The infered potuion would be nice, <grin> But it's graphics could be a red torch instead of a pot.
Be easirer to find, not sold, just a drop. <SMILE>
Being mobed helps get exprence. <GRIN> If you live, which I try to do. I hate it when butcher runs amok.
I think it would be nicer as a torch, if possible. CE will decide, of coarse. <grin>
I try to train my rouges to be killers and equip them better than my zon. My vikes tend to be blood thristy, too.
A normal act one rougue gets nasty in Hell. Nastier now that they can use more equipment. <Big Nasty SMILE>
What can I say, I like nasty little girls. I tend to keep my rogues through all levels, to the end.
I see you have put a lot of thought into your reasons, what ever secondary skill is added it sould
be strong enought to last more than 30 sec. and be able to kill or defend in hell.
I see that you don't list the bow as being socketed.

Wish I had a hard copy of the set.. <darn> Looking at set in stash.
Yep! No sokets in the bow. This would alow up to six sockets for it.
I would mostly use elite jewels in it with just one or two runes. <grin> <NASTY>
Too bad a rougue can't use. <NASTIER>
I have tried to nuge CE into figuring out how to get more mercs or allow them to use class restricted
equipment. <dreaming> Probable not possible.
Have you looked at the Blood Raven Dispair Set. I only have the bow and armor, not her pain.
No class restrictions. <SMILE> My rouge will love it. Even though its less than 50% dmg and def of
Blood Ravins Remains.
This is a wishful though,,,, I have noticed that in some sets, the number of sockets vairies in some of the items.
And that class restrictions are dropped or missing. IF this was is a bug it's a nice one. <SMILE>
A little varity in the sets would just make them more interesting to find and use, not nesscesarily stronger.
<darn, no spell checker, typos and missed spelled words are free>

My zon is using M'avina's Battle Hymn right now. My other zons are retired. The oils have made her a killer.
So far that is. Strill in Lets Rock, though. Hell will change that. <girn>
Jewel drops still too thin, only three trough the deseart part of act two. Of coarse one was an elite. <small SMILE>
Just starting Palace.
Sorry about chattering away so much,, enjoy your posts,
Ps; Webwalker I agree.
Some of the secondary enhancments of sets could be more radom,