AuthorTopic: Good Bye All!  (Read 4320 times)

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Re: Good Bye All!
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2006, 04:01:45 am »
hey, Kat!

I aggree with you!  :headbang:

I have loaded sp2 for a try, but as of now, it seems to slow to play hc with it. I will make some speed tests when I get a chance, but I am so busy with the house, it could take some time to figure out.

I did check it out for about 5 minutes my lvl 80+ necro, with about 110 run speed and he seemed  about as fast as a level 1 paladin with his 40 speed boots.
I didn't die once last ladder which was a first for me.  This was due mainly to getting the timing down to attack the Maws and escaping  before the massive vomit hit and killed me.  (I also died twice to the corpse explosion bug while at the ancients), but I don't count those.  :taz:

To me, run speed is not an option.  You either have it or you play a gimped character, after all why do we carry fr charms and wear boots like bartucs.  As the game gets harder as we level up, we need to be more defensive, and this requires speed.  To nerf the speed is to nerf the whole balance of the game.  Hit and run, in and out, is the nature of this game to most classes.  Hit, kill, kill, take damage, drink and run,,,, rinse and repeat.

Run speed also effects the very basic pace of the game. This is a very fast paced game.  It was designed this way and CE has made the pace even faster.  If you take your eyes off the screen for even a moment while out in the field, you could get attacked from an off screen rush and die before you could even react.  I think run speed is at the very root of this game, and without it, the game suffers to the point, that My necro now feels like one of the zombies out in the moor, slow, ponderous and near death.

CE if you think run speed needs to be nerfed, why not put a cap on it and let the little guys keep their speed.  We need it to reach CGS.  I have seen speeds over 200 which is really fast, and it does help escape, but it is also dangerous as you can easily overrun your ablility to fend off to many monsters.  I suggest capping the high end of speed and let us little guys be able to run away to fight another day.

@Kat  Please stick around, I enjoy your company and smart wit. 
Just ignore the witless flames as they can only scorch the ones that set them.

This to shall pass,,,,to what I am not sure, as this mod is ever evolving.  I feel that this is a good time for me to be busy with the house and not having much time for the game as I am not sure I would be willing to risk my characters death.

GL to you,
Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility.   :partytime:


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