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AuthorTopic: SP 2 Feedback  (Read 12859 times)

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Re: SP 2 Feedback
« Reply #75 on: April 25, 2006, 05:26:50 am »

"we don't expect anyone to learn english" = wir erwarten nicht, dass irgendjemand englisch lernt

"we don't expect anyone learning english" = wir erwarten keine englisch lernenden personen zu Besuch

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Re: SP 2 Feedback
« Reply #76 on: April 25, 2006, 07:57:29 am »
hm war eigentlich klar, im nachhinein ist man sowieso schlauer :)

jetzt aber back 2 topic bitte, wir wollen ja nicht dass das hier ausartet :)

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Re: SP 2 Feedback
« Reply #77 on: April 25, 2006, 09:46:53 am »
I like the tries of brian and kat to use translators, and learn english that way

anyone of us, who ever used translators, should know about the bad results

i was able to get base line in kats post, also it was funny to see the translation of iron maiden (Eiserne Jungfrau)

i dont wanna know how often other people need to suggest what i m trying to say with my english words :P

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Re: SP 2 Feedback
« Reply #78 on: April 25, 2006, 01:18:44 pm »
sry for my german post, now i try in english ^^

i think melee chars need to be improved, it's very hard to play an fanazealot, especially in areas like chaos sanctuary, but IM is not the only problem

i have 29XXX Def, +75% blockchance and sometimes when i have a bad day, Sloth and his minions (in Lr!) kill me within a few seconds...
« Last Edit: April 25, 2006, 02:38:10 pm by Little »

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Re: SP 2 Feedback
« Reply #79 on: April 25, 2006, 04:23:51 pm »

"we don't expect anyone to learn english" is correct

Also a tip, with english, usually smaller sentences are the more correct ones ^.^
無秩序帝国r 。I.p. 4 月19 日、 2006 年

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Re: SP 2 Feedback
« Reply #80 on: April 25, 2006, 11:43:57 pm »
Also a tip, with english, usually smaller sentences are the more correct ones
In many cases, "marriage" is a life sentence, so maybe you're correct that the shorter sentences are more likely correct.
i have 29XXX Def, +75% blockchance and sometimes when i have a bad day, Sloth and his minions (in Lr!) kill me within a few seconds
Switch to Sanctuary aura (wide area knockback for Undead), and you get to chase them down one at a time and kill them.
A "Ranger's Sting" short war bow (which gives + to strafe) can do the same if you have knockback from somewhere else in your gear)
(Likewize Beeswarm, Long Battle Bow which gives a + to multi-shot).  These last two solutions are not "melee" however, so they dno't answer the question of the Mod being melee-unfriendly.

Actually the *mod* isn't melee-unfriendly, it's the *mobs* that are!

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Re: SP 2 Feedback
« Reply #81 on: April 26, 2006, 12:04:11 am »
when playing a good party...there is nothing only need to find a synergy for your skils..and learn teamplay

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Re: SP 2 Feedback
« Reply #82 on: April 26, 2006, 09:38:46 am »

This reply is from an avid HC player and does not reflect SC play.

You may wish and design this mod for teamplay, but it is my
experience that teamplay is the exception rather than the rule.

I love being on a team.  I always look for other games with players that are about my level, or on the same quest, or near the same quest and I do find games to join whenever I can.
But it is usually with only 1 or 2 players at the most.  There just isn't enough people playing this mod for teamplay to be a regular event.

I see full groups sometimes, but usually it is mixed levels on different quests.  They joined to be on the same team for body recovery, and more xp earned, but it cannot be considered teamplay, just multiple people in the same game at the same time.

The community here is great at joining up and helping each other and I do see real teams of players at about the same level going though the game.  These teams are usually players that know each other in real life and plan to play at the same time.  This is not to say that it doesn't happen by chance, but I think it is alot more rare than you would like to think.

I think the amount of games that I have been involved in with more than 3 players doing the same quest at about the same level is less than 10.  This is counting since before the 7.55 patch.  Most games I am in are either solo, or with another player or 2 and we are all at different levels.
 The second most common game I am in is with 1 other player at about the same level and we go through a couple of acts togather, then one or the other has to leave.  While this mod is really alot more fun with others of the same level doing the same quest, it is not all that common to do so.

I always prefer teamplay and seek it out on every login.  In reality it is just not that likely to happen and that is a real shame. 
We need more players to fully experience this mod as you intended. 

I think most of the players I have partied with have been really good team players and I think we have learned good teamwork and understand party play.  Alot of us have been involved in D2 since D1, and understand how important good teamwork is in this game. 

I think some of the negative feed back you get on mod changes are based on the fact that this game is really hard to solo!
You have designed a great mod for teamplay and there just isn't enough people online to make continous teamplay a reality. (you also have to consider that some people prefer to have the online experience of community, while playing solo). 

There is also the fact that sometimes you just cannot find a game that suits your quest needs, mainly where the quest level that you want is higher than anyone who is online can participate in.
When the quest that you need is lower than the quest of others, you can ask if they will join your game and assist with your quest, but I don't think this is what you meant by teamplay.

So you see what is maybe the catch 22 of this mod.  Great for teamplay, but really, really hard to solo CGS.  In fact I would say just about impossible with out ubers and soulstones.  Certainly impossible for some class builds and nearly impossible for others unless joined on a good large team.

As I said up front, this is a HC point of view.  If death wasn't an issue, I might just go along with mod changes, good or bad, as the consequences would have little effect on me eventually getting to the last 5 levels. 

But since death is an issue, I think I have the right to say "this game used to be more fun".

Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility.   :partytime:

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Re: SP 2 Feedback
« Reply #83 on: April 26, 2006, 10:06:30 am »
hi sorky

thanks for feedback

for the not enough players, i can only say...take your fingers to your nose :P
i m trying to say...advertise everywhere it is possible, the mod, the community and so on

since more than 2 years i hope, player will also bring other players for eg starcraft, warcraft, d1...
but nothing happens

every person tells me..we like the community..but why does no one like to invite his freinds...
why is forum unused for community talk, if it is a great community

and why does no one play together..when it is a great community

sure, the behaviour is better than in bnet..but this is only a really minimum basline, caused by my rulez, and efforts to make playing little bit more fair

i join hc games..and most of them..dont have party to loot any one..if you arent in party/loot allowed...

i wont talk about sc..its much more like horror...

but, when i see the amount of players in sc and compare it with hc..

hc is not even better...the good point for hc loose everything, without playing together, and..~25players are surely more familiar, than ~ 1500players

if hc will be as big as sc, i think, behvoiur would nearly be the same

still my point of view

if you like the community, use it, improve it..and live it...

ok..i know, sounds like a stupid german tv spot..but this is truth..every person here, is part of this big family...and if you wont get your family near need to make "childs" so invite people, use non-d2 parts of forum, talk together...your content, makes forum more interesting

or has no one anything to say

are all of you, without hobby, stories in your life?

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Re: SP 2 Feedback
« Reply #84 on: April 26, 2006, 12:48:45 pm »
In which HC games you`ve been?
It isnt nessesary to join a Party if the only reason to join a game is just for mule or make some Items/RW, gamble etc.
It also doesnt make sense to invite a level 1 Mule in a Party...the atmosphere in Hc is very friendly and familliar and i got the first uber/SS this ladder for free without asking...maybe one reason is that we know us reallife, i think its a difference if you know who is sitting on the other side of the internet connection.
So please dont tell something else here :P


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Re: SP 2 Feedback
« Reply #85 on: April 26, 2006, 01:01:13 pm »
Inviting people here is a little bit of a problem:

The best group to invite would be people from LoD Bnet (the good ones). Unfortunately, CE is so great that I haven't played on Bnet for over 2 years. I don't know anyone over there, and probably most people here don't know anyone from Bnet anymore.

It's even worse for StarCraft. People just join and quit games one battle at a time. Chances of knowing more than 1-2 people on SC is close to zero (except if you are in a clan). People from ego-shooter games.... well, that's all they do: shoot people. They're not really into RPG's.

I've tried to get cousins or friends from school to join CE, but same problem here: most people play ego-shooters, or they have never spend more time on playing the original diablo to even get above lvl 18.

Does anyone have a proposal how to get people here?

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Re: SP 2 Feedback
« Reply #86 on: April 26, 2006, 01:27:13 pm »
read what i write..

@all you still forget that CE is not only a teached me..that we are acommunity..and i wanna see that...but i cant see it in forum

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Re: SP 2 Feedback
« Reply #87 on: April 27, 2006, 11:47:33 pm »
joe is right about the whole community thing

ce has become much more than just a diablo 2 mod
in fact most of the first members of the community (including me) don't play much d2 anymore (i lost interest a while ago, not because ce is a bad mod, in fact it's the best, but because i've been playing d2 for several years now and it's just enough for the moment)

if everybody likes the community why aren't there more people playing all the other games joe put up servers for
the trackmania server for example is very low frequented, i hope to see some more people there in the future


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