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AuthorTopic: Vampire (Trang Oul) Cast rate  (Read 8146 times)

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Vampire (Trang Oul) Cast rate
« on: February 27, 2011, 04:08:30 am »
I was wondering if this has been adjusted in this mod.  I know in regular diablo 2, the Vampire version of the Necro using the full trang-oul set suffered from a slower hit rate/cast rate (stupid IMO).  I was wondering if this has been altered somehow in the CE mod.
I always thought it was dumb that a sorc could use a full Tal-rasha set and have her cast rate unaffected while a necro with the full trang oul set had to suffer more frames per cast. 

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Re: Vampire (Trang Oul) Cast rate
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2011, 12:59:37 am »
no, vampire casts as slow as ever. But since this is CE and not LoD there is no need to use Trang ouls. Gloves are nice, but the rest...
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Re: Vampire (Trang Oul) Cast rate
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2011, 09:44:31 pm »
Cause Trang Oul converts into vampire, you get slow
If you would transfer into Butcher, you would be fast as lightning

Speed is based on the speed of the converted monster, there is no setting inside the setitems, beside the conversion into vampire

if i remove conversion from set, you will get all stats, without conversion and speed restriction

if this si wanted by people, i can remove it

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Re: Vampire (Trang Oul) Cast rate
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2011, 04:14:10 am »
no, vampire casts as slow as ever. But since this is CE and not LoD there is no need to use Trang ouls. Gloves are nice, but the rest...

Is there an english venomancer guide somewhere?  I was browsing the guides, but could only find them in german.  Since I don't know a lick of german, it's hard for me to figure out what is optimal gear.  I looked through all of the sets, and as far as sets were concerned, the best for a poison/bone necro was trang-ouls (besides the slower casting due to vampire transformation).

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Re: Vampire (Trang Oul) Cast rate
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2011, 08:56:27 am »
if i remove conversion from set, you will get all stats, without conversion and speed restriction

if this si wanted by people, i can remove it

Could you modify the vampire monster itself to improve TO set? But I guess that would make them alot stronger in the game :D

edit: I can't find any venomancer guides with a full TO set. But I would think that...

head: gd+7 with 3 poison facetts
amulet: uber+5
rings: uber+5/uber+5
armor: Shadow Trick with poison facetts
weapon: Hoto in +2skill flail?
gloves: uber+5 or TO-set
shield: crest of avalon into monarch with poison facetts
boots: uber+5
girdle: uber+5

is pretty much the optimal equipment in my opinion. If you looked for a cheaper equipment or for a full TO equipment just leave a message here, I'll try to make one then. I dunno if it's your first char or if you already have all that stuff so I did a highend-equip :)
You get resistances through charms and uberamulet, you get fcr through charms btw.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2011, 09:14:36 am by insufficient »

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Re: Vampire (Trang Oul) Cast rate
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2011, 09:27:02 pm »
Well I figured that for the most part Ubers would be the best, but I was looking for a more economical choice.  Essentially, what would be the step down from using the uber stuff.
This is my first char, so I'm not decked out in expensive gear.  My charms currently give FCR to put me over the highest breakpoint (120 i think?) after my equipment and help me with lagging resistances.  I'm just in LR right now at level 61, I have the TO sheild and armor, been trying to gamble (with gambling and rare jewel cube recipe) the rest of it as an upgrade on what I have.

Right now I use Bartucs armor and boots, Autumn's decay gloves (for the poison stuff) Snowmane's jewelry set for helm, amy, 1 ring, and belt. TO sheild, and a +2 necro +1 skill rare ring.

For the poison aspect of my build, using TO would drop enemy psn res by 50% while increasing my psn skill damage by 50%
if i used the imperial greaves that gives -75% to -100% enemy poison res and gives me 20% magic res. so I was planning on doing it like this:
Jewelry of the Diva set
Imperial Greaves
Then either the dagger that can give -20%/+20% psn res psn damage or Dragon Talon (Dagger that says it can have up to 6 sockets) with poison facets
And id upgrade/socket my gear with psn facets.

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Re: Vampire (Trang Oul) Cast rate
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2011, 11:19:37 pm »
Sounds pretty reasonable for the most part. I'm not a huge fan of the jewelery set because I think even uniques (Sigil of Hope, Fellowship's Hope) outclass the set by far. I'd also choose Heart of the Oak runeword in a crafted +2 skills flail because you really lack +skills with the TO set and I guess you won't be swimming in poison facetts early on :P
Other than that, I'd agree with your choices but bear in mind that you can't just swap a piece of the TO set with a better item because of the set-boni, so it's harder to play the TO-way (in addition to the fcr problem)...

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Re: Vampire (Trang Oul) Cast rate
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2011, 11:21:40 pm »
bartuc set + diva set is the small version of uber items
should fit for any character not perfect but working, and upgradable

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Re: Vampire (Trang Oul) Cast rate
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2011, 02:12:32 am »
Thank you for all the information, I think I have an idea of what equipment path I'm going to take.  I didn't realize until now that I could add RWs to crafted stuff or that I could craft a +2 skills flail.  Just went back through the cubing page and found it.
I've also been brought to light about some of the new CE uniques that are pretty sweet.

One more question.  is there a hard cap to -% resists that are effective on enemies?  I know it doesn't work against immunes.  For instance, the Sorceress' Cold mastery does -% cold resists on enemy units instead of the +%dmg like fire and lightning masteries.  I recall reading in a sorc guide for LoD that there was a hard cap of -100% to enemy resists so that the only thing putting the cold mastery past 17 (-100%) would do is lower resists on cold resistant enemies  more.  Enemies without cold resistance wouldn't be effected by putting the mastery past -100%.
Essentially, you couldn't lower anything past -100%.  Even if you had -300%, and a monster started at a base 0, it wouldn't go below -100%.
Just wondering if this is still the case, or if it's been changed.

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Re: Vampire (Trang Oul) Cast rate
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2011, 02:58:51 pm »
1. The -% resistance of enemies hasn't got a cap, the cap is on the resists of the monster/player itself. A monster/player can't drop below -100% resistance. If you hit a monster that has for example 50% poison resistance you need -150% poison resistance on your items to get him down on the -100%. So the maximum of useful -% resists is 199%.
As you said it doesn't work against immunes. (monster is immun as soon as its resi hits 100%) but if you can break the immunity with "lower resi" and "conviction"(yes in CE conviction works on magic and poison too) the -% resi on your equipment will apply as soon as the immunity is gone.
in pvp other players will have far more than 100% resi so you can also apply mor -% on your equipment
2. Necromancer is the only char i wouldn't use the bartucs gloves on, since they cast one of the sorceress ice armors. This armor will cancel your bone armor and the vulnerable necro stands there with his pants down (killed me at least a dozen times now)
3. faster cast rate isn't needed on a poison necromancer, since poison nova works over 2 seconds and if you hit a monster twice the second nova will cancel the first one. So maxcast (125fcr btw) doesn't give you any benefit in terms of damage.
4. I would take a look at the "corruption coils" set. 100% additional poison damage and 3 skills. It drains your life but a prayer merc will sort that problem out. (pillar of faith(rw) speer or celestial plate (unique) for him doubles the healing) a meditaion on an item would triple it.
5. a dagger doesn't have 6 sox. No item can get more sox than the item type allows it to have. If the itemlist says 1-6 sox it only means it picks a random socket number between 1-6. If the number is more than the item can handle it just gets the maximum amount of sockets.
6. there is no need to make the poison necro any stronger, all you need for damage is poison facetts.
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