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AuthorTopic: [Overview] Psi-LightningTrap Assassin (CE 7.55)  (Read 5915 times)

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[Overview] Psi-LightningTrap Assassin (CE 7.55)
« on: June 11, 2005, 07:04:29 pm »
i looked in the forum for a psy-Assassin guid in english but i didn't find even 1!
So i wonder if any 1 can make me a guid in english....

Edit: Ok, no one knows english   :frusty:
« Last Edit: June 12, 2005, 12:26:57 pm by GaleN-90 »

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Re: [Overview] Psi-LightningTrap Assassin (CE 7.55)
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2005, 01:24:38 pm »
I'll try

strenght-as much as you need for your items
dexterity-maxblock or as much as you need for your items if u use 2 claws
vitality-as much as you have left
energie- 50-100 points


Shadow Disciplines
Claw Mastery-1point
Psychic Hammer-Max
Burst of Speed-1
Weapon Block-1
Cloak of Shadows-Max
Shadow Warrior-0-1
Mind Blast-max
Shadow Master-0-30

Fire Blast-1-30
Shock Web-1(syn to deth sentry or lightning sentry? :max)
Blade Sentinel-0-1
Charged Bolt Sentry-1-(is Charged Bolt Sentry a synergie to Lightning sentry or Death sentry?,if it is: max)
Wake of Fire-0-1
Blade Fury-0-1
Lightning Sentry-max
Wake of Inferno-0
Death Sentry-max
Blade Shield-0-1

you also can use Martial Arts but you'll kill faster with Traps i think
Dragon Flight could be usefull

+5all +2 assasine hoto (crafted flail)
Torturer's trust(Scissors Suwayyah), +2all +1-3 to martial arts and +7 psychic hammer would be very good(even better if u use 2claws^^)
chaos rw in a good claw

at low levels corpseflayer lvl 30 +1assasine +1-3shadow disciplines would be good
or at levl 56 Sabertooth +1assasine +1-3 shadow disciplines replenish life +15 dmg reduce by 10-15%!!!(think about using 2claws)

rain in a +2 assasine circlet
Gotterdamerung with um runes or heaven faccetts(watch out +8all!! possible)
The Thorn Crown of The Evil(Uber)

Humility for Bo and resistance
The Real Cow Leather(uber)
DarkenGlow (unique ring mail +10 to resists, +5 to each resistance cap), upgrade, put in 4 sockets, put in 4 Um runes for 70% resists and +5 to each cap).

Stormsshield (ber,um,zod,heavenfacetts)
Crest of Avalon(at level 24,later upgrade it two times,socket it afterupgrade to monarch! with um,zod,heavenfacetts(ber are useless^^)50%dmg reduce,high block and fasterblock rate
Lachdonnan's Guard(ber,um,zod heavenfacetts(+7all possible!!))faster hit recovery, +3al , fire absorb good block(use oil of skills 219 strenght isn't so good^^)
Loyalty rune-word (+100 resists, +5 to each max resist) in a tempered shield

Diva set(socket heaven facetts or so on)
new SoJ's with +2 all
rare with +1all +1assasine
Stone of Energy(uber)
Stone of Chaos(uber)

Amulett(oscket zods,um or heaven facetts
Sigil of Hope
Diva amu
The Eye of the Tige(uber)

uhm i´m not sure about this
try to find some with good resist and maek maybe upgrade fostburn for mana
or try this:
Crusader Gauntlets
Defense: [75 - 125]
Durability: 18
Required Strength: 151
Required Level: 78

+[75-125] Defense
+1 to All Skills
+[1-5] to Lower Resist
+10% Faster Cast Rate
[20-25]% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
-The Hands of the Mummy(uber) would be the best

-Zeroeffect ( % absorb is very usefull)
-travincals(resistance ar good)
-Whirlign Dervish(maybe for dungeon rush whirlwind wood be good,if you hav no chaos claw)
-The Boots of God(uber)

i´ve found some in the itemlist
Road to Perdition
Walking Stick
Two-Hand Damage: 69 to 85
Durability: 20
Required Strength: 25
Required Level: 67

+3 to All Skills
[200-300]% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
+40% Faster Cast Rate
+[16/lvl] to Mana
but there are 2 road to perdition watch out that you have the right ones!

-Blood(+2all )
-Bul Kathos Belt
-Time (for teleport and life)
-Lachdonnans Wrap
-Wisdom Wrap
-Kashya´s Ward(absorb is good)
-The band of Chaos Empire(uber)

also try to find all soulstones and a +5 any and queens call(charm +1all)/life and death(charm +all)
skiller would be good too

uber are the best items but i´m not sure if you´ll find them
if you´ve got a skilllevel over 100 think about use items with less +skill but other use full effects

so on have fun
dmg would be around 90-100k with psyhammer^^
« Last Edit: June 21, 2005, 01:36:07 pm by Fenris »
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Re: [Overview] Psi-LightningTrap Assassin (CE 7.55)
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2005, 06:47:42 pm »
Thank You

Offline Fenris

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Re: [Overview] Psi-LightningTrap Assassin (CE 7.55)
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2005, 07:25:00 pm »
i edited my first post, if you want to know some other thnigs feel free to ask
by chio:
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Re: [Overview] Psi-LightningTrap Assassin (CE 7.55)
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2005, 12:23:43 am »
@Galen: english is spin on a cue ball or bolwing ball, English is our language.  Few people are fluent in English here, but many try when asked.

@Fenris: Excellent item list! Excellent skill advise!  My level 69 psy-assassin has 23-27K Psychic Hammer damage.
My recommendation in addition to your excellent list:
Weapons: gamble "Katar", some of which will actually be Quhab's; the unique Quhab gives +1 assassin and +1-3 Shadow skills; I have 2 giving +8 total to shadow skills.  These are useable from low levels to forever.
Weapons On Swap: something in which to build Call to Arms.  Note: Since anything that is not "immune to physical" AND "immune to magic" will die quickly to Psychic Hammer, the weapon (with CtA in it) must kill those that are immune to both physical and magical.  Since this weapon must have 5 sockets it can't be a claw class, THEREFORE suggest building a weapon to use with Blade Fury; gamble something rare with ITD so AR is not a problem, and Monster Flee so you can use poison damage (CtA gives PMH). Then socket and re-socket (use a Suicide Minion doll until you get good results on socketing the CtA) and when happy, temper the weapon for elemental damage (the target is immune to physical, remember?)  The Venom skill should get at least 1 point so +skill powers can make this last a while and do damage to the fleeing monsters.
NOTE you can stun, and even convert, monsters that you cannot damage with Mind Blast (because they're Immune to Physical, or they're dead) so you can keep the mob of monsters busy whacking at each other while you blade-fury them with elemental damage and poison.  A cold-sorc act III merc is a good choice for these reasons.

Use a 1-handed weapon for the CtA side, so you can put a shield in the other hand.  The shield choices are excellent, I'd add the Loyalty rune-word (+100 resists, +5 to each max resist) in a tempered, scintillating shield.

For armor: don't overlook the humble DarkenGlow (unique ring mail +10 to resists, +5 to each resistance cap), upgrade, put in 4 sockets, put in 4 Um runes for 70% resists and +5 to each cap).

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Re: [Overview] Psi-LightningTrap Assassin (CE 7.55)
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2005, 09:36:20 am »
just a small thing:
charged bolt sentry is a synergie to lightining sentry and not to death sentry,but as you already wrote, you were not sure on that.
also i wouldnt spend more than one point in fire blast,altough its a synergie to death sentry, because when you ever come to a monster thats double immun to your attack you just throw in a few death sentries and good is(   ;-)  ). you dont need that many shots,mine has 6 and its enough.

maybe it would be also better to use only lightning sentry, cause as far as i know does the corpse explosion only phys damage and phys damage you deal via psychic hammer! and that fasster and a lot more!
so best use lightning sentry only which deals around 2x more lightdam!

maybe ce does also fire dam im not sure on that,so if anyone kows, post here!

nice guide played psyassel before!

EDIT: when you mentionened rsi gloves my idea came to maidens bracers: around 35-40 prisma but nothing more
                                                                                 heavy bracers is the base item i think
or u could use prismatic gauntlets, i used them:  25 prisma +10 fcr and some ele dam, but u wont need that...
                                                                    light plate gauntlets is base item, i mean those gloves u
                                                                    can have at act2 the first time

« Last Edit: June 21, 2005, 09:46:16 am by sdrakkon »

Hier steht ne coole signatur mit nem spruch, irgendwas philosophisches...

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Re: [Overview] Psi-LightningTrap Assassin (CE 7.55)
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2005, 01:32:53 pm »
most time you use death sentry all the time by playing
first kill some mosnters with psy hammer then cast  some ds and they will die
if the monsters are PI/MI/FI lightning sentry would be better (or if the monsters ahve a big fire resistance

i don't think fire blast is so good cause i have not enough skillpoints for it, and if i want to kill monsters i can cast more ds^^
ok when i'm running throug an area it would be good only  to cast some ds und ran away but i dont do that so often^__^

@webwalker there are several people that could write a guide that would be even better

you mean corpseflayer or?
my singleplayer assasin is using them also but torturer's trust is much better
if u sue 2 claws(i would use 2 cause weaponblock could block smite and magic attacks(both unblockable with a shield))
+4all +2-6 to martial arts and +14 to psychohammer
i mean +18to psychohammer is really good !!! (if u socket 3 heaven facetts in each claw it would be 24to psychohammer)
block with 2 clwas would be around 66% (more is not possible)

27k dmg? which skilllevel?
my sp-assasin uses 2x corpseflayer (+1 and +3 each) 2x soj and full bartuc's(armor only + 1)
with the warcry which makes +1all(don't no the name^^) my skillevel is 50

i would use a crafted flail for cta couase it could have +2all skills(better bo) and crafted can't be temperd-.-
i don't see PI/MI/FI/LI and if i do poison from venom thats enough
also possible would be using vengeance( skills from teddy by using a doll with teddy(don't kno which doll))
but be carefull if u use vengeance temper with physical damage cause vengeance gets dmg by physical dmg

added your items

btw whats scintillating ?
i'd try to translate it into german but funkelnd don't make me any savvier, i sitll don't know what yoou mean

« Last Edit: June 21, 2005, 01:38:38 pm by Fenris »
by chio:
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Re: [Overview] Psi-LightningTrap Assassin (CE 7.55)
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2005, 01:46:31 pm »
the affix scintillating (i think it's "schillernd" in german) means that you got + allres on an item i think he means that :)

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Re: [Overview] Psi-LightningTrap Assassin (CE 7.55)
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2005, 07:08:33 pm »
@TopHead: Yes Death Sentry (DS) shoots lightning AND does CE on corpses which is 50/50 fire/physical damage.
@Olfmo: Yes "Scintillating" is the prismatic (allres) prefix.
@Fenris: I don't care who writes the guide!  Let's all write and glue the pieces together!
    I believe the unique Quehab is "corpseflayer".  I'll start looking for Torturer's Trust per your recommend.
Edit: I have stopped looking for Torturer's Trust since (1) it requires level 83 (not your typical beginner or intermediate item) and (2) the +7 skill boost is across 30 possible choices.  This means that 1 in 30 of "Torturer's Trust" will be with +7 to Psychic Hammer, on top of the chance for the scissors base item being elite on top of the chance for the item to be unique, ergo I conclude that gambling 2 Torturer's Trust with +7 to Psychic Hammer to cost a huge amount of time.  Enough timt to build another two assassins!
Recommend instead: gamble a rare scissors item with +2 assassin or shadow disciplines skills (+Psychic Hammer in addition is good but I wouldn't hold my breath!) then put in 3 sockets and make Darkenss (Zod Amn Vex) for +3 skills and 20-40 allres.  You can build this at level 69, you can't gamble Torturer's Trust until about level 78. (After you've gambled a scissors weapon, you can re-roll it's mods with 1 rare charm until you get the +2 skills you want).
    My equipment comments were all aimed at getting the beginner started.  Yes a crafted flail might get better results in +skills, my recommending "monster flee" and Ignore Target's Defense" was to use this CtA weapon as the Blade Fury weapon also, AR is a serious concern there since CtA can't be in a claw.
    You ask about my skill level: 45 (roughly) with maxed Psychic Hammer, Cloak Of Shadows, and Mind Blast; add Mara's Kaleidoscope, a Siren's Call in a +1 assassin skill circlet; a +1 all +1 assassin ring, 2 CorpseFlayers, and the rest is in resists (80/80/80/80 in NM).
    I've heard from others that crafted items CAN be tempered... what's the truth here? NO! (unless changed by Chaos without letting us know.  Thanks, Olfmo.  (BTW we can now cube runes UP as well as DOWN.  7.58 allowed cubing down, but up only for thul and above creating higher runes.  As of last night 3 el -> eld and so on in 7.59 )
« Last Edit: June 23, 2005, 09:57:34 pm by webwalker »

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Re: [Overview] Psi-LightningTrap Assassin (CE 7.55)
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2005, 07:49:13 pm »
I've heard from others that crafted items CAN be tempered... what's the truth here?

crafted items can NOT be tempered it's just one of the usual stupid rumors (as the one last ladder where people saod cubing 25 dolls creates a GubbelGubbel, or the one that you can only use oils of hardening for sockets (really old^^) and so on *g*)

unless chaos changed it in 7.58/59 but i don't think so^^

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Re: [Overview] Psi-LightningTrap Assassin (CE 7.55)
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2005, 12:02:10 am »
This guide is made for me by "fenris"

I'll try

strenght-as much as you need for your items
dexterity-maxblock or as much as you need for your items if u use 2 claws
vitality-as much as you have left
energie- 50-100 points


Shadow Disciplines
Claw Mastery-1point
Psychic Hammer-Max
Burst of Speed-1
Weapon Block-1
Cloak of Shadows-Max
Shadow Warrior-0-1
Mind Blast-max
Shadow Master-0-30

Fire Blast-1-30
Shock Web-1(syn to deth sentry or lightning sentry? :max)
Blade Sentinel-0-1
Charged Bolt Sentry-1-(is Charged Bolt Sentry a synergie to Lightning sentry or Death sentry?,if it is: max)
Wake of Fire-0-1
Blade Fury-0-1
Lightning Sentry-max
Wake of Inferno-0
Death Sentry-max
Blade Shield-0-1

you also can use Martial Arts but you'll kill faster with Traps i think
Dragon Flight could be usefull

+5all +2 assasine hoto (crafted flail)
Torturer's trust(Scissors Suwayyah), +2all +1-3 to martial arts and +7 psychic hammer would be very good(even better if u use 2claws^^)
chaos rw in a good claw

at low levels corpseflayer lvl 30 +1assasine +1-3shadow disciplines would be good
or at levl 56 Sabertooth +1assasine +1-3 shadow disciplines replenish life +15 dmg reduce by 10-15%!!!(think about using 2claws)

rain in a +2 assasine circlet
Gotterdamerung with um runes or heaven faccetts(watch out +8all!! possible)
The Thorn Crown of The Evil(Uber)

Humility for Bo and resistance
The Real Cow Leather(uber)
DarkenGlow (unique ring mail +10 to resists, +5 to each resistance cap), upgrade, put in 4 sockets, put in 4 Um runes for 70% resists and +5 to each cap).

Stormsshield (ber,um,zod,heavenfacetts)
Crest of Avalon(at level 24,later upgrade it two times,socket it afterupgrade to monarch! with um,zod,heavenfacetts(ber are useless^^)50%dmg reduce,high block and fasterblock rate
Lachdonnan's Guard(ber,um,zod heavenfacetts(+7all possible!!))faster hit recovery, +3al , fire absorb good block(use oil of skills 219 strenght isn't so good^^)
Loyalty rune-word (+100 resists, +5 to each max resist) in a tempered shield

Diva set(socket heaven facetts or so on)
new SoJ's with +2 all
rare with +1all +1assasine
Stone of Energy(uber)
Stone of Chaos(uber)

Amulett(oscket zods,um or heaven facetts
Sigil of Hope
Diva amu
The Eye of the Tige(uber)

uhm i´m not sure about this
try to find some with good resist and maek maybe upgrade fostburn for mana
or try this:
Crusader Gauntlets
Defense: [75 - 125]
Durability: 18
Required Strength: 151
Required Level: 78

+[75-125] Defense
+1 to All Skills
+[1-5] to Lower Resist
+10% Faster Cast Rate
[20-25]% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
-The Hands of the Mummy(uber) would be the best

-Zeroeffect ( % absorb is very usefull)
-travincals(resistance ar good)
-Whirlign Dervish(maybe for dungeon rush whirlwind wood be good,if you hav no chaos claw)
-The Boots of God(uber)

i´ve found some in the itemlist
Road to Perdition
Walking Stick
Two-Hand Damage: 69 to 85
Durability: 20
Required Strength: 25
Required Level: 67

+3 to All Skills
[200-300]% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
+40% Faster Cast Rate
+[16/lvl] to Mana
but there are 2 road to perdition watch out that you have the right ones!

-Blood(+2all )
-Bul Kathos Belt
-Time (for teleport and life)
-Lachdonnans Wrap
-Wisdom Wrap
-Kashya´s Ward(absorb is good)
-The band of Chaos Empire(uber)

also try to find all soulstones and a +5 any and queens call(charm +1all)/life and death(charm +all)
skiller would be good too

uber are the best items but i´m not sure if you´ll find them
if you´ve got a skilllevel over 100 think about use items with less +skill but other use full effects

so on have fun
dmg would be around 90-100k with psyhammer^^


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