Computer-Games > My last wish
RIP DaintyFella (93 Skelliemancer)
Although I tried to understand, my grasp of German is too primative.
Can you try to post this in your best attempt at English? I'll probably undertand better...
--- Quote from: Lemura on June 18, 2005, 06:34:22 pm ---Yo, aber irgendwie scheint das "kastrieren" der Necs eine Modeerscheinung zu sein.
So sicher sind die in HC nicht, wenn man ne Treppe runterläuft und man dann alleine dasteht,
weil die eigenen Minions auf einem Haufen kleben und man selbst als schwachbrüstiger
(und er hat nun mal weniger HP) Knöchling alleine alle Prügel einstecken muß.
Nec = langsam aber safe Nein ! langsam = nicht safe, da liegt der Hase im Pfeffer (oder in der Rotweinsauce)
Liebe Grüße
--- End quote ---
I try: he thinks the weakening of necros seems to be fashion now.
They are not safe in hc if u go down stairs, and are standing alone then because all the minions are standing at one place and u get all the hits. Since the necro has quite few hps this is porblematic
Nec = slow but safe No ! slow but not safe, thats it.
btw I do not think the necro is very slow. but the only really effective skill is ce. Any other necro attack is in comparison quite weak
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