Computer-Games > My last wish

RIP DaintyFella (93 Skelliemancer)

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He was #14 on the Necro Hardcore ladder.
I'm proud of him reaching the advanced age of 93.
85 resists in all categories in Hell, 4K life; 13/9/13 skel/mage/revives. 11KBone Spear, 15K Bone Spirit.

Several factors contributed to his attempt to break the Viper Alter leading to his death:
1: Skellies got nerfed! (both fewer and weaker)  This compelled a greater reliance on revives and bone skills, and revives often stick in a clump when you step down stairs or teleport, leaving you without a shield wall.
2: The new Viper Temple level 2 kills my machine's responsiveness (1.2G Duron, .5G Ram, ATi tech Radeon 7000 64MB video card) Normally I get 11 FPS +/- 1; this last fight I clearly had far less than that.  This new level also results in everything charging the doorway, in effect a stair-trap with a 2 second delay before you're overwhelmed.  Not quite as bad as Stygian Dools exploding at your feet before your screen finishes loading, more like the closing scene in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. (2 robbers with pistols vs 50 riflemen)
3: Magic Immune Champion vipers are not only immune to most everything a Necro can do (if his weakened skellies are stuck in the clump of revives) they have crushing blow and a nasty punch.  If they have 15K (true) magic damage reduction, I have a wand to whack them with doing 2-8 physical.  *sigh*.

I conclude that restarting DaintyFella will wait on the skellies getting back some of their power so that revives are optional, absent a changed that fixes the stair/tport revive clumping bug.

and try out the included GlideWrapper by running vidtest.exe and then switching to 3dgfx should give much more frames then



And best wishes for the next nec...


R.I.P. dont give up so fast ;D

Rest in Peace :(

I know what it is like to lose such high leveled characters but you can be proud of getting so far. Your doings will be remembered and will be sang in many poems and songs by dawn :)

May your next hero survive the Altar of the Vipers!


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