I use strafe, I found it has better flexibility than multi arrow. Strafe is nasty vs a single creature. I've never been killed by strafe lock (although almost many times), although I do have to be careful. Bloodravens legacy give +2000 fire damage so straight PI's really aren't a problem.. 2000 X 25 arrows=dead critter!
Note: there is a delay, when you hit anything with strafe, that until 4 frames pass that critter won't be hit with strafe again. "NextDelay". If your frame-rate is 2 (and it should be) it takes 2 seconds to unleash all 25 arrows, and 8 of them (max) can hit the same target (every third arrow). So you have 2000x8=16000 fire damage, which is still reason to reach for the burn ointment.
Immolation arrow is lvl 70, magic arrow is mid 60's.
Could I get better ED from rare jewels than Ohm runes?
Jewels top out at 40%ED, Ohm is 50%, so "which is better" depends on the second mod on the jewel, which could be +15 to minimum damage. This jewel would be superior to straight Ohm.
Remember also your rings can be socketed to hold a gem, jewel, or rune, the effect is the same as in a weapon, so 2 more Ohm can go there, or Um, Nef, Cham, etc.
Is Crushing blow still 1/10 current hps for bows?
What about open wounds? I read some place that its no longer dependant on Character lvl.. so what kinda damage does it do now?
I believe Ranged Weapons and mercs do 1/16 damage by C.B., only player melee does 1/8 damage, but 1/16 of life 8 times in 2 seconds is 31.29% of original life remaining. Getting 100%CB is not easy, but do-able. DIVA set with Ber in the rings is about 70%-80%CB right there.
Suggestion for Bloodravens Legeacy... Change lvl 50 meteor when you die to.. lvl 50 Fists of heaven. It makes far more sense since its fists of heaven that goes off then you kill bloodraven 
Also it would have much more bloodraven feel if you changed +40 fire golem to.. revive slain as zombie 10% or something along that line
Since I play HC, the % chance on death is, well... pointless. Especially since Merc death doesn't trigger it.
%chance to cast on attack or hit would be better... Static field would be perfect. Fire Golems are wonderrful... give one to BloodRaven, and a dozen to Diablo.