AuthorTopic: Wann wird die Assassinen-WW-Animation in Werbärform fertig?  (Read 2209 times)

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Heyho @ll!

Der Titel sagt schon alles... Aber ich beschreibs lieber komplett, bevor ich wieder irgendein Schild oder sonstiges hinterhergeworfen bekomme oder gar ne Verwarnung wegen Spam bekomme... xD


Hab mir Beast in eine +2 Allskill Craft Kriegsaxt gesockelt, um damit den Bär auf meine Assassine zu bekommen...
Dann im 2. Slot eine Chaos Barbarenkralle mit Wirbelwind drauf...

Normale Asn - Kein Problem im Wirbeln... Die Asn kommt da an, wo ich hin will mit WW...

Sobald ich mich aber verwandel(in den Werbär via Beast), seh ich nur den Ansatz des WW, heißt, die Asn macht den Wind um sich rum, der seit 1.10 neu ist, und dazu die Wirbelwind-Animation, bloß halt nur für "1 Feld", oder wie weit das geht(kürzeste Distanz, in der sich WW aktivieren lässt - wenn das verständlicher ist - also kurz nach dem Punkt, wo man nicht mehr mit WW draufhaut, sondern wirbelt)... Dann ist die Animation auf Wirbelbug eingestellt, will sagen, Asn steht nach diesem Feld still, der Wind vom WW dreht sich weiter, Asn aber nicht... Man kennt das Phänomen ja...

ABER: Die dahinterstehenden Tierchen werden vergiftet(durch Giftgeifer), das ist ja eindeutig an der grünen Verfärbung der Gegner zu erkennen... Die Asn steht dann wenige Pixel vom Startpunkt entfernt, jedoch sind die Viecher bis zum eigentlich Wirbelwindziel tot, obwohl die Asn laut meinem Bildschirm gar nicht dort ist, bzw. an den Tierchen vorbeigekommen ist...
Beim Kumpel sieht es ähnlich aus, jedoch meint er, ich würde mich von Start- zu Endpunkt gar nicht bewegen, sondern nur teleportieren... Und das ist ein wenig problematisch, denn das Zielen des nächsten WWs ist dann unmöglich... Ich weiß ja nicht, wo ich stehe... Ob jetzt am Anfang des WW, am Ende des WW, oder durch nur "1 Feld" weiter...

Kann man die Animation nicht irgendwie vervollständigen, so dass das brauchbarer aussieht? Weil Lotterie mit ner Asn im WW is uncool... Besonders später in Hell...

Danke schonmal und noch viel Spaß mit Slayer auf WDR xD

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Offline evilspork

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Re: Wann wird die Assassinen-WW-Animation in Werbärform fertig?
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2005, 03:32:50 am »
have you upgraded to 7.6B or C?

there was a bug fixed with 7.6B that fixed a druid WW issue. i think this is what youre seeing. if you already have the newer patch.. then i dont know what to say..

/////////////////////////// in german \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

haben Sie zu 7.6B oder zu C verbessert?  es gab eine Wanze, die mit 7.6B geregelt wurde, das eine Ausgabe des Druid WW reparierte.  ich denke, daß dieses ist, was youresehen.  wenn Sie bereits den neueren Flecken. dann ich haben, wissen Sie nicht was zu sagen.

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Re: Wann wird die Assassinen-WW-Animation in Werbärform fertig?
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2005, 05:11:12 am »
I am currently playing with CE v7.60c downloaded at the Downloads-Section in this forum.

If I understood the problem with WW with Barbs right, it was about not to be able to use WW at all... So not about this Space-Time-Continuum, or whatever... xD

Dunno what's fixed with the druid WW, but it should get applied for all chars and not for druids only because Beast is useable(?) for every char, isn't it?

So they'd have to make the runeword "Beast" druid-only, which wouldn't make any sense because a druid already has the Shapeshiftskills and you can get Fanatism of your Merc, so you could wear Doom or something like that...

Would be nice to know what Chaos says to this "feature", i think it's quite hard at Hell not knowing where to stand and seeing a char die in an open place where no monster is right beside you... And it wasn't laggy at all... Checked my ping and it was fine... But if you say that a Ping around 60 ms is bad, this could be a reason... But I don't think that pings below or above or better than 60 ms will be a difference to this WW bug...

I'll try to simulate this problem with any asn in Singleplayer, but I don't think that anything else will happen than getting into Space-Time-Troubles xD

PS: Yep yep yep... You got me falling back to my favorite movie... "Back to the Future" 4 Life! OvO  \m/

EDIT: So, I tested it really quick and I noticed no WW-Bug in Singleplayer so far... It looks quite alright... The Bear moves into the WW direction i told him to go and the 2 other half transparent copies of the Bear, like WW animation should look like, are behind... On CCC there are - at least for me - no ethereal copies of the char behind me... They're normally like being behind my left and right shoulder... Turned like being fixed on the tips of a Mercedes star, if you know what I want to say...

Never the less, it works... Not a single WW ended in being stuck in the animation or whirling on and on without seeing where it will end... But I noticed something quite similar to the Realm problem... After about 3 or 4 meters of the standard Diablo2 length units(at least that's my point of view) the ethereal copies behind me dissapear... But the WW goes on and stops in the right place... So it's later than it happened on the realm today, but it's still there... I hope that this is "fixable" because the Asn looks much stronger now and i don't like an Asn whirling around with these few HPs and that little chance to block... It's even more effective when you use 2 Claws, I think... But OK...

The result is: WW doesn't work right for shape-shifted  Bear-Asn and it would be nice to see if it's getting fixed... If someone has "Whirling Dervish" in Singleplayer or on the realm, it would be nice to see and try, if Sorc or Nec react the same... Or if anyone could say something about this problem...

Barb has WW -> fixed with 7.60B and works...
Paladin had WW -> Travi Set and it worked fine... If you're careful enough not to use any other skill directly after WW or whirl while you're getting your Lvlup
Asn has WW -> Same "Rules" like for Paladins...
Sorc never had WW -> Would be interesting to see what happens...
Amazon has WW -> Found some 2-handed spear and tested it on Realm a few days ago - No problems at all...
Nec never had WW -> See above @ Sorc...
Druid never had WW -> If we believe the News in the Welcome Screen on the Realm, it's now possible to play druids with WW - never tried it with Druids, but at leasts for shape shifted Asn it doesn't work - Isn't it the same if you whirl as a Druid Bear or an Asn Bear? *scratches head* O_o

So, finally it would be nice to see an whirling Asn and knowing exactly where she'll stop whirling around ;D

Thx so far...

PS: Sorry for my bad english and some writing/spelling errors, but it's too late for me... *needs some sleep now* I hope you're able to read and unterstand what I wanted to say anyway...
« Last Edit: August 14, 2005, 05:33:43 am by urmel »

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Re: Wann wird die Assassinen-WW-Animation in Werbärform fertig?
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2005, 09:41:11 am »
dont whirl in transformed easy..

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Re: Wann wird die Assassinen-WW-Animation in Werbärform fertig?
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2005, 04:05:54 pm »
But that's not the solution I want to hear... :/

So why giving every char the "feature" to whirl in shape shifted form when it doesn't work?

Doesn't make any sense to me, but OK...

I have to accept that, although it's disappointing...

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