We played last night, and (true) Lava maws were not fun, they never have been. You ran a tank-a-sorc, I ran a strafe-a-zon. We were mid-40's to early 50's, and ran into Lava maws in the catacombs. Due to a difference in playing styles, you took more high-damage hits than I. (I use decoy to find where the enemy is and to distract them while I deal with them). The highest damage hits I recall you taking was from the lightning balls of the Tainted class deamons, not the barf from Lava maws.
I never tried SP1, I was in high-priority distractions all Easter weekend and barely got onto the forum with at most minimal playing, which apparently was not on server 4. I note that SP2 run/walk seems some, but not much, slower than 7.66; not enough slower to make-or-break HC playability (I also am HC only). I just don't use a Blitzkrieg/Banzai playing style when alone.
So I hope to see you online...