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Initial impressions on ChaosEmpire mod online
« on: June 15, 2005, 01:47:25 pm »
Hi all,
thanks to help from various moderators (very patient people - respect !), I managed to get onto CE Europe and start with my new druid.
I read that it is not possible to create password protected games (one big family etc), so I started a game called 'FreshStart', and started alone with a level 1 char

so far, so good ...

What then happened was not so good. Basically, the game started filling up with high level chars (up to level 80 something !), who were either muling, perming mules (these were lvl 1), doing cow runs, or just chatting. This wouldn't be such a problem, as we kept out of each others way, but the real pain for a char with a level < 5, is that all the monsters are then much tougher, which made it virtually impossible to kill anything with such a weak character.

So, quit game, make new game 'FreshStart2' and try again. Same thing !!!

As I understand it, the whole point of preventing password protected games is to encourage people to party up together, but this isn't what happens. If I wanted to be uncharitable, I could suspect that the whole point of flooding new games is the fun in getting the low level char killed off.

What should I do when this happens ?

It would really help if I could prevent this with a password (will never happen, just thought to mention it)
Alternatively, I was a little disappointed to see that the online version doesn't have the shared stash functionality. If this could be somehow implemented online, then muling would never be necessary, avoiding problems with people muling, or perming mules.
Would it be possible (for the admin people) to create a permanent game on the server, just for muling (and perming) purposes ?

I really like the mod - refreshes what was becoming a little stale and would like to play more, but I'm not sure to what extent this type of behaviour will spoil the online fun.

any ideas ? anyone ?


ps - still don't know what to do with the 'Mysterious Scrolls' ...

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Re: Initial impressions on ChaosEmpire mod online
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2005, 01:57:27 pm »

first: the 'Mysterious Scrolls' are a thing from a former ce version and were in the game for some hints. they are still in it without any meaning. you can either throw them away or right-click them to make the disappear.

second(big one): you could ask the people to leave the game due to the reason you mentioned or write it in the description field when you create a game or ask them for a little help.

kind regards blueman
Quote from: pierrot
"Normal" as defined by the "special" breed of game designers in Korea. Everyone else calls that "severely broken".

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Re: Initial impressions on ChaosEmpire mod online
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2005, 02:03:40 pm »
If your char is on this low level i can understand, that it is hard to kill the enemies. A permanantly mule game will not work, cause their is a max of 8 players in one game and then you will probably can´t re-enter the game where your items lay.

The shared stash isn´t possible on the realm side, afaik.

For the other points it would try it on the same way blueman told.

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Re: Initial impressions on ChaosEmpire mod online
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2005, 02:16:08 pm »
many start char are tough enough to beat all monsters in a full player game, this is from ~lvl8 ok...

if so many people join your game, ask them to help you short doing the first 3 quests together, mostly everybody will have the time to do that..and after finishing those three quest you will be lvl8 and higher and able to fight alone in 8p games :P

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Re: Initial impressions on ChaosEmpire mod online
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2005, 02:47:36 pm »
Hi guys,
thanks for the fast replies.
mysterious scrolls will get removed - good to know.
Actually, I managed to get to about lvl 5 until people started joining, and so it just took longer to kill off the monsters. I assume that I got more exp points, so that was positive :-)

I figured that as a complete CE n00b, I should be careful about asking people to leave.

Lastly, is the shared stash just a matter of harddisk storage ? Or is there something more complicated involved ? just curious ...

thanks again


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Re: Initial impressions on ChaosEmpire mod online
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2005, 02:51:47 pm »
[...]Lastly, is the shared stash just a matter of harddisk storage ? Or is there something more complicated involved ? just curious ...

thanks again



afaik the stash has 100 pages, if they are full the stash is full. but i might be wrong.

kind regards blueman
Quote from: pierrot
"Normal" as defined by the "special" breed of game designers in Korea. Everyone else calls that "severely broken".

Crimson Moon

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Re: Initial impressions on ChaosEmpire mod online
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2005, 03:09:43 pm »
I figured that as a complete CE n00b, I should be careful about asking people to leave.

Lastly, is the shared stash just a matter of harddisk storage ? Or is there something more complicated involved ? just curious ...

thanks again


If you explain why you want them to leave (for a short time only of course) then i think it isn´t a problem.

The shared stash can´t be included in the realm server software afaik. I don´t think that it depends on the harddisk storage because mule chars will need harddisk storage, too. The shared stash is a feature of the pluggy.dll plugin and i think that these feature is not compatible with the server versions of mods at all.


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