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AuthorTopic: Bugs to be removed for 7.67 hopefully....  (Read 3981 times)

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Bugs to be removed for 7.67 hopefully....
« on: April 04, 2006, 08:04:02 am »
Some annoying bugs happened to myself and a few friends while trying to do rather simple things.  The first was everyone in our four person group could not get credit for andarial.  Only one of us did it, and he was our level.  After a few more tries it took the quest reciever to solo andy to get quest.  If the person who defeated her in anyway attacked her, it was quest failed.

Another annoying bug (but well known) is the infamous "word not dropping" from uniques in act II...  was very annoying having to remake games to get the words. 

The biggest glitch tho, was one of my friends wanted to do the tristram quest.  Okay no big deal.  Got the words, opened trist portal (and discovered a nice way to shave 2 hours in cow maze btw). 

All went well except cain was not in his giblet (and a new game was made just to do this quest and nobody talked to any npc or went anywhere but to trist that game). We got the cow level wp no prob.  Got moo moo, killed monsters in town, got the words in the sublevels but akara would not give us "you're my hero".

I know the reward is a lonely doll but what happens if we tried this on LR or forbid CGS where the stakes are much higher.  This quest needs to be repeatable or some of the conditions lessened so there will be little bugs.  I wouldnt mind UBERS being removed from game if made revisitable (but reward only once like a boss fight).

Sorry had to vent, all this made for a very fustrating night.  Love everyelse still tho ^.^ just final "act" needs wp's or something.  Too buggy to be a "one shot" deal.
Postet at: April 04, 2006, 07:52:20 am
Sorry for double post but also to add, its very silly for someone who has killed andariel to not be able to use a party members tp into catacombs 4....

They cant rush, they did the quest! and they are not opening but trying to enter.  The anti-rush features do more harm than good.  I hope they get fixed or removed for reasons like this.  Maybe a level requirement could be added for anti-rush?  If a lvl 30 tried to open a tp in cat 4 for a lvl 18 char... yes i believe the lvl 18 should not be able to enter (unless they have killed andy already) but it seems silly that a lvl 30 could open a tp and the lvl 63 could not enter it.... 

Am I wrong for thinking this?
無秩序帝国r 。I.p. 4 月19 日、 2006 年

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Re: Bugs to be removed for 7.67 hopefully....
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2006, 10:18:45 pm »
Having to solo Andariel is news to me, partly because I'm almost always alone in my game.  The cheat that it stops is for one person to do the kill while everybody else waits in town.  This is the mechanism for making level 1 hell-mules to do the Hell-Forge quest 8 times per "real" character.

(as of 7.65) Words have dropped very reliably for me.  Even that flaming "Dork Wanderer" bug has gone away.  I even have the words dropping if I've killed that monster before and have his/her/its word in my stash.  Is this changed for 7.66?

Not being able to take another's portal: usually I can run quickly from the Cat2 wp to cat4 if it's been cleared on the way.  So, if another wants to join me in cat4, we meet at the cat2 wp and I lead them on the run to cat4, their map then includes cat2 to cat4 and things are copecetic since they can take their own TPs or re-run cat2-cat4 as they desire.

Overall, the Ubers disappearing wouldn't change my game much... if the power of the skills went up to compensate.

Anti-rushing features will remain imperfect, because it's a computer program vs human inventiveness. The barriers in place now seem coherent but for the areas where Teleport doesn't work.  This means the Summon Minion spell doesn't work, and that's an important spell!  If TPort always worked with (in places) radius reduced to zero, I'd be a bit happier.  What anti-rush changes are there between 7.65 & 7.66?

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Re: Bugs to be removed for 7.67 hopefully....
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2006, 11:27:46 pm »
no changes in antirush
seems that there is an issue in a1 q6..ut probably this was the only solution to block
i need to investigate that

also there is no bu with andariel quest, we just leeched 2 characters in town to act2 :P

also, word drops(and every other drop) can happen, if monster is near a wall, or..if you kill with one of those skills, we noted some time ago in another thread, probably someone has a link and can add it here

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Re: Bugs to be removed for 7.67 hopefully....
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2006, 12:17:58 am »
The andy bug was annoying, we were all fighting her and all within 2 lvls of eachother.  Only one char in group did the quest before and for some reason if they attacked her (they being the one who did quest) nobody else would get the quest.  Took us a few tries and soloing andy to figure that out.  Character was a trap assassin who used lightning traps on her. 

The words I know do not drop if enemy is near well anything, and it wasnt all of them, just Kaa.  He was  by some skellies and guided arrow killed him (he was near center of room) and no word was dropped.  Happened twice in a row (once with guided arrow another with a mace hit from a paladin, both did not have full staff or quest.)

I dont like rushing, but its very weird how it currently works.  If you did the quest you should be able to enter any portal period.  If you havent then yes you should be blocked. 

Also would it be possible to change how quest triggers work for bosses?  More people would join the same game if act I,IV,and V bosses could be defeated by anyone as long as they are still alive.  I think as long as the quest hasnt been touched in that game (like nobody touched the gibin hut) then anyone who didnt have the quest could go and touch it and take gibin.  Would keep  more players in the same game I think.
無秩序帝国r 。I.p. 4 月19 日、 2006 年

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Re: Bugs to be removed for 7.67 hopefully....
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2006, 04:31:00 am »

Since I'm not on-line, I have no beefs there.

Just the new !@^#$#$&^%** Quest in SP, is way too touchy.

Still cooling off from last failed atempt to complte.
Got all the words, but the last, "Your My Hero"..
Now theres a doll? ???

Da confussed confussous,,, Ha Ha HA

CE dumb question.
Do you play the same characters on-line as Single play? ???
On B-net you used different character, except in open play games.

I'll have to read up on the quest again, again, again...

:) +  + ;)   Don't Bite now, Lost my teeth
      /\         So now I tell rambling stories!
  / === \      Grumpy, I is
 ! /|||||\ !      Older than dirt, Piped God
 /||||||||\  aboard this here Sky boat called Earth.
          Roll my own cigarettes, strong tobacco
        Drink anything that don't kill me.
   Cleaned my musket, sharpened the blades
Long Bow is strong,  arrows heads sharp, start running
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Re: Bugs to be removed for 7.67 hopefully....
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2006, 06:53:11 pm »
Single Play, TCP/IP and Open bnet use the character you have on your hard drive.
If you network with somebody, then they play the character on their hard drive.
This means if you & I TCP/IP together, or OpenBnet together neither of us has a 'sure knowledge' that there's no cheating on the other end.

On the closed net, we play characters on Joe's hard drive.

Besides that, all items and quests are identical when a release is made.  "server side" changes are possible, and have happened more than a few times.

(unfortunately Mr Moderator here can't help folks with quests he hasn't done himself, so I'll have to beg for answers to quest questions from others).

Offline CheezyCheeze

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Re: Bugs to be removed for 7.67 hopefully....
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2006, 07:31:40 pm »
The most strange bug i have ever seen was that i got like 9 times more life and mana... I was invincible and could use up mana without even see i loose any mana... And it kept change... 376 to 1072... 107 to.. Well,you get it.
Postet at: April 05, 2006, 07:24:14 pm
There's also another annyoing bug.. People can cheat with it. Sometimes,you get another classes skill. For example a druid get Concentration. It's insane.

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Re: Bugs to be removed for 7.67 hopefully....
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2006, 07:48:20 pm »
concentration is an additional skill of driud..since 7.66

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Re: Bugs to be removed for 7.67 hopefully....
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2006, 08:13:23 pm »
There are 2 ways I know of to make life & mana jump up temporarily:
1: you get B.O. from a party member or yourself
2: you right-click on a "valuable elixer" which I think has the effect of casting level 100 B.O.
3: (for long-term) gain levels and put points into Vitality, or equip an item that adds life or vitality).

Which of these happened, Cheeze?


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