AuthorTopic: Chaos Empire Mod FAQ (english)  (Read 24802 times)

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Chaos Empire Mod FAQ (english)
« on: March 24, 2005, 12:16:53 pm »

      General changes
      Character modification
      Game Balance (Diffculty)
      Map Changes
      New Monsters
      Items, general
      New Items
      Cube Recipesl
      Description of Gem-Bags
      New titles
      Version History
      Tips'n tricks (out of the forum)


Important !!!
Before installing read this page carefully

See Version Info at end for latest changes.
I won´t answer any longer questions that are already covered in this file!

In case of any trouble, press the credits button on main screen to check for your installed version,
also check Hkey_Local_Machine\software\chaosempire for version info.

You MUST first deactivate any MOD-Version of ChaosEmpire (<7.17) via ChaosEmpire.exe before upgrading!
Also you must delete the Data folder after this!

If you don´t do this, your original game files (D2Client.dll, D2Common.dll, D2Game.dll, D2Lang.dll, D2win.dll)
will be overwritten and you have to reinstall.

      In Program Menu "ChaosEmpire" you will find the Chaos Empire Activator, with it you can always switch between original LOD and Chaos Empire. The game must be closed before!

General changes:

      Proceed of sale increased
      All Ladder recipes/items activated
      German Patchstring.tbl fixed cause of the ItemAuraBug
      Magic-Register at NPC´s activated
      Fara does not heal any longer
      Quest reward of Akara, Atma and Izual doubled
      You don´t loose gold from stash after death
      Crushing blow does not depend on amount of playerany longer
      Shortcut Switch -act1 until -act5 changed (generates now test char with Level 16/45/60/78/96)
      Runewords possible in Magic and Rare Items
      New TownPortal Graphic
      New Gameload screen (for quick identify that you have the mod)
      New Background-Sounds
      Modified Interface
      Credits adapted

Character modification:

      New Character start with Horadric-Cube and Stone ot the Conversion
      All Characters start with 85 points of status and an ability, and some startup items
      Gold quadruples quantities in Stash and inventory (Lvl1 200.00 / 40.000)
      Character walk / run faster
      Per LevelUp +2 Skillpoints
      Per LevelUp +8 Statuspoints
      Skills up to Level 30 possible
      Character up to Level 100 possible
      Many skills rebalanced
      No mana on LevelUp


      Hirelings level up twice as fast as original
      Doubled Life, Damage and Armor per LevelUp
      Mercs are able to wear complete Equipment (Akt3 only 1 shield OR 1 Weapon)
      Skills changed

      Akt1 Roques:
      Normal: Innersight, Slow Missiles, Fire Arrow or Cold Arrow, Sanctuary
      Nightmare: Innersight, Slow Missiles, Exploding Arrow or Ice Arrow, Sanctuary
      Hell: Innersight, Slow Missiles, Immolation Arrow or Freezing Arrow, Sanctuary

      Akt2 Soldier: Jab +(Kampf / Defensiv / Offensiv)
      Normal: Jab, Prayer / Cleansing / Blessed Aim
      Nightmare: Jab, Thorns / Holy Freeze / Might
      Hell: Jab, Fanaticism / Salvation / Meditation

      Act3 Sorccerer:
      Fire: Inferno, Fireball, Meteor, Baal Nova (Attention: Hireling from Nightmare and Hell get more skills)
      Lightning: Lightning, ChainLightning, Baal Inferno  (Attention: Hireling from Nightmare and Hell get more skills)
      Ice: Frozen Armor, Ice Blast, Blizzard (Attention: Hireling from Nightmare and Hell get more skills)

      Akt5 Barbarian
      Normal: Bash, Stun, Defiance
      Albtraum: Bash, Stun, Conviction
      Hell: Bash, Stun, Conviction

Game Balance (Difficulty):

      Exp penality on death changed (5% / 10% / 15%)
      Normal -25% Resistance, Nightmare -110%, Hell -250% (Display ends @ -100%)
      Static in Normal works until 20% life of monsters
      Experience constantly decreases, with Level91 drastically
      Party Exp from 35% increased to 63%
      Party Radius from 2 increased to 3 screens
      Up to Level 52 the original Level 25 Rule is workingl (Monster Level must be +-5 Level, so play normal without rushing)
      Unique / Champion Monster Quantity increased (min_max  Quantity in normal/nightmare/hell + 0_1/1_2/2_3)
      Monsterdensity per Level increased (*1,25)
      Min/Max Damage A1,A2,S1,El1-3 of all  Monster plus 20/40/60(*MonsterLevel(Normal,Nightmare/Hell)),
      Monster AC increased by 10/70/130
      Monster AR increased by 20/90/160
      Implemented random unpiercable Immunities (1-2)
      /players13 is fixed minimum
      maximal /players 20 is possible

Map Changes:

      AutoMaps in towns fixed
      Act 1 New graveyard
      Act 1 Town modified
      Act 1 Shortcut to Graveyard
      Act 1 Shortcut into Underground
      Act 1 Fog in act1 wilderness
      Act 1 Caves are more impressive
      Act 1 New inner cloister
      Act 1 New cathedral
      Act 1 Andariel map changed
      Act 1 Cow Level changed
      Act 2 hidden Harem Map changed with the original small map
      Act 2 Sewers Level 2 changed
      Act 2 New Sun of the altar area in act2
      Act 2 Duriel map changed
      Act 3 Mephisto map changed
      Act 3 town shuffled
      Act 4 new town
      Act 4 Seals rearranged in complete act
      Act 5 Harrogath has spend money into a new well
      Act 5 Shortcut to PindleSkin
      Act 5 2 missing LavaMaps activated (internal code is EW3 and NS3)

New Monsters:

Diablo Clone

      Could be in act5 Lava Caves as Superunique max. once per Game (with up to 3 random abilites in Nightmare and Hell)(E2,EW,EW3,NS2,NS3)
      Level changed (75/95/110), Resistance, Block decreased, Damage is original, Experience increased
      Diablo Clone Drop modified, different for Normal, Superunique and World-Event(Realm Only) Version

New monsters already in Diablo2 but normally hidden (some are not working completly thats the reason for hiding)

      Mosquito Nest activated
      Quill Bear activated (really silly)
      Elementar "Balls" activated
      Fallen "volcano" activated

Monster aus Diablo1

      Acid Beast
      King Leoric
      Bats replace the original swarms
      The Hidden replace souls (no more lightning damage...dont forget BlackSouls..)
      BlackKnights in act4, Iron Maiden already in River of Flame possible
      Shredders (Hellfire) replace wraith
      Giant spiders (Hellfire) replace original spiders
      The Butcher


      FoulCrows replaced with dangerous impressive kites

Items, general:

      Increased stash, cube, inventory
      Original items don´t have sockets any longer
      Stamina, Antidote and Thawing Potion take twice as long effect (1 minute)
      Graphics of rings, Amulettes changed
      Books not buyable, max 10 scrolls
      All BasisLevel increased with factor 1.3 (this means drops from chases are better, annihilus possible really late act5)
      Exceptional and Elite Items possible in all difficulties (very low chance in normal, better chances in nightmare)
      Monsterdroprate little bit increased (additionally to players function)
      Gamble Chance massively increased (49,25% magic, 29% rare, 14,5% set, 7,25% unique; Exep 37%, Elite 13%)
      Shrinking Heads, Barbarian und Druid Helm, Paladin Shield, Orbs, Amazonen Weapons and runes in gamble screen possible
      max of 25 Items in GambleScreen instead of 14
      Throwing Weapons can have sockets
      Belts with max. 2 Socket, Amulette and Rings with max. 1 Socket
      (Amulette work as Shield, Rings as Weapons, Belts as Armor)
      Gas- / Oil Potion do more damage (factor 5) and sell very well
      Annihilus gives 2-5 to all Skills
      Rings, Amulette, Charms, and Teddys, can be personalized
      ZOD changed
      Faster cast and attack on charms possible
      Rings can drop with +1 all skills
      Rings can drop with character specific skills
      7 character specific Itemtypes added

New Items:

      Your personal Teddy
      Counts Monster killed, attacked, hit, also how often you are hit and have died(not all attack work, eg Sorceress spells wount count, D2 Bug)
      +1 to all Skills
      + 2% MagicFind per LevelUp
      Must be identified with Horadric scroll (in Cube)
      Gem-Bags (How to Use further down)
      Magic and rare arrows and bolts possible
      A special Unique-Set(including 5 unique charms)
      It will make your life really easy in hell..if you find it :)
      Info scrolls
      Doll stash (if character gets Fade-Look, stash is full, dolls won`t add effect after this)
      Lightning and Fire Resistance Potions
      ~ 50 new Uniques
      ~ 10 new Sets
      4 new runewords from Blizzard Realm

The following items transmogify with right-click into...

      Brain - Identification Book
      Spleen - Townportal Book
      Heart - Zod Rune
      Jawbone - little charm
      Horn - medium charm
      Quill - big charm
      Fang - torch
      Eye - jewel
      Tail - Herb
      Flag - Valuable Elixier
      Soul - Surprise Egg
      Torch - more light, (and something happens if you can see better (5 Minute))
      Herb run like on drugs, some guys feel refreshed smoking this suspicous herb (4    minute)
      Valuable Elixir increases defense, hp, mana temporarly (3 minute)
      Black key - allskills +5 (2 minute)
      Book of wisdom - + 10.000.000 Experience (only read one book, then kill a monster (best act1 only little exp), or you can run at LvL 99 into a rollover and rollback to Lvl ~30)
      Potion of Farnham - +1 Skill
      Potion of Ogden - +8 Status Points
      Potion of Griswold - +1 Strengtht
      Potion of Gillian - +1 Dexterity
      Potion of Pepin - +1 Vitality (+5 MaxLife + 5 MaxStamina)
      Potion of Adria - +1 Energy (+5 MaxMana)
      GubbelGubbel - + 5.000.000 Experience (only read one book, then kill a monster (best act1 only little exp), or you can run at LvL 99 into a rollover and rollback to Lvl ~30)

Cube Recipes:

      - CowLevel Recipe - Black Key + TownScroll

You get if you put in....

      1 white superior item -> 1 item + 1 healpotion
      1 random etheral superior item -> 1 item + 1 manapotion
      1 white Item with gem attributes -> Some white items + gem
      1 make your item etheral -> 1 item + Ghost doll (level req. +1)
      1 new  mag. item  -> 1 item + 2 Charms
      1 new rare item -> 1 item + 1 rare Charm
      1 set item -> 1 item + 1 doll + 5 rare jewels (sometimes you get a rare item with doubled durability (normal D2 logic))
      1 unique item -> 1 item + 1 doll + 15 perfect gems (each item type needs its own sort of gems)
       (sometimes you get a rare item with trippled durability (normal D2 logic))
      15 perfect Amethyst + Weapon
      15 perfect Diamonds + Shield
      15 perfect Saphire + Armor
      15 perfect Rubin + Ring
      15 perfect Emerald + Amulet
      15 perfect Topaz + Jewel
      One time upgraded Item - Rare Item and 3 correct body parts
      Torso + Heart = 15-20% LL
      Helm + Brain = 40-60% Faster Cast
      Weapon + Jawbone = 2,5 Damage  per Level (Cold, Lightning, Fire)
      Amulet + Eye = 15-20% ML
      Weapon + Horn = 5 Damage per Level (phys. Dmg)
      Shoes + Tail = 40-60 Faster Run
      Shield + Flag = 2,5 Damage per Level reflected when hit
      Gloves + Fang = 40-60 IAS
      Ring + Quill = 50-75% MF + 75%-125 Gold + 5 Light
      Belt + Spleen = 5 poison Damage per Level for 2 seconds + prevent monster heal
      Crafted recipes - see webpage
      1 socket item -> 1 item + (Socket Amount + double amount of perfect gem's)
       1 exeptional item -> normal item + Channel Moderator doll (level req. +5)
      1 elite item -> exeptional item + Channel Moderator doll (level req. +7)
      1 unsocketed Item and the "gems" -> socketed item + Suicide Minion doll
      1 next smaller rune -> 1 Rune
      1 next smaller gem -> 1 Gem
      1 personalized Item -> Horadric-Scroll + Item (like Anya Quest)
      1 Tyraels Might -> 1 Templars Might +2 body parts
      1 Azurewrath -> Lightsabre + 2 body parts
      1 Stone Crusher -> Schaefer Hammer + 2 body parts
      1 Earth Shifter -> Cranium Basher + 2 body parts
      1 Heaven's Light -> The Reedeemer + 2 body parts
      1 Nightwing's Veil -> Veil of Steel + 2 body parts
      1 Stormlash -> Horizon's Tornado + 2 body parts
      1 Morph-Item -> Dolls of Act bosses, Griswold, Izual, Hephasto, Radament, Damien, Chimera, Butcher, CowKing, Summoner (only Spells, no attack possible) + rare Amulett (only a joke)..and more
      1 Books of wisdom - All seven character dolls (Ama, Barb, Sorc, Druid, Necro, Assa)
      1 Horadric-Staff - Andariell doll + 3 elixirs
      1 Khalims Will - Duriel doll + 3 elixirs
      1 modified Item - Item + Black-Oil
      1 Player Kill counted - Teddy + Player Ear (Counts up to 4095 ears, saved on item, new Teddy, all kills lost)
      1 egg -> 1 upper and 1 lower Egg-Shell
      1 doll -> 6 eggs
      2 dolls -> 10 eggs
      3 dolls -> 12 eggs
      1 doll stash -> Wirts Leg + two Horadric-Scroll

Description of Gem-Bags:

      There are 7 Gem-Bags for each gem type.
      The bag can contain 2 gems of same type and quality, if you put in a third of same type and quality it willbe converted to next better quality.
      There can be 200 perfect gems in bag
      Maximum is 200 Perfect, 2 Flawless, 2 Normal, 2 Flawed and 2 Chipped Gems of same type.
      So 208 gems in bag for only 1 place in inventory, you save 207 places!
      How to put gems into gem-bags
      Put the gem-bag and the correct gem type into cube, press the button, thats it
      If there are already 2 of same type in gem bag, you get a better one that you can cube again into stash, until its a perfect one
      How to get gems back?
      Put the gem-bag into the cube, press the button, and one of the lowest will be put off from bag
      To get the perfect gem, you must remove up to 8 from other type...heee you got 207 saved places..so do a little work :)
      Where to get this gem-bags
      Lysander (Act2) costs 750 Gold

New Titles (Softcore(N,NM,H); Hardcore(N,NM,H)):

      Battlemaiden, Superior, Matriarch; Dame, Lady, Queen
      Adept, Enchantress, Wizardress; Hexmistress, Seeress, Incantatrix
      Summoner, Spiritualist, Warlock; Conjuror, Magician, Thaumaturge

      Knight, Lord, Monarch; Champion, Prince, King

      Veteran, Chieftain, Overlord; Warrior, Conqueror, Warlord

      Protector, Preserver, Guardian; Forester, Shaman, Earthlord

      Slayer, Enforcer, Inquisitor; Eliminator, Ninja, Sensei


Version 7.51 (Patch based on 7.50):
- Experience loss on death is now: 10 / 25 / 50%
- Bartuc Set Level req increased, Gloves got higher chance for MindBlast
- Soulstones and UberAmu got higher resistances
- Anti-Rush Feature improved
- Warcry synergy decreased to 20%
- Volcano gets one second cast delay
- Druid can summon 10 raven
- Assassin can cast up to 6 traps
- Stats of Goldskin and Silk of Victor little bit changed
- Experience of Diablo1 and Acid-Beasts improved
- Damage and Life of Diablo1 improved (little bit below butcher)
- Lam Esen Quest 16 Status Points instead of 5
- All elite claws can now have 3 sockets
- Moved Lazarus to another location
- Fire Enchanted Damage of SuperUnique Bosses inhell decreased
- Tomb Viper Missile changed, only instant killed by multi poision boss (tested with 7k life)
- Book of Wisdom recipe changed, you now need all 7 character dolls to get three Book of Wisdom
- Book of Wisdom increased to 10.000.000 experience
- Diablo Clone will drop less "Diablo 1"-Potions in normal, more in nightmare, and most in hell
- Game Port changed to TCP: 7501

Version 7.50 (Full Release):
- 23 new RuneWords from Blizzard Realm implemented
- Item Upgrade recipe needs only item + Moderator Doll
- Socketing items now need double amount of perfect gems then wanted sockets, instead of socket+1 in perfect skulls
- Jab, Strafe, Fend are interuptable
- Party Exp Bonus fixed
- New system for upgrading the MOD, therefore you MUST delete the DATA folder before installing

Version 7.49e+:
- Charsi imbues into unique if possible
- In all Acts enough Gold
- Chance for Exep/Elite in all Difficulty identical (gambel in Normal!!!)
- Exp Loss on death increased to 5 / 15 /25
- Character specifiic Items in Gamble possible
- Perfect gems in Surprise Eggs

Version 7.49e:
- Barbarian-Screams in town fixed
- Ring of Ormus ilvl changed to 29/66/101
- Bat from Act4 replaced with Gargoyle
- Some skills rebalanced
- HIreling skills reworked

Version 7.49d:
- 16 new monsters (names and sounds not correct at the moment, make suggestions)
- Entry to the new levels moved to another place, but now always there (Act 5)
- Find Potion Skill changed
- Find Item Skill changed
- Reward of Bird Questin Act3 changed
- Reward of Gidbin Quest in Act3 changed

Version 7.49c:
- Changed Hireling Aura of Act3 + Act5
- New Egg Recipes

Version 7.49b:
- 21 new levels
- One woody Item from a special place and special drop from two persons can be cubed to doll stash
- Vitality- and Energy Potion rebalanced
- Barbarian-Belt "One-Row" issue solved (use eg. "x" as shortcut instead of "~""

Version 7.49a:
- New Energy-System (no Bonus-Mana per LevelUp, more Mana per Energy Point, Vitality gives a little bit more Life per Point)

Version 7.49:
- New Startlogo
- Inventory increased by 3 rows
- Tradescreen expanded 1 row
- Character starts with Identification-Book, 2 Townportal Scrolls and 3 Horadric Scrolls
- Act 3 Hirelings with additional skills
- Malah quest changed
- Hellforge quest drop changed
- Akara reward changed
- Global resistance decreased -25/-110/-250
- Global: Many Cast delays changed
- All stashes moved out of town
- 2 seals in act 4 moved
- SuperUniques moved/rearranged
- New Backgroundsounds in special areas
- Some new monsters
- Rare Items have special Recipes for One-Time Upgrade
- Runewords in rare items possible
- Teddy recipes deactivated
- A few LOD original recipes deactivated cause there a new CE recipes
- New egg recipes
- All start sets changed into 3 item sets
- 12 new sets
- ~ 50 new Uniques
- ~ 12 new sets
- Added Doll Stash (if your character looks like "FADE", stash is full, dolls dont have effect after this)
- Chimera and Damien dolls also don't drop any longer
- Faster cast and swing possible on charms
- Rings with +1 all skills possible
- Rings with character specific skills possible
- 7 Character specific Items added
- 3 Character specific Weapons added

Version 7.16:
- Changed a shortcut in act1
- Crushing Blow not /players dependend
- Gold only lossed from inventory, not stash
- Gem Button now also in german with correct text
- Teleport is blocked in some maps
- Global resistance changed -25/-85/-200 (Issue with display at -100)
- Monster AR increased to 20/40/60 and AC to 10/20/30 , BasisDmg now + 20/40/60
- Many skills modified
- Bloodmana would be casted more often
- Set-Recipe changed
- New unique belt BulKathos
- All dolls could be carried more then once
- New dolls added
- Soulstones modified
- Uber-Item modified
- Negative Ãœber-Unique Items removed
- Uber-Uniqes Items can be carried more then once (not soulstones and rings)
- Sockets on all Set/Unique Items removed
- Books only can carry 10 scrolls
- Egg shells added
- Lightning and fire resistance potions added
- Black Key from Baal Quest, or from Clone, not an always Drop!
- Runeword Wind added
- PlugY 2.05 added

Version 7.15b:
- Added runeword Duress, Prudence and Splendor
- Scrolls + Books no longer buyable
- Seals in Act4 rearranged

Version 7.15:
- Fixed display bug on some new items
- Fixed/changed some item graphics
- Fixed Chimera 1Hit issue in Hell
- Relocated Chimera, Damien
- Rare Charms added
- Added a few dolls, and improved logic of morph recipes
- Improved Boner Skills (50% more damage probably it will decreased a little next time)

Version 7.14:
- New Installer
- Telekinesis fixed
- Some skills are left button possible
- Some skills work in town eg BO
- PlugY 2.01 added
- D2mod.dll added, which helps to add code
- Party Exp range and value changed
- 16 new low Level Unique Items (2 per charakter)
- Windforce and Eaglehorn modified
- Bows now also as etheral possible
- Butcher, Damien, Chimera, and their morphs implemented
- Teddy-Recipe changed
- WorldEvent will drop Book of wisdom instead of Uber-Unique
- Increased base damage in Nightmare and Hell to same value as normal

Version 7.13a:
- Fixed a cube recipe with Izual doll and amulet
- Morph items now need a rare amulet

Version 7.13:
- Added 100 unique Info scrolls (first rollout, many will follow, dummy text is replaced automatically in next patch)
- Replaced two monster graphics
- Changed/added some cube recipes
- Acid Beast are always magic immune
- Removed the buggy level: Sinners
- Doubled skill rewards from quests
- Added some more Morph-Items

Version 7.12:
New build with new StartUp Item graphics
If you don´t see them, your installation is not correctly done and you can drops in games
You only need this package
Before installing, see Important notice at top of file
Deinstall old MOD per MODuninstall.bat of old MOD

Version 7.11:
Only repackaged, no changes done
There is a second 7.11 which contains a zip file for Non-Eng/Ger LOD Owners
Look into Version 7.10

Version 7.10:
Increased Battle Command +skills to 5
Fixed the broken recipe to generate unique weapons
New recipe to create the book of wisdom, one part is Blood Raven´s doll, you have to find out the other needed stuff
(the book is worth your search, think about  5 Mio. Exp without cap)
Change drecipe for making your item etheral
Decreased the gamble chance for exceptional items
Fixed a typo in Experience.txt
Increased the Experience penality on death to 5% / 10 % / 15% (N / NM / H)
Implemented DLL Changes to support additional Levels in future
Changed extension of modded files in ZIP, you can savely delete all files with extensions MOD in your Diablo2 folder

Remember that you MUST uninstall the MOD before installing any newer version, and extracting the new files into your Diablo 2 folder

Version 7.03:
Fixed Anti-Rush Feature in Act2, now it blocks correctly
Removed Book Tomes out of Town
Fixed drop of Acid Beats in Act5 (before accidently act1 drops)

Version 7.02:
Improved the Anti-Rush features
Fixed a crash problem on D2Maniacs

Version 7.01:
Fixed some broken recipes

Version 7.00:
Changed version counting, reason for many little versions is, I wanted a stable MOD so all learning is done step by step (which means version). I recommend all new Modders to do it that way.
Your tester will really be thankfull for a slowly stable developed version

Implemented many DLL changes, to make the game a little bit more challeging and tactical
Cause of that, the whole balancing has been redone (Thx to all my BETA Testers)
Added the new "Trademark" of ChaosEmpire, our all beloved Teddy...
Skills possible up to Level 30
Added some Start and Uber Items, Increased stash, cube, inventory, done some little changes on characters, ad te whole things, to get a little better balanced
Increased Gamble-Chance
Made the Unique Item recipe much harder to work, so you have to play.
Added some modified/new maps
Implemented Anti-Rush features for MultiPlayer and yeah...that´s the Uber-News:

On 4th of april 2004 final 7.00 has gone online at D2Maniacs (Tnx to JEB and Sunny)

Version 6:
Added some monsters from Diablo1 (Tnx for all the 1.09 PlugIn´s)
Hellfire Oils, Diablo 1 Potions, the new Gem-Bags and something more...

Version 3+4+5:
Added Uber-Diablo in different ways, to let it look a little bit like a World-Event
Added some of the hidden original items, which never found their way into the game
Get much fun during holiday in modding, so I decided to learn modding...
At this place many thanks to all people in MOD Forum of Ddiablo2.de and Phrozenkeep

Version 2:
Main change have been cube recipe to make it harder to get uniques/set

Version 1:
Based on my little Single-Player MOD for LOD 1.09d, I started a new version for LOD 1.10
Experience is tripled, and there a recipes to make it a little bit easier to get better stuff, so you have the same chances in Single-Player mode as on Blizzards Realm

Tips'n Tricks

Link to a picture for the andariel map:

Andariel map

Waypoint in Tristram:

You will find the waypoint at the level border (look for something looking like a cross).

Black Key:

The Black Key now only drops from Damien (you will find him in akt3 flayer jungle in flayer dungeons near the wp)

Rune Words:

Complete rune words List (7.52 alpha)

Rune words
« Last Edit: March 29, 2005, 09:11:00 am by ebounDar »

Das ist nicht tot
das ewig liegt
bis das der Tod
die Zeit besiegt

That is not dead
which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even Death may die
H.P. Lovecraft

Inhabitant Thread
Thats me


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Chaos Empire Mod FAQ (english)
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2005, 01:11:00 pm »
Nice work:-) but as you know, the original readme has some mistakes, although I don't know if you want to change it:

 1 exeptional item -> normal item + body part + perfect gem + Channel Moderator doll (level req. +5)
1 elite item -> exeptional item + body part + perfect gem + Channel Moderator doll (level req. +7)

these recipes are now:

 1 exeptional item -> normal item + Channel Moderator doll (level req. +5)
1 elite item -> exeptional item + Channel Moderator doll (level req. +7)

I don't know if there are any more mistakes.


[Edit] How would it be about adding 25 oils -> Mod and 25 perf. skulls -> Ghost?
and some more words about the installation of CE without having an old version.

[Edit2] Perhaps I should tell that the 2 doll recipes are not official!
« Last Edit: March 24, 2005, 01:22:52 pm by ThreeD »

Offline alexey222

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« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2005, 01:17:16 pm »
cool...i didnt know that 25 ps' is a ghost.... :clap:  but if there any way to create the suicide minion ...tell plz

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Chaos Empire Mod FAQ (english)
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2005, 01:25:33 pm »
Thanks for the info, I edit it.

When someone find other mistakes, please report.

Greets Phil

Das ist nicht tot
das ewig liegt
bis das der Tod
die Zeit besiegt

That is not dead
which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even Death may die
H.P. Lovecraft

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Chaos Empire Mod FAQ (english)
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2005, 01:52:02 am »
cool...i didnt know that 25 ps' is a ghost.... :clap:  but if there any way to create the suicide minion ...tell plz
the only way to get a suicide minion doll is by finishing act5 quest2

perhaps you can get them out of eggs but i don't know anybody who got one this way yet :)

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Chaos Empire Mod FAQ (english)
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2005, 02:15:25 am »
cool...i didnt know that 25 ps' is a ghost.... :clap:  but if there any way to create the suicide minion ...tell plz
the only way to get a suicide minion doll is by finishing act5 quest2

perhaps you can get them out of eggs but i don't know anybody who got one this way yet :)
you can only get act5 quest2 dolls by doin that quest.
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Chaos Empire Mod FAQ (english)
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2005, 08:31:48 am »
:thumbdown:  :thumbdown:  really not cool  

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Chaos Empire Mod FAQ (english)
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2005, 08:56:45 am »
thats not correct...
you can get all 3 different dolls from cube recipes

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Chaos Empire Mod FAQ (english)
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2005, 10:13:24 am »
good...i still have a hope...but what recipe is it??? it's not in the readme for sure!!!


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Chaos Empire Mod FAQ (english)
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2005, 07:37:09 pm »
Nice Job, but you wrote "Tyarels Macht", it would be i good idea to translate that, too.

How about "Tyarels Might"? ;)

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Chaos Empire Mod FAQ (english)
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2005, 08:07:45 pm »
thats not correct...
you can get all 3 different dolls from cube recipes
I just know the recipes for ghost and mod dolls.
So if there really exists a recipe for the suicide doll please tell us big creator -.-

@Topic: Nice works!

greetz, azual
« Last Edit: March 27, 2005, 08:08:22 pm by azual »
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