AuthorTopic: Please suggest a powerful character build for me!  (Read 4683 times)

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Please suggest a powerful character build for me!
« on: April 18, 2005, 02:22:11 am »
Things have not only changed a lot since then, I also don't really remember what was powerful while I played.  I've been looking at some 1.10 guides over on, but they don't seem to be powerful enough for this mod.  Anyone have any brilliant suggestions for me?  My favorite characters to play are ones with pets, but I used to love playing Barbarians, too.  I'm really up for anything, but if you have a gread Druid/Trapsassin/Necromancer build, please post it!  Thanks in advance.

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Please suggest a powerful character build for me!
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2005, 06:56:44 am »
look here

there are many guides for char :)
but all in german ....  


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Please suggest a powerful character build for me!
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2005, 12:31:56 pm »
Heh i dont know any good builds that can go thru hell. Well my sorc is pure lightining thats not enuf(damned random immunities+normaly immune to lightining dudes). Dont make sorcs. Maybe a hammerdin or some summoner necro and dont forget mercs.

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Please suggest a powerful character build for me!
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2005, 12:39:09 pm »
I think hammadin's not really a strong charakter. maybe in normal or first two acts in nightmare. but there are many monsters with mi/pi-stat, and I think if you fight  them with melee-attacks, you should be vulnerable beacuse of the caster equipment. if you chose foh as second attack, you have to fight with the castdelay mostly  :blink:

why not sorc? sorc with multi-elemental damage should be no problem in ce because of thousands of skill-items, charms and farnhams...

read the guides and think about, they're really helpfull :thumbup:  
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Please suggest a powerful character build for me!
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2005, 12:43:22 pm »
Meeeh i am inexperianced. I think if u have good items and know how to build properly u can pwn nicely with pretty much any class. No matter. I am building a hammerdin and i am planing on using act3 merc. Will that work?
BTW i heard that in hell act3 lightning merc has some Baal inferno thingy. :blink:  

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Please suggest a powerful character build for me!
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2005, 12:44:39 pm »
Hammerdin actually isn't that good in CE.

But as you like necs, a Summoner actually is a quite good build. Just max Skeletons, Mastery and CE. In additions you should max either poison (->nova) or boneskills (spear/spirit) including syns. Also don't forget to drop some points into resistance for your monsters and the curses of your choice. Thus you have a strong bunch of blockers (skellis) and two major attack skills (CE and nova/bone), effectively dealing three types of damage (physical, fire and poison/magic). A merc from act 3 could deal a fourth one (cold or lightning). This build is really safe and you also deal some devastating damage by yourself.



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Please suggest a powerful character build for me!
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2005, 12:48:40 pm »
BTW i heard that in hell act3 lightning merc has some Baal inferno thingy. :blink:
OK. What do u think about.... ^
« Last Edit: April 18, 2005, 12:48:54 pm by vycka »

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Please suggest a powerful character build for me!
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2005, 01:43:49 pm »
yup, every a3 merc got one of the baal attacks in higher lvls, light merc got the manabsorbing light attack, firemerc, the firenova and icemerc the ice-V

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Please suggest a powerful character build for me!
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2005, 02:20:46 pm »
Relative to a 1.08 experience, the most important source of power is not knowledge of the classes and skills so much as the changes in the game itself. :blink:

Assuming you knew 1.08 with the LOD expansion, you know of runes and charms.  High level runes were "The Runes of Never-Find".  Here they are (almost) common.
Charms were a trade-off between 40 cells of space in your inventory and gained resists or gained damage power. Here, with 99 spaces, and *rare* charms, you can do both. :thumbup:

Rune Words were powerful, but you had to find a *white lable* item to get Larzuk to socket it, or find a grey-label item with the right number of sockets.  Here, you can take any rare weapon, armor, helm, shield, *belt*, that you like, cube it with PGems = 2*the number of sockets that you want, and the item now has the number of sockets that you want.  Now put in the runes for the rune word you want. Yes, in the Rare item!  Find *the* *perfect* necro shield ("voodoo handbag"), with +2 skills, resists, and +3 to Summon Resists, Revive, and Lower Resists, and Rhyme it!  Find *the* *perfect* necro wand, with +2 skills, Mana, Life, and +3 to bone spear, Corpse Explosion, and Golem Mastery, and White it. :clap:

There were class-specific items,  Now there are about three times as many, including necro-specific armor.  Find a rare one with skills and resists and Smoke it.  Find a rare circlet with +skills, mana and life, and Lore it.

Relative to 1.08 these items would be "Ith" hacks.  Here they are items of moderate power.  The monsters you face are far tougher and more numerous than in 1.08. :beer:

In 1.08 you had unique items.  Here you trip over them.  The more common uniques here are little more than "good" rare items. Some are truly the substance of delight.  In 1.08 you wondered where to farm for the unique that you wanted.  Here the answer is simple: Gheed.  You'll find body parts and oils and potions that sell to Gheed for very large sums of gold.  Gamble items you want until you get what you want. :sword_rune:  :bow_arrow:  :axeman:

With all this joy comes some changes we don't love.  In the jail, or catecombs, you might encounter King Leoric and his troupe of magic-arrow minions.  This can be a 1-hit-kill on any character not yet out of act 1.  Plus he and Andariel swap places randomly :s662:  You might also meet The Butcher, another 1-hit kill on any character under level 50. :bash: In the jails, they're both behind "hidden" walls, so dont'  :wallbash:  unless you're ready for the (loss of) experience.  There are other "surprises".  Without them, we'd go play Mario and kick turtles.  You'll get addicted like the rest of us.  :s434:  
« Last Edit: April 18, 2005, 02:36:03 pm by webwalker »


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Please suggest a powerful character build for me!
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2005, 02:51:11 pm »
yup, every a3 merc got one of the baal attacks in higher lvls, light merc got the manabsorbing light attack, firemerc, the firenova and icemerc the ice-V
Ohh ok. Now are those baal attacks are effective? And aonther question: that baal inferno is purely lighting? btw in readme it doesent say cold has ice-V attack of baals. Well i ll gotta try and find out somehow.


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Please suggest a powerful character build for me!
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2005, 06:48:53 pm »
Thanks for the replies everyone (especially webwalker)!  Looks like I'll be attempting to play as a summoner Necromancer for a while. :)

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Please suggest a powerful character build for me!
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2005, 12:34:47 am »
yeah, im gonna have to try a necro too as soon as i get done building up my druid which is taking some time, which i have plenty of


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Please suggest a powerful character build for me!
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2005, 02:23:42 am »
The Necromancer seems to be working well.  I could solo King Leoric at level 22, so I think I'm in good shape.  :s663:  


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