Computer-Games > My last wish

RIP DaintyFella (93 Skelliemancer)

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Restart in Progress

U have the Chance to start in the new ladder session again - good luck there

When I hear that the Skellie has been de-nerfed, yes!

DaintyFella was *fun* until the nerf hit.  From that point on it was continual crisis management, budgeting corpses for skellies, mages, revives, and explosions (usually none left over for horking), trying to herd my crew into and out of battles so they were not overwhelmed, etc.  When DaintyFella died it was a relief.  I was (and am) Proud of the accomplishment, but relieved that the perpetual cliff-hanger was over.

I've been asked about using a CtA to boost skellie life.  2 things: that means switching away from my skellie-raising wand & shield, costing at least 3 skeletons instant loss.  So instead of 13/8/13 I'll have about 11/7/10.  A tougher crowd to be sure.  A distinctly smaller crowd, and I didn't like that notion.  2:  Any class utterly dependent on one particular item or rune word is crippled; I desired to establish (for myself if nobody else cares) whether the skellie nerf was on target, too hard, or whether the nerf could go farther.  My experience and conclusion: the nerf was too hard, the skelliemancer is atm a crippled build because of it.

I am currently raising TwangThud, a strafe-a-zon (with LF for immunes), and her noble brother IronHat, the Fana-Zeal-Conv-Veng-a-din (with smite and throws weapons to deal with IM).  Alongside them is TryElementalist, a sorc, and NoMeVieron, a BFtrapassin.

I haven't found a build of Druid that I like, nor Barb.  I think I'm just not good enough on the mouse-control to melee well.  If Zeal didn't (largely) auto-target, I probably couldn't manage a Pally at all.

I'll never use a fire-rogue again.  The Immolation Arrow she uses in hell is not named "Lag Arrow" for nothin'.  Also I can't see a darned thing through it.  Considering how small the slash-burn damage is relative to monster life in Hell, I'd rather she used Guided Arrow in Hell.  She, of course, gets her opinions about what to use from somebody other than me^^.

Top of the ladder to you!  Happy hunting! De Nerf the Skellie!

Fact is, that nearly every char is more or less dependent on bo in ce.
U live really easier with bo and I think nearly everybody uses it.


Yo, aber irgendwie scheint das "kastrieren" der Necs eine Modeerscheinung zu sein.

So sicher sind die in HC nicht, wenn man ne Treppe runterläuft und man dann alleine dasteht,
weil die eigenen Minions auf einem Haufen kleben und man selbst als schwachbrüstiger
(und er hat nun mal weniger HP) Knöchling alleine alle Prügel einstecken muß.

Nec = langsam aber safe      Nein !   langsam = nicht safe, da liegt der Hase im Pfeffer (oder in der Rotweinsauce)

Liebe Grüße



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