless of the gear.  We've played Steam-rollerTheMonsters, I think we need to distract/breakup the mobs and engage them piecemeal.

Use movement and skills to break up large packs.

Right. Getting close enough to activate the mobs so you can break them up means getting into aura range. That means I can't use skills to break them up because my mana is gone and I'm half dead. For that to work you also have to have a safe place to pull them to, and when you first get to a floor sometimes that's not an option.

Get to the barracks and you'll have enough data. Once you get anywhere with walls it's impossible. You can't kill them fast enough becasue it's too narrow to get to him and kill him then run back, and half the time you can't see where it's coming from anyway. This aura changes the game way too much, right now it's kill the aura monsters then regroup and kill everyone else. That's lame.

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Re: Is Disco Aura bugged?
« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2005, 04:47:42 pm »
Getting close enough to activate the mobs so you can break them up means getting into aura range. That means I can't use skills to break them up because my mana is gone and I'm half dead.
Are you putting any points into energy, or considering +mana items of great value?  This aura changes things pretty greatly, and I'm hoping there's an adjustment of scale (range of aura, rate of drain of aura going down), otherwise we're looking at totally re-thinking "what makes good gear".
I'm in Hard Core, Ladder, exclusively, so I'm always pumping vitality, always using base mana and +mana equipment.  I may need to re-think this.
For that to work you also have to have a safe place to pull them to, and when you first get to a floor sometimes that's not an option.
Agreed.  This aura makes stair traps more deadly than before. Doing the Countess with IchBinTot and ClownDerTot will be an important test.
Get to the barracks and you'll have enough data. Once you get anywhere with walls it's impossible. You can't kill them fast enough becasue it's too narrow to get to him and kill him then run back, and half the time you can't see where it's coming from anyway.
I agree that walls should stop this aura, or that resists should reduce it, or both.
This aura changes the game way too much, right now it's kill the aura monsters then regroup and kill everyone else.
That sounds like a great plan!  It's a playing style change.

That's lame.
Only if we are. This is a community-driven Mod.  Chaos has bears the full cost of this Empire (except for the meger help of those few who donate) and has final say.  We, on the other hand, get to experiment, consider, and contribute to the pool of thought that is the Mod.

New Thought: Change effect of gems Ruby and Sapphire to give regen as well as boost total.  We use up sockets, the aura hits us less.  (OK, maybe not new, but it just came to me now).

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Re: Is Disco Aura bugged?
« Reply #13 on: October 04, 2005, 04:57:36 pm »
If you were asking about my Bowazon, I am not sure how many points I put into energy early on.  It must have been around 30-40 points.  I have 6k health and 1k mana from mods.  I agree with Tiberian that having 5k mana would not solve the problem.  The drain is so drastic and firing and missing just aggravates the problem.  There are so many drainers that you cannot directly attack to get a leech back. It now is a contest on how fast you can suck a juve and kill the Disco guy, all the while watching your health which now drains as fast as the mana, there is just more of life to last longer..but a hit at this time would probably mean death....btw, I play only HC.


Charging into a large group is never a good idea in D2.  Put out a feeler and see what lies ahead, then pick off the fringes untill all are dead, good D2 tactics. Just one hell of alot harder now.

RE: Webwalkers post.
I have not tried a new character with Disco, as of now.  I have not addressed really low level characeters.
 Lots of new characters use melee to get started, so this may not be as detrimental to hitters as it is to casters in the early levels. But a low level caster, like a nova sorc, or Psy sin, will have geat diffulculty in getting through act one.

 I am mainly concerned atm, with characters in the mid 50's to 90's.  Areas where you have good equipment and have developed some good skills in staying alive.  It is here that I find the threat of dying to be disproportionately ballanced to doing just that, play and you will die.

This change really saddens me.  I understand making a game difficult so that really skilled players can show there stuff.  But to make a game so difficult that it becomes tedious to stay alive, no matter what your skill level, well that seems to have gone to far.

  As I have said before, I play CCC for the challange, the great community, and for the Fun of this great Mod.
I just feel that alot of the Fun has left the game.

Please put some of the Fun back in.
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Re: Is Disco Aura bugged?
« Reply #14 on: October 04, 2005, 05:20:00 pm »
Are you putting any points into energy, or considering +mana items of great value? This aura changes things pretty greatly, and I'm hoping there's an adjustment of scale (range of aura, rate of drain of aura going down), otherwise we're looking at totally re-thinking "what makes good gear".
I'm in Hard Core, Ladder, exclusively, so I'm always pumping vitality, always using base mana and +mana equipment. I may need to re-think this.
I posted my stats earlier, my sorc is lv42 with 120 base energy, 168 energy with equip (mostly from Dreamflange). I also have frostburn. This is my first char on this mod so it's not like I have access to awesome stuff to twink my char with. This aura seems like it was made to affect late game hell char that already have good equip, so newbie like me really get hit hard by it.


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