AuthorTopic: Barbarian guide?  (Read 3026 times)

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Barbarian guide?
« on: November 02, 2005, 05:58:54 am »
I have just started a barbarian (lvl15) to use in a 4 player game and really havent had much to to with him and need some help please(cant find a english guide,and cant speak german :) ) I know that i want to use concentrate and whirlwind as my main skills but am unsure about how to distribute my other skills and also what to put into strength,dex,vit and energy.Basically want to make a tough frontliner for my party.
Also one more thing im still unsure about :) Can you use runewords in gold items? Thanks for your help (i like all the varied opinions)

Offline webwalker

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Re: Barbarian guide?
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2005, 05:52:54 pm »
You'll need B.O. and it's synergies...
You'll need a method for dealing with PI and to avoid death from IM: Berserk and double-throw come to mind.
Energy is never increased in any of my characters.
Rune Words can go in Grey, White, Blue, and Yellow items.
Gold items never can take rune words.
Green items (set) cannot take a rune word, but *ethereal green* (tempered Rare) can!

(here's a wish: that Tempered items have an "ethereal color" the same shade as they have before tempering, and that Blue, White, and Grey items can be tempered.)

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Re: Barbarian guide?
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2005, 04:14:13 am »
Ok Thanks just one more dumb question :) Whats tempering and how does that work??

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Re: Barbarian guide?
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2005, 08:23:56 am »
tempering means to improve a rare item with body parts

for each item type there you will need 3 body parts

an example:

take a rare armor and cube it with 3 hearts, it will get life leech and the name of the item will get green

for other temper recipes look in the wiki at

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Re: Barbarian guide?
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2005, 12:20:56 pm »
Great thanks for your help

Offline Aleksa

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Re: Barbarian guide?
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2005, 01:20:43 pm »
You can also put runewords into crafted (kinda red) items. For example you craft a flail with you barb and it can get +2all skills and +2Barbarian skills. Then you cube the flail with 10 perfect gems and it has 5 socks, then you put amn-ral-mal-ist-ohm into it for "Call to arms" so you all in all you get +battle ordes from it for the second slot. Than you may combine the flail with another crafted +2all and +2barb flail and put heart of the oak into it for another +7bo flail for the second weapon on the second slot. So in the end you power up you party with an additional +15battleorders from the second slot. When you play in a 4player-party and want to be the frontliner you do not have to deal with physical immunites because the other 3 player shall be able to handle them. I would concentrate on helping the party with an amazing battle orders and nice physical damage. Whirlwind shall be the best decision if you can handle it good by staying in front of your party-members.

For a tank-barbar you may also play with a shield (anyway i do not really like shields because it reduces your damage by 50%; 2 Swords = doubled speed) and also put some skill-points into iron skin.

I would skill a party-barbar just like this:
30points cry (this defensiv shout-thing, dunno if cry is coorect)
30points battle orders
30points battle-commands
30points sword-mastery
30points whirlwind
30points leaping attack (synergie to whirlwind right?)
30points iron skin

Than you shall be able to deal nice physical damage and also tank pretty good.

When you play with shield just as recommend for a blocking-barb you shall put enough status-points into dexterity for max-block. For that you may use the unique shield "Crest of avalon" and always have a look what you characterscreen tells you about you blocking chance for setting the right points. Str just for carrying all the precious things that make you barbar look pretty cool and invincible... so just for requirments of you items (at this point i recognize that i talk too much). Energy shall be kinda useless because your bo gives enough mana in my opinion. So the rest shall be put into Vitality because you are the frontliner and you WANT to take damage!

Concernig you equipment you shall have a look that you always reach maximum resistances, very much damage-reduce (50% is cap for normal-status, 150%is cap when you are cursed with amplify damage) and suprisingly much life. Lifeleech is also very important and all the other things you already know.

Phew, i think that shall be enough but if you have any other questions, ask!

See you,

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Re: Barbarian guide?
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2005, 07:19:08 pm »
You can also put runewords into crafted (kinda red) items.
Correct: (color is "orange")
For example you
1: Craft a flail with your barb and it can get +2all skills and +2Barbarian skills. Then you cube the flail with 10 perfect gems so it gets 5 sockets, then you put Amn-Ral-Mal-Ist-Ohm into it for "Call to arms", so all in all you get +battle orders from it in one weapon slot.
2: Craft another flail with +2all and +2barb flail, then socket with 8 PGems, and put Ko-Vex-Pul-Thul for "Heart of the Oak" which gives +3 all skills, giving +7 to battle orders for the second weapon. So in the end you power up you party with an additional +15 to Battle Orders from these two weapons.

Your other side then carries the weapons or weapon and shield for Whirlwind.

When you play in a 4player-party and want to be the tank, you do not have to deal with physical immunites because the other 3 player will be able to handle them. I would concentrate on helping the party with an amazing battle orders and nice physical damage. Whirlwind will be the best decision if you can handle it good by staying in front of your party-members.  If you play alone, then Berserk is useful for physical-immune monsters, and for dealing with Iron Maiden.

For a tank-barb you may also play with a shield (anyway i do not really like shields because it reduces your damage by 50%; 2 Swords = doubled speed) and also put some skill-points into iron skin.

I would skill a party-barb just like this:
30points shout
30points battle orders
30points battle-commands
30points sword-mastery
30points whirlwind
30points leap attack (synergie to whirlwind right?)
30points iron skin

Then you will be able to deal nice physical damage and also be a pretty good tank.

When you play with a shield just as recommend for a blocking-barb, you will need to put enough stat-points into dexterity for max-block (75%). For that you may use the unique shield "Crest of avalon" and always have a look what you character screen tells you about you blocking chance for setting the right points. Str just for carrying all the precious things that make you barb look pretty cool and invincible... so just for requirments of your items (at this point i recognize that i talk too much (and that I correct too much)). Energy shall be kinda useless because your B.O. gives enough mana in my opinion. So the rest should be put into Vitality because you are the frontliner and you WANT to take damage!

Concernig your equipment you shouold strive to reach maximum resistances, very much damage-reduce (50% is cap for normal-status, 150%is cap when you are cursed with amplify damage) and suprisingly much life. Lifeleech is also very important and all the other things you already know.

Phew, i think that shall be enough but if you have any other questions, ask!

See you,

tweak/edit by Webwalker, who recommends the set "Legacy of Blood" comprising chain boots, breastplate, crusader gauntlets, and giant conch that have the name "Bartuc's"; the whole set boots your maximum resistance to 95%, gives +6 to +7 to all skills, and gives a good boost to the resists themselves.  When the breastplate is upgraded to Giant Hauberk, it can hold 4 Um runes, the hat can hold 2, this hould be enough to about max your resists in hell.

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Re: Barbarian guide?
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2005, 05:23:30 am »
Sounds great  Thanks :)


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