AuthorTopic: The tavern of Geglash  (Read 69024 times)

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Re: The tavern of Geglash
« Reply #240 on: September 09, 2006, 08:17:26 am »
Lots of Pics and documentarys about 9.11 in german TV actually, i still remember that day well.
My Boss guided me to his living room in the afternoon, showed his big tv set with pictures from the burning towers from US tv.
He said something like "we become a war"
For that moment and the hours after i went home and watched tv news i couldnt believe what i saw.
It was like a science fiction film...
I never forget the pictures from poeple who are jumping out of the windows and decided to jump to death instead of burning...really terrible.
How do you think about that today?
Did Bush right?
What do you think about the causes for so much hate against the christian civilisation?

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Re: The tavern of Geglash
« Reply #241 on: September 12, 2006, 01:54:57 am »
Be cause of good maners and a calmer mind I have deleted a tear dreched post about 9-11.
Sorry if I offended anyone.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2006, 02:11:54 am by bdpf »
:) +  + ;)   Don't Bite now, Lost my teeth
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  / === \      Grumpy, I is
 ! /|||||\ !      Older than dirt, Piped God
 /||||||||\  aboard this here Sky boat called Earth.
          Roll my own cigarettes, strong tobacco
        Drink anything that don't kill me.
   Cleaned my musket, sharpened the blades
Long Bow is strong,  arrows heads sharp, start running
Wannabe wordsmith, stories fabricated.
Don't call me late for lunch

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Re: The tavern of Geglash
« Reply #242 on: September 12, 2006, 07:51:33 am »

and btw, email has been ok :P

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Re: The tavern of Geglash
« Reply #243 on: September 13, 2006, 01:38:38 am »
I was upset about 9-11 and a few other things and made a post the was not in the best taste, so I deleted it 15 minuts latter. then I applogized in case someone saw it.
I realy don't want to offend anyone, I might tickle them a little, in fun but it's not right to be offensive.

In fact I've been up all night without any nappy time, just coffee and RYO's. (thats hand rolled cigerates, Joe) Grin
Working on third pot of coffee, strong & dark. As I said Monday bothered me, it still is.

I saw on a good esay on FreeBSD ( think I got it spelled right ) an OS simlar to Linux, on it's history & development.  It's free and has a continues upgrade patf the is suppose to be easy to use. It's mainly used for research, servers, lan routers & etc. It works on your older to new CPU's (i386 was mentioned) but I checked the Hardware requirements and it's good till the double core MB's that are coming out. Double core support is in the works.

Here is a link to it:

Read it if you are interisted in a new OS other than windows.

From my megger browsing of Linux articles, It would help to have some smattering of programong knowledge to setup any flavor of unix, Linux or freebsd. I also found good sources of help, books & on the web. The nices thing is, if you have a dsl / high speed internet connection, you can download most of the operating systems for free. These OS's take a slower cpu 386, 486 and let them preform up to near or better than 586 standards. Of coarse it still depnds on the mhz (speed) of the cpu. Linux OS requiers less, much less ram and hard drive space to run well.

Will I told you I was running on empty [no sleep] and I got way too chatty again.
I stop for now, need to wack & stack.

From the esay, this OS might be easier to keep up to date than a regular Linux kerrel as they have a designed upgrade path for their releases.
:) +  + ;)   Don't Bite now, Lost my teeth
      /\         So now I tell rambling stories!
  / === \      Grumpy, I is
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          Roll my own cigarettes, strong tobacco
        Drink anything that don't kill me.
   Cleaned my musket, sharpened the blades
Long Bow is strong,  arrows heads sharp, start running
Wannabe wordsmith, stories fabricated.
Don't call me late for lunch

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Re: The tavern of Geglash
« Reply #244 on: September 13, 2006, 07:29:56 am »
9-11 WAS a bad day for all. Not since Pearl Harbor have The USA been attacked. To do so set in motion a machine that would and could lay waste just about any country. If America is attacked again on US soil and it is for certain as to whom and what counrty did plan and gave the order, I am afraid to say that country will be layed to waste unlike Afgan and Iraq.  US interest, property, personnel have been destroyed and killed outside of the USA in other parts of the world and we do little in retalliation ... Until.

My question is WHY are the western countries so tolerate radical muslims in there countries, I do not think that even they understand that but sure are willing to push the envlope.  To do what they do in their country (mideast) is like asking Hey cut off my head will yea .... I also think middleastern (bad) muslims really think we are weak and deserve to die (other than not being muslim)

The hate I guess in large part had to do with the causades (spelling?) and that christians do not truly hold to their faith, Islamic leaders (being men with egos) want the power unanswered power, they are no different, they just go at it in a different way.  I have seen muslim men that are here in America for schooling and training and during there off time party it up and chase the girls but that hat comes right off when they go back.  If this killing by rad muslims and or attacks continues people may very well start demanding actions against muslims such as expulsion from host countries, refuse entry.  Anytime a group is allowed to set up base outside of their own area and has a agenda of action (counter to the good of society) you got real big bad problems brewing ..... thats happening all over ...... as they say Convert to Islam or die ..... what kind of religion is that??????? scary

what is happening in europe?
« Last Edit: September 13, 2006, 07:56:00 am by Kim (mrmud) »
Schlamm ist eine wundervalle Form des SpaBes.
As the winter day goes by and rain sinks into the ground, behold the wonder of Mud, so simple yet so complex, it is just how you mold it .... splat!

"Sing auf Seraph. Finden Sie die Ruhe in die Seele.
     Bringen uns näher an die Flamme, dass führt uns zu Hause. "

Seraph wird in dem Song "The Flame Die Guides Us Home" von der Band Demon Hunter von ihrem Album "Triptychon".

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Re: The tavern of Geglash
« Reply #245 on: September 14, 2006, 04:42:01 am »
@Mr Mud / Kim
You have broght up some of the things I deleted yesterday because I did not want to offend anyone.

Here is part of what I said.

A lot of the people here in the states can track out families back to the 1800s here in the states. My family settled / opened the frontry in southern ILL. in the 1820 - 1830. the main means of travel was river boat [not steam boat] and ox wagon. The law was the musket over your mantel. If someone hit you, you hit him back and maybe had a drink with him latter. If you violated a women, you lead a very short life, ended with a musket ball or rope. My family moved from the east coast probably by river.

They cleared their land and built their cabins to raise the children. They would help each other, giving a helping hand freely. If you did them dirt [attack the World Trade Center] those hands would no longer help, but would hold the musket pointed at you.

Right now the hooks over the mantel are empty. Oh fanatic please come into my backyard because I have no way of going to you.

The sleeping dog has been poked with a sharp stick. Before they just nudged him, now they are supprised that it bit someones hand, even if it might have been a diferent hand.

Now I add something new to this.

The british, in the time of their empire, had away of taking care of captured fanatics. A green pigs was obtained and the fanatic was sew up into it. They left the pig out in the sun and just gave the fanatic water. ( did not hiw to die too soon. ) The fanatic anwsered their questions or was crushed by the pig skin as it shrunk. One less fanatic. This was thought to be the proper treatment of the fanatic.

Nice brave fanatics hide behind & use women and children, as shields or to deliver bombs. To their way of thinking it seems natural. They like to cut off heads too. Well maybe their hands need to be removed and don't forget to cut off the feet too. Sear the wounds closed so they don't bleed to death, then they can live or die as their god sees fit.

If this offends you, bare your kneck for their heads man's blade.
ps; wish I was thirty years younger.
:) +  + ;)   Don't Bite now, Lost my teeth
      /\         So now I tell rambling stories!
  / === \      Grumpy, I is
 ! /|||||\ !      Older than dirt, Piped God
 /||||||||\  aboard this here Sky boat called Earth.
          Roll my own cigarettes, strong tobacco
        Drink anything that don't kill me.
   Cleaned my musket, sharpened the blades
Long Bow is strong,  arrows heads sharp, start running
Wannabe wordsmith, stories fabricated.
Don't call me late for lunch


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Re: The tavern of Geglash
« Reply #246 on: September 16, 2006, 09:16:24 am »
*deleted by me, i didnt want to hurt anyone here...
« Last Edit: September 16, 2006, 10:57:35 am by Frank (Fingerpicker) »

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Re: The tavern of Geglash
« Reply #247 on: September 16, 2006, 10:26:57 pm »


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Re: The tavern of Geglash
« Reply #248 on: September 22, 2006, 09:24:58 am »
Hi Ya All
Do to a laggy day / night, I thought I'd come in and ahve a few. Glup! Ah, the first swallow is always the best.
Remember one and all, the typo's and missed spelled words are free, when I'm drink here. <Grin>
So on with the drinks and chat.

I see we have a new member to CE, Joe. It was nice that you got him setup so quick. <Smile>
We need new CE adicts, I need to get more sleep. <Yawn>

Speaking of new members, is the bandwidth gewtting tight. It's been laggy the last few times I've been on.
Need to keep the lag to a minume so the new bies will stay. <Double Grin> ???

Yep, I don't mind if I have an other, thanks. Herews to you. Glup, Gup, Ahhh! Thats still good. Best Laugar I had all night.

Now where was when I was here last? Oh I remember now! Old Betsy is all cleaned with a fresh load in her, all primed for attaction. The belt knifes sharp enough to shave with, better than a Giellet blade too.

Since I'm an old gummy, I just get to wait now for them to show up in the back yard. ( I don't get out much. The price of gas ya know.) Yes I know it costs more over seas, but you need to travel shorter trips. It's 4 milles to the nearest grocer here. Ah 5/8 ths of a mile = a kilometer, about...thinking... about ^ kilometers. Now don't jump on me if I got that wrong, I'm an old inch and mile gummy. <Grin> Besides I bite. <Smile>  6 1/2 miles to town and the better grocers, mile to the nearest bar / tavern, won't walk that with the deadly drivers over here. Don't drink and drive, eather, so I don't get out much to drink.

Lets see, the last time i drank out was two years ago when I got a hair cut, had a short beer in the tavern next to the barber shop, connecting door makes it nice, don't have to wait in the barber shop. Besides it's nice to talk to the old gals the run the tavern. Even tou they are White Soxes Fans. ( Base ball ) I like both the Cubs and the White Soxes, grew up with both. <Grin>

Time for some coffee so I can drive the Internet and Wack & Stack some. Hope the lag is better.
Better find the big axe and make sure it's sharp too, might have a few heads to lope off. Gota have a wide sharp blade to do it in one stroak. Most of the fanatics just hack away with small blades. Of coarse the heave Prussain Calvery Saber would do the job nice. The edge only needs a little touch up.

Well I think I've time, they don't seem to be rushing into my back yard, nuts, I be running out of time. Maybe I should get the old 65 cal. horse pistol too. Hve to cast a few balls for it too. Darn just put away all that stuff. Pleanty of time.

See ya guys, time to Wack & Stack. CYA All. <Grin> Nice chatting with ya.

bdpf    :s513:

ps; to Frank (GubbelGubbel) Come on by, we'll toss tommawks at the old stump and have a few.  :s513: Maybe I show you the old scalp collection. <Grin> Darn, hate having to set up the forage again. Bye
« Last Edit: September 22, 2006, 09:30:02 am by bdpf »
:) +  + ;)   Don't Bite now, Lost my teeth
      /\         So now I tell rambling stories!
  / === \      Grumpy, I is
 ! /|||||\ !      Older than dirt, Piped God
 /||||||||\  aboard this here Sky boat called Earth.
          Roll my own cigarettes, strong tobacco
        Drink anything that don't kill me.
   Cleaned my musket, sharpened the blades
Long Bow is strong,  arrows heads sharp, start running
Wannabe wordsmith, stories fabricated.
Don't call me late for lunch

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Re: The tavern of Geglash
« Reply #249 on: September 22, 2006, 04:14:18 pm »
are there differences in lags between the servers?
please write down the server number when you join the game

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Re: The tavern of Geglash
« Reply #250 on: October 03, 2006, 06:32:08 am »
Ok, You asked for it.. Grin
my location midwest USA, 25 Sept to DSL reset 2 Oct, 2006
Will add more server & pings if you want.....
Note It has been real laggy 1 & 2 Oct
2 Oct extermly bad lag, well over 5 seconds up to 30 seconds, A-STEELPALLY survied because of holly freeze. <Grin>
ryo & cb all the time, instant coffee bad, very bad, coffee maker broke. [ loud wail, grind my gums ]
Note; We have had bad weather the last two days....nights

These first few are 25 Sept and before, sorry if they are a little sketchy.

POC ACT 3 / server 5/ ping 298, I made the game
AKT 2 / server 1 / ping 298, Joined the game, lost connection
POC ACT 4 / server 5 / unable to get message consel to give a ping, restart CE, I made gam
ACT  4 POC / ChaosRoot 2 vm1 / ping 300, lost conection, I made the game, restart
Akt 2 / server 1 / ping 104, Joined game, lost connection after 15 minutes, reboot

26 Sept
ALS / server 4 dsl connected / ping 118, drop to less than 100 in game, joined game, lost connection. restart CE
ALS / server 1 ChaosRoot / ping 289, I made game, Mr_Mud joined game / ping 237 at 10:35 local

27 Sept 3:59 local
akt1 Q6 /  -- / pings, bdpf = 289, wildkate = 78
Verzaubern PLS / server 5 Clan ZDL / pings, bdpf = 158, hichhiker = 37, bomber2003 = 29, duke_66 = 42,
                                                           wowa1122 = 156, the others left & I died all alone <grin>
ACT 1 Q2 / server 3 ChaosRoot / bdpf 158, joined game, quest done, left
POC Act5 Q / server 2 ChaosRoot / bdpf = 380, upgraded ZoneAlarm fire wall, Had to restart computer
Act 5 POC q / server / 2 ChaosRoot / bdpf = 263, I made game

28 Sept
LOL / server 5 Clan ZDL / pings, bdpf = 166, wowa1122 = 139, joined game, muled some
leveln L.R. / server 4 DSL connected by CE / pings, bdpf = 166, oetti = 122, joined game
LR_A@_ENDRUIDS / server ChaosRoot 2 vm2 / pings bdpf = 320, brummer55 = 103, joined game
LR ACT4 Q / server 1 ChaosRoot / bdpf = 320, I made game, quested act 4 , muled
ACT 4 LR / server ChaosRoot 2 vm5 / bdpf = 292, I made game, no connection
LR ACT4 / server 1 ChaosRoot / bdpf = 271, i made game, bad game save, lost, items, level & quest
28 Sept 8:25pm local secontion secession
LR ACT4 / server 1 ChaosRoot / bdpf = 296, I made game, died
ACT 4 LR / server 5 ChaosRoot / bdpf = 357, I made game, killed Izual

29 sept
a1 LR / server ChaosRoot 2 vm1 / pings, bdpf = 133, symfora = 81, joined game, symfora timed out

30 Sept
A3_LR / serer ChaosRoot 2 vm3 / pings, bdpf = 285, brummer55 = 151, joined game, timed out lost connection & items
            rejoined, pings bdpf = 157,  brummer55 = 151, finished act 4, died act 5
A2 LR / server ChaosRoot 2 mv6 / pings, bdpf = 291, symfora = 75, joined game, died several times (sorc)
            rejoined with (zon), pings, bdpf = 219, symfora = 75, wowa1122 = 100, Izual dies, Wowa1122 leaves,
            new  pings, bdpf = 291, symfora = 42, DSL reset [instant coffee ug]

30 Sept
Lets Rock / server 1 ChaosRoot / pings, bdpf = 247, mr_mud = 184, i made game, did forage quest, Hans helped kill     
            Izual, [checking out my problems] killed Diablo, act 5, did Quests 1 & 2, lost connection
LVLN (LR) / serever ChaosRoot 2 vm6 / bdpf = 151, joined game, found body, cube empty
LR A 5 / server ChaosRoot 2 vm3 / bdpf = 292

LRA1 / server ChaosRoot 2 vm3 / pings, bdpf = 169, orange_blue = 124, joined game
AKT_1 / server 3 ChaosRoot / pings, bdpf = 134, bigbiker = 123, joined game
LR A1 / server ChaosRoot 2 vm1 / pings, bdpf = 134, orange_blue = 151, joined game [A_STEELPALLY]
LR ACT1 / server 5 ChaosRoot / pings, bdpf = 604, ergolyd = 49, joined game, Din quest done
LR A1 Q / server ChaosRoot 2 vm1, bdpf =309, I made game [A_STEELPALLY] lost connection
A1 LR Q / server ChaosRoot 2 vm2 / bdpf = 308, DSL reset, Oct 2, 2006

:) +  + ;)   Don't Bite now, Lost my teeth
      /\         So now I tell rambling stories!
  / === \      Grumpy, I is
 ! /|||||\ !      Older than dirt, Piped God
 /||||||||\  aboard this here Sky boat called Earth.
          Roll my own cigarettes, strong tobacco
        Drink anything that don't kill me.
   Cleaned my musket, sharpened the blades
Long Bow is strong,  arrows heads sharp, start running
Wannabe wordsmith, stories fabricated.
Don't call me late for lunch


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Re: The tavern of Geglash
« Reply #251 on: October 03, 2006, 09:05:08 am »
bdpf, have you wrote something about your way to connect to the internet?
Which Firewall do you use, and how is your router (if you have one) configured?
If you use win xp, ever tried to check the connection settings with DRtcp?
Which Provider do you use in US?
Try Start---->execute---->cmd---->(and write in the black dos window) ping
if the result tells you something like "%packets lost" theres something wrong, the same is possible with an IP from one of the Gameservers, i dont know the Ip s, maybe Joe can tell you.
Then it looks like: http://(here a few of numbers and dots)
Im playing an egoshooter on US servers, and its possible...shure the transatlantic connection has pings about 150, but its playable.
A good page in english about the settings with drtcp

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Re: The tavern of Geglash
« Reply #252 on: October 10, 2006, 03:09:25 pm »
Thanks Frank
I will try as soon as I post a nasty bug / loss report
bdpf aka Snuffy

Ok I pinged, heres what I got;

reply from bytes = 32 time = 124 ms IIL = 45

Ran drtcp the results were the same.

My ISP is SBC, DSL, I use a Linksys LNE 100TX (v5) Fast ethernet Adaptor with a Linksys router, model BEFSR41
        configured by the set up prgrsam.

1.10 gigahertz AMD Athlon XP
128 kilobyte primary memory cache
256 kilobyte secondary memory cache

Mother Board: SiS-730
Bus Clock: 100 megahertz
BIOS: Award Software International, Inc. 6.00 PG 02/28/2002

Operating System; Windows XP PRO SP2 with all the updates
Fire Wall; Zone Alarm Free with the lates update
Avg Free anti-virus latest version
Ad-Aware SE Personal free latest version
Spybot Search & Destroy latest version
Spyware Blaster
WinPatrol, System monitor

Regulerly run; TweakNow RegCleaner Std, Rootkit Revealer

The task bar icons / programs are kept to a minume

Postet at: October 03, 2006, 04:10:26 am
Do you have a high ping rate in a game you made ? ???
Stay or play a bit.
Then exit and rejoin with the original character or new one.
Check your ping and I hope you can smile with a lower one.
It does not always work, but sometimes it does.
I don't know why but found this when muling in Lets Rock.
I don't know if this works in a game you joined.
Have fun and enjoy the game.
ps; FireFox RC2 with spell check is nice when posting in forum. :-)
:) +  + ;)   Don't Bite now, Lost my teeth
      /\         So now I tell rambling stories!
  / === \      Grumpy, I is
 ! /|||||\ !      Older than dirt, Piped God
 /||||||||\  aboard this here Sky boat called Earth.
          Roll my own cigarettes, strong tobacco
        Drink anything that don't kill me.
   Cleaned my musket, sharpened the blades
Long Bow is strong,  arrows heads sharp, start running
Wannabe wordsmith, stories fabricated.
Don't call me late for lunch

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Re: The tavern of Geglash
« Reply #253 on: October 10, 2006, 03:19:22 pm »
Ad-Aware SE Personal free latest version
Spybot Search & Destroy latest version
Spyware Blaster
WinPatrol, System monitor

why do you have 4 antispy programs installed?
hopefully not all in real time scan mode...this would decrease your system performance a lot, and your athlon 1.1ghz would be out of power on many times for d2...

is there a difference for the ping if you play d2 in windowed mode?
(shortcut with added -w

CEmail: chaosenergy(a)
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Re: The tavern of Geglash
« Reply #254 on: October 10, 2006, 07:51:38 pm »
No Joe on;y one runs to detect adware, the others are for scanning.
Winpatrol checks for changes to system programs and start up menu and changes in cookie settings.

I well try running in windows mode and let you know.
I've also noticed a reduction in the ping rate when I was muling in and out of games I made.
Have to be quick as I don't know how long a game remains active on the server with no one in the game.
Thanks again for the help.
ps' I wonder if some of my ram is going bad????? ???
Postet at: October 10, 2006, 12:34:12 pm
Window mode Joe is way too dark to use. I was unable to adjust the video settings to see anything.
"-direct" was also on the sort cut. I know that it was there for some thing, but I will try running CE without it, latter.
Had a good ping of 117, all day the pings have been below 200.
:) +  + ;)   Don't Bite now, Lost my teeth
      /\         So now I tell rambling stories!
  / === \      Grumpy, I is
 ! /|||||\ !      Older than dirt, Piped God
 /||||||||\  aboard this here Sky boat called Earth.
          Roll my own cigarettes, strong tobacco
        Drink anything that don't kill me.
   Cleaned my musket, sharpened the blades
Long Bow is strong,  arrows heads sharp, start running
Wannabe wordsmith, stories fabricated.
Don't call me late for lunch


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