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AuthorTopic: Hireling Gear, Hireling skills, effects on PCs  (Read 4269 times)

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Hireling Gear, Hireling skills, effects on PCs
« on: August 11, 2012, 07:53:22 pm »
If I equip a hireling with Mephisto's Claw (Holy Freeze level 5) and Chiad's Halo (Holy Freeze level 4), damage numbers on the 'O' screen show that Holy Freeze level 9 is in effect.  This is expected.
If I equip a hireling with Humility armor (level 7 Salvation), going from in town to out of town changes my resists ('A' screen, 3rd page), by 91%. This is expected.
If I equip a hireling with Gemini Coat (+1 to Might) my Zeal damage increases from 142-697 to 143-720.  This isn't a 40% increase (expected for level 1 might). The weapon damage is 1-36, so the hireling might bonus isn't 40% of that, either.

The "+3 to all skills" on the armor that gives level 7 Salvation when equipped does not effect the salvation, nor the holy freeze.

Is there a Definitive "Tao of Hireling Mods"?  I'd like to know what merc equipment will do me the best good, and what will be a waste of time, effort, and equipment.

 (Just to make strange things stranger, if I don, then take off, the Humility armor, my resists change 106%, which is level 16 Salvation.  The armor gives level 7 and +3 to all skills, I have 33 other + to all skills on other items.  The change in resists should be level 7 humility, or level 10, or level 43... not level 16... Anybody know the Magic Math?)

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Re: Hireling Gear, Hireling skills, effects on PCs
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2012, 02:47:19 am »
+ to all skills does not effect auras that are granted by being equipped.  The way it works in normal diablo (havent tested in CE) is that if you have multiple Aura When Equipped then they stack so that the aura is the level of the total equipped armor.  However, +skills don't do anything at all for mercs so don't bother gearing them with skill armor.

As for actual damage done, Might Aura is taken into effect under total damage along with fanatacism and other Total Damage Multipliers.  For instance, let's say I have a weapon that does 100 damage and i apply fanatacism with +20% and a shield with +25% ehanced damage.

DMG = 100 + 20 +25  = 145 dmg

Now we add the might aura you're talking about.  This is +40% of the 100, NOT 40% of the 145.

Expected = 145*.4 = 203
Actual = 100+20+25+40= 185

All the damage calculations can be found here [size=78%][/size] A great page that will help decide how to truly maximize Final Damage on your character based on your skills


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