Scariest monster?
Mom? The Momster could send me to the corner (rogues camp) until I say I'm sorry.
Tax Collector? Carries a Vorpal Pencil, able to draw the bottom line (cross it and you're totaled!)
Mad Motorcylcists? Run over everything, jumping obsticles, showing off their turn & one-wheel abilities and, occasionally, running over US.
PETA activists? (look at all the poor helpless monsters we're killing!)
ACLU attorneys? (look at all those poor helpless monsters whose civil rights we're violating)
I dunno, I still hate Lava Maws, and Hork Spawn, and stair-traps, and IM.
€Chaos OK, before Kat screams again, I comment inline

Lava Maws have really be lowered in 7.66, so they are really much easier to kill
HorkSpawn...hee whats wrong with this little "frogs"...dont give them so much pepper, and their breath will be ok...
Edit Webwalker: Yes, Lava Maws are less of a pain than before, and Hork Spawn... they need breath mints like Mr. Freaking Big Lizard Himself. I've gotten scared a few times by them (and dead a few times too, but, not to complain). IM, on the other hand, rendered the melee character a dead-end. Stair-traps do that to everybody, but with less certainty than IM. If IM were replaced by Cloak of Shadows, then there would still be worry, and ranged fighters/spell casters would be more strongly limited, but melee chars would not be suicidal.