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Version History
« on: May 12, 2005, 12:13:34 pm »
Features 7.65 SP1
- Missing mysterious book abouve PoC
- Removed new Venom Lords from Dungeon Level17, and Labyrinth
- Endmaps below Tristrams now filled with dragons
- DiabloClone does not drop BaalQuest Item any longer
- Lysiann Eyecatcher got 2 seconds poison length

Features 7.65
Minor changes to original D2+LoD sets
Minor reworks on some skills
Summon more than 1 Golem now possible
Fixed DarkWanderer Issue
Added a virtualy new act
- Cain Quest reworked (Online players should read FAQ)

Features 7.64rebuild
Restored PlugY 5.06 cause of non-working /dlm on realms
Fixed a little counter issue on Oil Barrels (now 200 are possible instead of 2)

Features 7.64
Updated PlugY to version 7.00
Updated GlideWrapper to 1.4.04
Leap does not work in town any longer (prevent rushing in act2 palast)
Last WayPoint in Act3 removed (Antirush)
Increased stacksize of throwing weapons
Added Oil Barrels (work similiar to Gem Bags)
Souls must now be cubed and will always give a doll
Diablo damage increased, if this is helping to get him tougher, more bosses will follow
Fixed Map issue in Duriels chamber (monster dropped horadrim parts)
Some minor changes on unique items

Features 7.63
Druid shape shifting skill tree changed a little bit (new gui is needed...)
Amazon multiple shot range deceased 1/5
Amazon can skill Valkyrie without Avoid/Dodge/Evade dependency
Disco Auro increased little bit in Mana/Life drain

Features 7.62
Mana / Healing Potions now give double amount of points, also faster
Little rejuvention potions now give 50% instead of 35%
Skill Warmth reduced to less than 50% of original value
Aura Meditation lowered too
Temporarily removed life drain from new monster aura
Lowered chance and range of new monster aura
Lowered drain amount a little bit

Features 7.61
Doubled life leach on items
Decreased amount of Acid Beats per group to values from Piece of cake
Some minor changes on items/drops
Conviction is now green again
New monster aura (disco aura), casters be carefull, every else too

Features 7.60g
Reverted PlugY to 5.06 cause of a big issue with carry1 unique items in cube
Changed new set armor to assassin only item

Features 7.60f
Fixed the issue with chaged Hellfire torch
Removed the shortcut recipes for Horadrim staff and Khalims Will
Added a recipe to create a Level 9 character for PvP Duells
Lowered lightning damage of Fist of heaven (still to high)
One new set (thanks to Aleksa for the idea)
Some item fine tuning
PlugY 6.00

Features 7.60e
Increased drop rate of block charms
Increased max block of Holy Shield and Weapon Block (+5%)
Fixed maxed Holy Shield / Weapon Block, with slvl ~50, now each lvl will give benefit
Doubled damage of Fist of Heavens Bolts (magic)
Changed drop rate of egg shells
Fixed broken hit-skill on weapon of Chaos Tribute set
Fixed double Promise Runeword, now Patience is correctly displayed

Features 7.60d
Changed some Egg Shell recipes
-eggshells won´t longer give you eggs
-cubing many eggs won´t give dolls
-eggshells give dolls
Increased Psy Hammer synergy +1%
Decreased Corpse Explosion damage and radius
Fixed some issues with item names

Features 7.60c
Changed Fend to be not interruptable and to use AttackRate (Dex)
Fixed Raise skelleton Bug
Changed some low level items (levelreq increased)
Waypoint Field of Stone removed

Features 7.60b
Fixed Waypoint issue "Tristram" who has lost its waypoint

Features 7.60a
Whirlwind issue fixed, Druid now possible in all forms, Barbarian is able to whirl again

Features 7.60
PlugY 5.06 (/displayLifeMana changed to /dlm)
Some new items and changes to runewords, items
Decreased block chance and defense of items
2hand sorceress staff are able to block a little bit
Multiple Shot arrow amount changed
Strafe gets more shots
Telekinesis synergy decreased
Iceblast, Blizzard, Frozen Orb synergy changed
Teeth, BoneSpear,Bone Spirit got 33% phys. dmg
Bone Armor life increased
Golems changed
Corpse Explosion dmg decreased
Necro can now use the poison dagger skills for polearms, much more style
Blessed hammer synergy increased by 1%
Frenzy max speed decreased, attach speed increased
Natural resistance adopted to Chaos Empire resistance malus
Druid can acces more skills in shape shifted form, ever seen a dancing bear...
Psychic Hammer synergy decreased
Mindblast synergy+ radius decreased
Dragon Talon dmg increased, max kicks decreased
Dragon Claw dmg per level increased
Dragon Tail stuns the kicked monster instead of fire dmg
Death sentry corpse explosion dmg decreased
New character specific mastery
Hirelings level up now 3 times faster than original, base life increased
Changed Experience system
Horadrim Staff and Khalims Will now need additional items, findable in the corresponding act
Teleport block in act2 town, to stop teleporting into harem level without needed quests
AntiRush Act3 harend, you can only access party TPs after you have done the quest, also in quest area!
Fixed temper recipe for char specific shields
Port change to 7600

Version 7.59 (Patch based on 7.55):
MindBlast 1sec CastDelay
WarCry Stun length reduced, Syn decreased, 0,2sec CastDelay
Sorceress masteries 1/3 reduced
Damien drops runes
Ancient Diablo drops Black Key

Version 7.58 (Patch based on 7.55):
Blessed Hammer gets knockback and slow monster effect
Psychic Hammer syn decreased
MindBlast 2sec CastDelay
WarCry Stun length reduced, Syn decreased, 1sec CastDelay
Raise Skelleton now every 5th SkillPoint gives a Seklleton, HP decreased
Raise Mage now gives each 3SkillPoints a Mage, Dmg doubled
Revives now give every 2 SkillPoints a Revive, LifeTime + 50%
Meditation per Lvl mana regeneration decreased to 10%
Book of Wisdom, GubbelGubbel: Experience halfed
Soulstone Drops increased in Dungeon NastyPlaces
Runeword Rain modified
Sets/Uniques addExp and AllSkills little bit modified
DungeonMap rearranged in WorldSpace(this should fix the automap issue)
Port change to 7551

Teddy Skills:
Sword Mastery      d1warriorPuppe
Axe Mastery      wc2clientPuppe
Mace Mastery      scclientPuppe
Pole Arm Mastery      opencharPuppe
Throwing Mastery      d1roguePuppe
Spear Mastery      broodwarclientPuppe
Venom      deadhcPuppe
Blade Shield      blizzardrepPuppe
Life Tap      wc2orcbeastPuppe
Cobra Strike      irongolemPuppe
Tiger Strike      speakerPuppe
Conversion      d1sorcererPuppe
Spirit of Barbs      refereePuppe
Leap      chatclientPuppe
Guided Arrow      vallyPuppe
Magic Arrow      spiritwolfPuppe
Impale      druidbearPuppe
Jab      claygolemPuppe
Sacrifice      bloodgolemPuppe
Vengeance      firegolemPuppe
Poison Dagger      bnetadminPuppe

Version 7.57 (Patch based on 7.55):
- Updates PlugY to 5.05, fixed save issue, and carrying of more then 1 Teddy, or other unique charms

Version 7.56 (Patch based on 7.55):
- Updates PlugY 5.03 to 5.04, hopefully this fixes the multiplayer save issues

Version 7.55 (Full Release):
 - Issue in Dungeon fixed (Level 14/EndLevel)
 - Some new Runewords, Sets, Uniques
 - Some Balance changes
 - GamePort changed to: 7550

Version 7.60d (Patch based on 7.55):

Changed some Egg Shell recipes
-eggshells won´t longer give you eggs
-cubing many eggs won´t give dolls
-eggshells give dolls
Increased Psy Hammer synergy +1%
Decreased Corpse Explosion damage and radius
Fixed some issues with item names

Version 7.60c (Patch based on 7.55):

Changed Fend to be not interruptable and to use AttackRate (Dex)
Fixed Raise skelleton Bug
Changed some low level items (levelreq increased)
Waypoint Field of Stone removed

Version 7.60b (Patch based on 7.55):

Fixed Waypoint issue "Tristram" who has lost its waypoint

Version 7.60a (Patch based on 7.55):

Whirlwind issue fixed, Druid now possible in all forms, Barbarian is able to whirl again

Version 7.60 (Patch based on 7.55):

PlugY 5.06 (/displayLifeMana changed to /dlm)
Some new items and changes to runewords, items
Decreased block chance and defense of items
2hand sorceress staff are able to block a little bit
Multiple Shot arrow amount changed
Strafe gets more shots
Telekinesis synergy decreased
Iceblast, Blizzard, Frozen Orb synergy changed
Teeth, BoneSpear,Bone Spirit got 33% phys. dmg
Bone Armor life increased
Golems changed
Corpse Explosion dmg decreased
Necro can now use the poison dagger skills for polearms, much more style
Blessed hammer synergy increased by 1%
Frenzy max speed decreased, attach speed increased
Natural resistance adopted to Chaos Empire resistance malus
Druid can acces more skills in shape shifted form, ever seen a dancing bear...
Psychic Hammer synergy decreased
Mindblast synergy+ radius decreased
Dragon Talon dmg increased, max kicks decreased
Dragon Claw dmg per level increased
Dragon Tail stuns the kicked monster instead of fire dmg
Death sentry corpse explosion dmg decreased
New character specific mastery
Hirelings level up now 3 times faster than original, base life increased
Changed Experience system
Horadrim Staff and Khalims Will now need additional items, findable in the corresponding act
Teleport block in act2 town, to stop teleporting into harem level without needed quests
AntiRush Act3 harend, you can only access party TPs after you have done the quest, also in quest area!
Fixed temper recipe for char specific shields
Port change to 7600

Version 7.58/7.59 (Patch based on 7.55):

Blessed Hammer gets knockback and slow monster effect
Psychic Hammer syn decreased
MindBlast 1sec CastDelay
WarCry Stun length reduced, Syn decreased, 0,2sec CastDelay
Raise Skelleton now every 5th SkillPoint gives a Seklleton, HP decreased
Raise Mage now gives each 3SkillPoints a Mage, Dmg doubled
Revives now give every 2 SkillPoints a Revive, LifeTime + 50%
Meditation per Lvl mana regeneration decreased to 10%
Book of Wisdom, GubbelGubbel: Experience halfed
Soulstone Drops increased in Dungeon NastyPlaces
Runeword Rain modified
Sets/Uniques addExp and AllSkills little bit modified
DungeonMap rearranged in WorldSpace(this should fix the automap issue)
Sorceress masteries 1/3 reduced
Damien drops runes
Ancient Diablo drops Black Key
Port change to 7551

Teddy Skills:
Sword Mastery      d1warriorPuppe
Axe Mastery      wc2clientPuppe
Mace Mastery      scclientPuppe
Pole Arm Mastery      opencharPuppe
Throwing Mastery      d1roguePuppe
Spear Mastery      broodwarclientPuppe
Venom      deadhcPuppe
Blade Shield      blizzardrepPuppe
Life Tap      wc2orcbeastPuppe
Cobra Strike      irongolemPuppe
Tiger Strike      speakerPuppe
Conversion      d1sorcererPuppe
Spirit of Barbs      refereePuppe
Leap      chatclientPuppe
Guided Arrow      vallyPuppe
Magic Arrow      spiritwolfPuppe
Impale      druidbearPuppe
Jab      claygolemPuppe
Sacrifice      bloodgolemPuppe
Vengeance      firegolemPuppe
Poison Dagger      bnetadminPuppe

Version 7.57 (Patch based on 7.55):
- Added PlugY 5.05 (again SP/MP fixes, and new switches like /displayLifeMana see readme)

Version 7.56 (Patch based on 7.55):
- Added new PlugY 5.04 (hopefully fixes save issues in SP/MP, not Realm)

Version 7.55 (Full Release):
- Issue in Dungeon fixed (Level 14/EndLevel)
- 83 new Runewords, 67 new Sets, 962 new Uniques
- Some balance changes
- Souls have a new animation
- GamePort changed to: 7550

Version 7.51 (Patch based on 7.50):
- Experience loss on death is now: 10 / 25 / 50%
- Bartuc Set Level req increased, Gloves got higher chance for MindBlast
- Soulstones and UberAmu got higher resistances
- Anti-Rush Feature improved
- Warcry synergy decreased to 20%
- Volcano gets one second cast delay
- Druid can summon 10 raven
- Assassin can cast up to 6 traps
- Stats of Goldskin and Silk of Victor little bit changed
- Experience of Diablo1 and Acid-Beasts improved
- Damage and Life of Diablo1 improved (little bit below butcher)
- Lam Esen Quest 16 Status Points instead of 5
- All elite claws can now have 3 sockets
- Moved Lazarus to another location
- Fire Enchanted Damage of SuperUnique Bosses inhell decreased
- Tomb Viper Missile changed, only instant killed by multi poision boss (tested with 7k life)
- Book of Wisdom recipe changed, you now need all 7 character dolls to get three Book of Wisdom
- Book of Wisdom increased to 10.000.000 experience
- Diablo Clone will drop less "Diablo 1"-Potions in normal, more in nightmare, and most in hell
- Game Port changed to TCP: 7501

Version 7.50 (Full Release):
- 23 new RuneWords from Blizzard Realm implemented
- Item Upgrade recipe needs only item + Moderator Doll
- Socketing items now need double amount of perfect gems then wanted sockets, instead of socket+1 in perfect skulls
- Jab, Strafe, Fend are interuptable
- Party Exp Bonus fixed
- New system for upgrading the MOD, therefore you MUST delete the DATA folder before installing

Version 7.49e+:
- Charsi imbues into unique if possible
- In all Acts enough Gold
- Chance for Exep/Elite in all Difficulty identical (gambel in Normal!!!)
- Exp Loss on death increased to 5 / 15 /25
- Character specifiic Items in Gamble possible
- Perfect gems in Surprise Eggs

Version 7.49e:
- Barbarian-Screams in town fixed
- Ring of Ormus ilvl changed to 29/66/101
- Bat from Act4 replaced with Gargoyle
- Some skills rebalanced
- Hireling skills reworked

Version 7.49d:
- 16 new monsters (names and sounds not correct at the moment, make suggestions)
- Entry to the new levels moved to another place, but now always there (Act 5)
- Find Potion Skill changed
- Find Item Skill changed
- Reward of Bird Questin Act3 changed
- Reward of Gidbin Quest in Act3 changed

Version 7.49c:
- Changed Hireling Aura of Act3 + Act5
- Neue Ei-Rezepte

Version 7.49b:
- 21 new levels
- One woody Item from a special place and special drop from two persons can be cubed to doll stash
- Vitality- and Energy Potion rebalanced
- Barbarian-Belt "One-Row" issue solved (use eg. "x" as shortcut instead of "~""

Version 7.49a:
- New Energy-System (no Bonus-Mana per LevelUp, more Mana per Energy Point, Vitality gives a little bit more Life per Point)

Version 7.49:
- New Startlogo
- Inventory increased by 3 rows
- Tradescreen expanded 1 row
- Character starts with Identification-Book, 2 Townportal Scrolls and 3 Horadric Scrolls
- Act 3 Hirelings with additional skills
- Malah quest changed
- Hellforge quest drop changed
- Akara reward changed
- Global resistance decreased -25/-110/-250
- Global: Many Cast delays changed
- All stashes moved out of town
- 2 seals in act 4 moved
- SuperUniques moved/rearranged
- New Backgroundsounds in special areas
- Some new monsters
- Rare Items have special Recipes for One-Time Upgrade
- Runewords in rare items possible
- Teddy recipes deactivated
- A few LOD original recipes deactivated cause there a new CE recipes
- New egg recipes
- All start sets changed into 3 item sets
- 12 new sets
- ~ 50 new Uniques
- ~ 12 new sets
- Added Doll Stash (if your character looks like "FADE", stash is full, dolls dont have effect after this)
- Chimera and Damien dolls also don't drop any longer
- Faster cast and swing possible on charms
- Rings with +1 all skills possible
- Rings with character specific skills possible
- 7 Character specific Items added
- 3 Character specific Weapons added

Version 7.16:
- Changed a shortcut in act1
- Crushing Blow not /players dependend
- Gold only lossed from inventory, not stash
- Gem Button now also in german with correct text
- Teleport is blocked in some maps
- Global resistance changed -25/-85/-200 (Issue with display at -100)
- Monster AR increased to 20/40/60 and AC to 10/20/30 , BasisDmg now + 20/40/60
- Many skills modified
- Bloodmana would be casted more often
- Set-Recipe changed
- New unique belt BulKathos
- All dolls could be carried more then once
- New dolls added
- Soulstones modified
- Uber-Item modified
- Negative Ãœber-Unique Items removed
- Uber-Uniqes Items can be carried more then once (not soulstones and rings)
- Sockets on all Set/Unique Items removed
- Books only can carry 10 scrolls
- Egg shells added
- Lightning and fire resistance potions added
- Black Key from Baal Quest, or from Clone, not an always Drop!
- Runeword Wind added
- PlugY 2.05 added

Version 7.15b:
- Added runeword Duress, Prudence and Splendor
- Scrolls + Books no longer buyable
- Seals in Act4 rearranged

Version 7.15:
- Fixed display bug on some new items
- Fixed/changed some item graphics
- Fixed Chimera 1Hit issue in Hell
- Relocated Chimera, Damien
- Rare Charms added
- Added a few dolls, and improved logic of morph recipes
- Improved Boner Skills (50% more damage probably it will decreased a little next time)

Version 7.14:
- New Installer
- Telekinesis fixed
- Some skills are left button possible
- Some skills work in town eg BO
- PlugY 2.01 added
- D2mod.dll added, which helps to add code
- Party Exp range and value changed
- 16 new low Level Unique Items (2 per charakter)
- Windforce and Eaglehorn modified
- Bows now also as etheral possible
- Butcher, Damien, Chimera, and their morphs implemented
- Teddy-Recipe changed
- WorldEvent will drop Book of wisdom instead of Uber-Unique
- Increased base damage in Nightmare and Hell to same value as normal

Version 7.13a:
- Fixed a cube recipe with Izual doll and amulet
- Morph items now need a rare amulet

Version 7.13:
- Added 100 unique Info scrolls (first rollout, many will follow, dummy text is replaced automatically in next patch)
- Replaced two monster graphics
- Changed/added some cube recipes
- Acid Beast are always magic immune
- Removed the buggy level: Sinners
- Doubled skill rewards from quests
- Added some more Morph-Items

Version 7.12:
New build with new StartUp Item graphics
If you don´t see them, your installation is not correctly done and you can drops in games
You only need this package
Before installing, see Important notice at top of file
Deinstall old MOD per MODuninstall.bat of old MOD

Version 7.11:
Only repackaged, no changes done
There is a second 7.11 which contains a zip file for Non-Eng/Ger LOD Owners
Look into Version 7.10

Version 7.10:
Increased Battle Command +skills to 5
Fixed the broken recipe to generate unique weapons
New recipe to create the book of wisdom, one part is Blood Raven´s doll, you have to find out the other needed stuff
(the book is worth your search, think about 5 Mio. Exp without cap)
Change drecipe for making your item etheral
Decreased the gamble chance for exceptional items
Fixed a typo in Experience.txt
Increased the Experience penality on death to 5% / 10 % / 15% (N / NM / H)
Implemented DLL Changes to support additional Levels in future
Changed extension of modded files in ZIP, you can savely delete all files with extensions MOD in your Diablo2 folder

Remember that you MUST uninstall the MOD before installing any newer version, and extracting the new files into your Diablo 2 folder

Version 7.03:
Fixed Anti-Rush Feature in Act2, now it blocks correctly
Removed Book Tomes out of Town
Fixed drop of Acid Beats in Act5 (before accidently act1 drops)

Version 7.02:
Improved the Anti-Rush features
Fixed a crash problem on D2Maniacs

Version 7.01:
Fixed some broken recipes

Version 7.00:
Changed version counting, reason for many little versions is, I wanted a stable MOD so all learning is done step by step (which means version). I recommend all new Modders to do it that way.
Your tester will really be thankfull for a slowly stable developed version

Implemented many DLL changes, to make the game a little bit more challeging and tactical
Cause of that, the whole balancing has been redone (Tnx to all my BETA Testers)
Added the new "Trademark" of ChaosEmpire, our all beloved Teddy...
Skills possible up to Level 30
Added some Start and Uber Items, Increased stash, cube, inventory, done some little changes on characters, ad te whole things, to get a little better balanced
Increased Gamble-Chance
Made the Unique Item recipe much harder to work, so you have to play.
Added some modified/new maps
Implemented Anti-Rush features for MultiPlayer and yeah...that´s the Uber-News:

On 4th of april 2004 final 7.00 has gone online at D2Maniacs (Tnx to JEB and Sunny)

Version 6:
Added some monsters from Diablo1 (Tnx for all the 1.09 PlugIn´s)
Hellfire Oils, Diablo 1 Potions, the new Gem-Bags and something more...

Version 3+4+5:
Added Uber-Diablo in different ways, to let it look a little bit like a World-Event
Added some of the hidden original items, which never found their way into the game
Get much fun during holiday in modding, so I decided to learn modding...
At this place many thanks to all people in MOD Forum of and Phrozenkeep

Version 2:
Main change have been cube recipe to make it harder to get uniques/set

Version 1:
Based on my little Single-Player MOD for LOD 1.09d, I started a new version for LOD 1.10
Experience is tripled, and there a recipes to make it a little bit easier to get better stuff, so you have the same chances in Single-Player mode as on Blizzards Realm
« Last Edit: December 30, 2006, 07:35:03 pm by Hans-Jürgen (ChaosEnergy) »

CEmail: chaosenergy(a)
Chaos Empire® is a registered Trademark of Hans-Jürgen Ohler ©2003-2012


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