Chaos Empire D2 + LOD Mod

Daily Chaos => Neuigkeiten => Topic started by: ChaosEmpire on July 09, 2006, 12:03:09 pm

Title: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 09, 2006, 12:03:09 pm
I remember that, if you have donated before 08.July 2006, and you dont have the  :don: as avatar
Write a PM with info, so we will find the reason, why you arent listed

For example, some paypal user didnt send information about donation, and so I cant map the accname

Also from today, we will mix a membership fee (30€ per year) with additional donation, with 100 members, the main server will be paid, and only the main one...

Calculation in Begin of 2006:
300 Donators á 10€ = 3000€ / 12 month = 250€ per month = rent of main server (3 virtual game servers)
We dont have 300 donators, we dont have >=250€ each month, so I will still spend my money on top

Caclulation July 2006
100 Members á 30€ = 3000€ / 12 month = 250€ per month = rent of main server (3 virtual game servers)
(I still will need to pay on top, cause the per user ratio is surely not 30€)
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: T1001 on July 09, 2006, 02:25:24 pm
die 100 mit denen zu jetzt aktuell kalkuliert hast, sind da diejenigen die grade noch ce spielen? sprich wenn alle donators zur gleichen zeit on wären, dann wären es 100 spieler?
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 09, 2006, 02:34:28 pm
wir haben rund 600 aktive momentan...die meisten sind aber non-donators..wobei sich das momentan gerade aendert...
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: Strontkop on July 09, 2006, 02:41:56 pm
And what happens to the people that can/do not pay? Will they still be able to play on with their characters?
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: T1001 on July 09, 2006, 02:45:28 pm
nee ich meinte aktive donators, die 600 sind dann aktive spieler also sowohl spender als auch nicht-spender.
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: Strontkop on July 09, 2006, 02:49:08 pm
Sorry my ger is not so good ;-)

I just want to know if I, a non-donator, will be able to continue playing? I hear rumours on the server that those who not pay will be kicked off, or have to start a new character on another (laggy) server.

Thx for your time and teh best d2 mod out there ;-)
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 09, 2006, 03:14:15 pm
hi strontkop (btw netherlands??)

the old realm will be open as before, but i will move most of the servers into the donators area
next month 2 big servers will get lossed, cause of no money
and i think you will understand that people who donated will get a bonus versus non-donators

we have reallylong time tried to avoid such steps, but ther eis no chance, over and over asking...and most of the players not doing (mostly european people)

so today we need to make this step
surely the ressources for the free one will decrease, but it will be open, to give all a chance to see the gameplay online, and if you like can donate, and move over to the donators area

Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: Strontkop on July 09, 2006, 05:19:38 pm
Yo im from netherlands ;-) Perhaps u remember me from long ago, when I played some too and chatted with u too a bit.

First of all ofcourse I understand your actions, thats 100% ok with me. The scene has become a lot bigger in a year, and servers cost money, its very simple. I have seen this mod grow and grow, and its only getting bigger ;-) I have 3 questions now :

I understand that the non-donators can still play on, but on a less quality server with perhaps some lag? Is this right?
Can we bring our characters to the donator server if we decide to become donators?
Is there any way to pay you when I do not have a credit card?

Thx again for your time ;-)
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 09, 2006, 06:12:53 pm

first, i assume that it could get laggy, or that you get lists and waiting times
also, less servers crash..much less redundancy, so surely not as good overall performance, probably with less lags(i will reduce game amount, if to laggy, better lagfree and 10games, than 20 games, and unplayable for all)

its a ladder reset like, on the new realm, so we wont move characters, challanges :)
also, updates will come for donators in future, unknown, if and when for free part

in europe you can transfer money via bank without additional fee, see needed numbers in Impressum
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: mrmud on July 09, 2006, 06:34:36 pm

Do you have a start date for new donator realm?

Your last post: { its a ladder reset like, on the new realm, so we wont move characters, challanges} , does this mean the characters we are currently playing will be no longer and will start fresh?

Will there be a new download for this?

last: given the cost of servers, how many donators currently and what would be the cost (donation per account) to maintain servers? I understand that when "new donators" come on line they pay same amount or will the fees be adjusted.

PS:  will this be a yearly donation or monthly?

The Wonderful MrMud
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 09, 2006, 07:25:56 pm
hi kim

look at my post..on top..there should all your question be answered :P
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ZenPdH on July 09, 2006, 10:54:42 pm
So if i understand this correct, donators and non-donators are no longer able to play together?

U mentioned a ladder reset... Will the reset only affect the donators? -> 2 ladders?
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 09, 2006, 11:09:17 pm
the donators are on completly other machines

they also can still play on the other realm, if they like
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ZenPdH on July 09, 2006, 11:20:16 pm
Ok, so if a donator wants to play on a server with less performance, he/she is free to do so ::)

But what is with the ladder(s)? A lot of people like the challenge of beeing first/best/whatever...
Is this challenge still be given for all or seperated in donators and non-donators?

U also mentioned updates (only) for donators, so i guess different verions != one ladder?
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 10, 2006, 08:31:02 am
2 different frontends = 2 different realms = 2 ladders

For the updates, if there will be huge bugs, I surely fix them on both, if there are improvements, new things, the donators will get them, the non-donators..probably later, we tried a half year to make this without any kind of "rules", didnt work, so we needed to split a big community into 2 half, this makes me unhappy, but I will be more unhappy, if current donators blame me, for bad gameplay, cause they helped all of us before

Ladder Reset on Non-Donators will follow, currently no date is planned (ladder is less than 4 month oild)
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: mastermike on July 10, 2006, 09:15:08 am
humm ... I cant find information about how high the (monthly, yearly?) membership fee actually is, can anybody tell me? Or should we donate some Euros without a (minimum) limit for now?

thx, Mike
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: Fenris on July 10, 2006, 12:39:51 pm
first post

Caclulation July 2006
100 Members á 30€ = 3000€ / 12 month = 250€ per month = rent of main server (3 virtual game servers)
(I still will need to pay on top, cause the per user ratio is surely not 30€)

so 30€ a year or 7.50€ each 4 months
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: Phoenix on July 10, 2006, 01:10:06 pm
Because one year has only 12 instead of 16 month you should pay 7,50 € per 3 month ;)
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: DrowElf on July 10, 2006, 01:27:05 pm
And if you want to donate some more Euro, you can name a friendaccount if he isn´t able to donate himself or Chaos will use this more Money to reduce his own cost.

The 30,- Euro per year are needed, any Euro above will help, too.
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: Fenris on July 10, 2006, 01:52:19 pm
Because one year has only 12 instead of 16 month you should pay 7,50 € per 3 month ;)

yeah i meant 3 not 4 month^^
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: symfora on July 10, 2006, 03:52:56 pm

I don't feel comfortable with the split up into two realms, mainly because the free public realm could become as laggy as blizzard's bnet, a huge reason why so many people have joined CCC recently. Future CE newbies will play on a laggy server with huge queues or no games to finish quests, with only those that didn't move to the new realm. This will certainly not be very stimulating for people new to CE, and based on these conditions they are less likely to become members. (in fact you just created 4 realms: 2 SC and 2 HC realms, which fragments the community even more.)

• During the last couple of days I lost items on several occasions. I lost a SOE that I traded, ~119 perfect sapphires (empty bag in inventory), a casket with 90 souls (all of these dissappeard from NuxV character) and on at least 5 (five!) occassions I lost hours and hours of gambling simply because the character or mule didn't have the items after joining another game (several high end items).
The shared stash in single player mode, with many pages, would not have wasted my time.

• This week I witnessed two server crashes, which made it impossible to use the character for hours.

• I think the membership fee of 30 euros is quite steep compared to the 1 euro per month suggested before, especially since many of the current people will start paying now, just to play on the new realm.

• Most of the people I used to play with, or talk to, already moved to the new realm, or consider doing so.

• A donator should not have to play on a laggy server to continue using his characters on the public realm.

All of this has made me quite frustrated and on the brink of quiting online CE gaming.

Personally I would prefer this alternative: allow people to play for two months for free on a single realm, freeze their account after two months unless or until they contribute a donation. This way everyone in the CE community gets to interact, allowing new users to play on relatively lagfree servers, along with more seasoned players. I believe that two months will be enough for anyone to evaluate the game, gameplay, community and encourage them to contribute if they want to continue playing. Also the continued arrival of new users will be more interesting for the older bunch. A closed realm without fresh blood may turn out to be rather short lived.

Please reconsider.

Last but not least, I expect that donators will be able to create and use multiple accounts on the new realm?
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: DrowElf on July 10, 2006, 04:06:12 pm
• During the last couple of days I lost items on several occasions. I lost a SOE that I traded, ~119 perfect sapphires (empty bag in inventory), a casket with 90 souls (all of these dissappeard from NuxV character) and on at least 5 (five!) occassions I lost hours and hours of gambling simply because the character or mule didn't have the items after joining another game (several high end items).
The shared stash in single player mode, with many pages, would not have wasted my time.
Last but not least, I expect that donators will be able to create and use multiple accounts on the new realm?

The loss of items after gambling is mostly depending on the Diablo2 hardcoded max. savegame size. You can get problems in singleplayer modus, too, if the charsize get to big.

For the Online-Players the max. file size is 8k, you can check if you come close to these size everytime with these link:

And no, Donators are not allowed to create multilpe accounts on the new Realm. They can use one on the public Realm (like before) and the new one for the Donator Realm.
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: webwalker on July 10, 2006, 04:51:16 pm
I don't feel comfortable with the split up into two realms, mainly because the free public realm could become as laggy as blizzard's bnet
This point is addressed by the existence of the pay-to-play donator's realm.  Lag on the free server is a self-imposed grief.  5 Euro/month is about what Runescape costs, it is about what other good pay-to-play realms cost; if free D2LOD is better than free CE, then play on blizzards' net.  If CE is better, then play free with "freeloader lag" (it's NOT "not enough servers" lag, it's "freeloader lag"), or donate and play on the donator's server.
a huge reason why so many people have joined CCC recently.
If blizzard players came to CE because the freeloading is better, they'll be disappointed.  However, I think your assertion is in error from the ground up: People come here because of the BEHAVIOR (attitude) of the blizzard-net players, and because of the QUALITY of the CE MOD.
Future CE newbies will play on a laggy server with huge queues or no games to finish quests, with only those that didn't move to the new realm.
Donators can have two accounts: one of the free server and one on the Donator's server. So you'll met donators everywhere.
This will certainly not be very stimulating for people new to CE, and based on these conditions they are less likely to become members. (in fact you just created 4 realms: 2 SC and 2 HC realms, which fragments the community even more.)
What stimulated me was the improved quality of the MOD, and the improved quality of the members.
• I think the membership fee of 30 euros is quite steep compared to the 1 euro per month suggested before, especially since many of the current people will start paying now, just to play on the new realm.
The price of 30 euro/year (2.5 euro/month) won't chase away anybody that didn't donate 1/month before, so nothing is lost there.  You're asserting that the 2.5 euro/month price will chace away some who could afford 1/month but can't afford 2.5/month.  Somebody THAT pinched for cash needs to get working, and stop crying about the price of playing games!
• Most of the people I used to play with, or talk to, already moved to the new realm, or consider doing so.
Is Joe's efforts (and his paying out of his pocket so you can enjoy the fruit of his skull-sweat) worth a few beers a month?  I don't drink, so I send money (5 Euro/month) to support the realm.  There is no drug in the world as cheap and as addicting as this game.  Send 5 Euro/month and get on the Donator's server.  The free server is then a "try before you buy" place.
• A donator should not have to play on a laggy server to continue using his characters on the public realm.
Play hardcore for a while, and the notion of restarting characters won't bother you so much.
All of this has made me quite frustrated and on the brink of quiting online CE gaming.
Frustration arises from ont getting what you want from a person over whom you don't have authority.
Play offline for a while, come back and re-check the online world.
Personally I would prefer this alternative: allow people to play for two months for free on a single realm, freeze their account after two months unless or until they contribute a donation. This way everyone in the CE community gets to interact, allowing new users to play on relatively lagfree servers, along with more seasoned players. I believe that two months will be enough for anyone to evaluate the game, gameplay, community and encourage them to contribute if they want to continue playing. Also the continued arrival of new users will be more interesting for the older bunch. A closed realm without fresh blood may turn out to be rather short lived.
This notion is that there is only one realm, the pay-to-play realm, with "guest memberships" for newbies.  I like it.
I'd add a suggestion to make the characters ALL ladder characters, and dump hardcore (change death penalty in softcore to be more intense), so that we're more likely to interact.  This suggestion comes from my American location: I play alone when online almost all the time because there aren't other games, let alone games that I could join and complete quests.
Last but not least, I expect that donators will be able to create and use multiple accounts on the new realm?
1 account (18 characters) suffices.
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: Fingerpicker on July 11, 2006, 07:02:50 am
Theres an easy way do avoid lags:
Dont make Games like "asdasd" because no one knows what will happen in this game and no one will ever enter such a Game.
Dont make 10 Games named "Mule", and try to enter games to quest in party. (which is a basic part of CE)
If there are average ~5 Poeple in one game it wont be laggy...

And last not least: Why should we use more than one account???
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: rallemod on July 11, 2006, 07:16:19 am
Hi Joe,
ich habe jetzt einen Dauerauftrag eingerichtet und einen kleinen Betrag sofort überwiesen. Ich möchte jetzt hier nicht reinschreiben, wie viel ich als Dauerauftrag eingerichtet habe.
Kann ich dann wieder ein Spiel erstellen oder muss ich weiterhin in andere Games gehen? Die wenigsten in HC sind glücklich darüber, wenn man in ihr CGS- Game einsteigt, wenn dann überhaupt ein CGS spiel besteht.
Das bedeutet für mich, ich spende, kann aber nicht spielen.
Was muss ich also als nächstes machen, damit das weitergeht?
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: DrowElf on July 11, 2006, 07:29:50 am
Hi Joe,
ich habe jetzt einen Dauerauftrag eingerichtet und einen kleinen Betrag sofort überwiesen. Ich möchte jetzt hier nicht reinschreiben, wie viel ich als Dauerauftrag eingerichtet habe.
Kann ich dann wieder ein Spiel erstellen oder muss ich weiterhin in andere Games gehen? Die wenigsten in HC sind glücklich darüber, wenn man in ihr CGS- Game einsteigt, wenn dann überhaupt ein CGS spiel besteht.
Das bedeutet für mich, ich spende, kann aber nicht spielen.
Was muss ich also als nächstes machen, damit das weitergeht?

I have started a monthly payment and directly transfered some Euros. I don´t want to write the detailed values here, how much I monthly pay.
Can I now again open a new game or enter existing games in the future, too? Only little players in HC are happy, when you enter there CgS game, if a CgS game even exist. This means to me, I donate, but can´t play.
What should I do next, to support that it goes on?

If some CgS game exist and you can do your quest there with supporting the other players or without disturbing them, please play together. This is a part of the multiplayer system.
If no CgS game exist, you can open a new one.

Wenn ein CgS Spiel existiert und du dort questen kannst während du die anderen unterstützt oder ohne sie beim Questen zu stören, spielt bitte zusammen. Das ist ein Teil des Mehrspielermodus.
Wenn kein CgS Spiel existiert, darfst du natürlich ein Spiel öffnen.
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: WidowMaker on July 12, 2006, 01:50:29 am
I understand why Ce split the servers, they are certainly not free ,and it wasnt fair for Hans to shoulder the cost for all of us to play..He just asked for everyone to donate 1 euro a month,which wasnt to much to ask,,,,we donated even before he asked for donations,,and we always donated more than he asked for because we are addicted to  this mod lol :)and we want it to continue but the community has more than tripled since then and that means need for many more servers and way more cost ...I hate to see the servers split but I understand his reason for doing so;) I hope we will all  be back on one server in the future, and that the community continues to grow,and someday I hope it goes world wide !!!!!! look forward to seeing you all on the new ladder ,and the new challenges should be interesting LOL !!! Deb :wece:
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: sheeper on July 12, 2006, 10:38:08 am
If blizzard players came to CE because the freeloading is better, they'll be disappointed.  However, I think your assertion is in error from the ground up: People come here because of the BEHAVIOR (attitude) of the blizzard-net players, and because of the QUALITY of the CE MOD.

Well i disagree. I m one of the players that came here cause of the laggy Shure now that i know the mod and the community a bit better i like the rest too but how should i hav known before? And i met some people who tried CE for the same reason.

Donators can have two accounts: one of the free server and one on the Donator's server. So you'll met donators everywhere.

While thats good in theory, why should a donator play on the non donators realm? It s more laggy, in the future it will hav less features (as Chaos announced) u cant transfer nothing to the donators realm/acc and the only players he ll find there r newbies or non donators.
It s like playin a non ladder account on while u could use a ladder one with more features - who do that?

What stimulated me was the improved quality of the MOD, and the improved quality of the members.The price of 30 euro/year (2.5 euro/month) won't chase away anybody that didn't donate 1/month before, so nothing is lost there.  You're asserting that the 2.5 euro/month price will chace away some who could afford 1/month but can't afford 2.5/month. 

Ok if u donated before than a little wore wont be the problem.

Somebody THAT pinched for cash needs to get working, and stop crying about the price of playing games!Is Joe's efforts (and his paying out of his pocket so you can enjoy the fruit of his skull-sweat) worth a few beers a month?  I don't drink, so I send money (5 Euro/month) to support the realm.  There is no drug in the world as cheap and as addicting as this game.  Send 5 Euro/month and get on the Donator's server.

Hmm i hope this wont be the start for a who donates more discussion... and who therefor is a "more valuable player".

Frustration arises from ont getting what you want from a person over whom you don't have authority.

nice quote - who said that?

Play offline for a while, come back and re-check the online world.This notion is that there is only one realm, the pay-to-play realm, with "guest memberships" for newbies.  I like it.
I'd add a suggestion to make the characters ALL ladder characters, and dump hardcore (change death penalty in softcore to be more intense), so that we're more likely to interact.  This suggestion comes from my American location: I play alone when online almost all the time because there aren't other games, let alone games that I could join and complete quests.1 account (18 characters) suffices.

The guest membership on the donators server is common to most online games (i remeber wow for example). I too think this is a better alternative for all players the new ones and the pros ;-) .
As i said before why should i play non ladder (non donator) if its more compforable to play ladder (donator). This way u split the knowing from the newbies and i remeber when i started i needed a lot of help - ingame! Cause the forum is just too unstructured.

Please dont missunderstand. I know a server costs money and we cant call Chaos to pay them for us. But i think splitting the commutiy is far the worst thing that could happen to CE. I m realy new to CE but all i know is the announcement from Julia "please pay" but no qualified discussion before the server split. Otherwise proposals like the one from symfora could hab been made earlier.
I hope the community will one day be united for it is much more fun to play with all people :-| .

Last but not least:
The more i get used to CE the more i like it. Its realy a great deal of work.
But u realy need to reoganize the web side^^
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: satye on July 13, 2006, 01:35:28 am
Nice job Webwalker and DrowElf. Well said on All of it. I totally agree! Me and wife (widowmaker) have donated ever since we first started playing. It is well worth it and the games is great fun and the friends we have made are very good folks. We spend alot of time shootin the breeze and laughing and just relaxing. That is a very big plus for us!

Another point for you guys that seem to be upset over the LITTLE money that is ask of you! I dont see yall working to keep the Servers up and running, with all the headaches and long hours. We do have some guys that help out in that department and they are very appreciated.. But for you to complain over the small amount ask of you is ridiculous!! Hell dont eat a hamber and fries for one day, or give up your beer for a day, I mean come on, grow up people!!

Everyone the Realm is rockin, and I look to run with yall as usal

Title: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: Shadowskip on July 16, 2006, 09:40:16 pm
also wenn ich das jetzt richtig verstanden habe ist der donator realm wie nen ladder reset für die leute die 30/year bezahlen...

wohin und bis wann muss ich denn die 2.50euro/month bezahlen wenn ich auf den weitgehend lagfreien servern spielen möchte und was muss ich zusätzlich angeben

und zu guter letz möcht ich wissen ob ich ne mail bekomme dass ich freigeschaltet werde :)
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: Fenris on July 16, 2006, 09:47:38 pm
kontonummer zum spenden gibts da
angeben sollteste vllt deinen nickname und das es ne spende ist

e-mail bekommste aufm donators realm, nachdem du dich da angemeldet hast

Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 16, 2006, 09:57:29 pm
sobald du einen spender avatar hie rim forum hast, kannst in ein spzielles unterforum, dort steht, wie du dir den acc anlegst
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: sheeper on July 16, 2006, 09:59:05 pm

Yes i did not donate yet. But i was not complaining the need of some euros.
I do like the mod that much that i realy think about spending money to keep it alife.

The thing i want to point at is that a splitted server is a step in the wrong direction if u want to motivate new players. For me the community is the best i hav ever seen, but how should a newbie learn that lesson if he/she never meets the people cause they r playin on the donator realm and he/she cannot?
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: Fingerpicker on July 17, 2006, 06:45:49 am
Good behavior is not only the abandonment of donators, we expect it from everyone.
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 17, 2006, 08:48:14 am

we tried it more than a half year, with a message in game, in forum and so on..

Really a few people (and those mostly more than once) donated, and the rest...used it as along, as free....
so, without a "must have", they wont start
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: sheeper on July 17, 2006, 07:32:09 pm
I understand that.
I know the server needs money. I dont expect u to pay that for all the other players. This is a free project and i see the realm as a bonus - a very fine one by the way.

What i dont understand is why u opened a new server.
Why dont u say we play all on one server. At least for one or two months it is free and if u want to continue after that u hav to pay.

Now new players start on the free server with only half the community they could get to know.
- One effect is that there r not so many "knowing" players who can help with the new gameplay.
- Second, when their characters grow up. There are less high lvl chars that may help in difficult passages (chaos sanctuary for melee chars e.g.).
- Third with only some better chars the market for good items (übers) is very small.
- And last but not least if u trained some chars on the free server and like the game, u may want to donate and want to play on the donators realm but u hav to start from zero again :(

Though i m relatively new i can see all of the effects above right now one week after the other server opened...
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 17, 2006, 07:44:19 pm
the issue is, d2 has no option to make time counted account, so, the only way to give more performance to the donators, and have not much trouble with checking online times versus money is..the split...
i m really unhappy with that situatuion, but the 1-2month habve already been more than is not new that this sitaution will come..but mostly all ignored it..
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: satye on July 17, 2006, 08:16:49 pm
Hi Hans,
             Nice to see ya, and I just finished reading all the news and Widow told me to check this area cause I had posted here. I have not had a cup of wake up fuel (coffee) :), so I looked and see that some player has decided that he/she has been offended because they have to Donate to play on the New server! All those things said sound like a bunch of Bull to me. The new server is a great idea and it is working!! The games are getting smoother and more people are playing. There were 4 or more games running last night. It will continue to grow.
             Now I do not know what Sheeper problem is OTHER than he does not want to sent any funds to help the game! That a shame, and throwing comments at me is a bad move, because players like me, all read the forum and Now they know where Sheeper stands on everything and probably will not help. I know that sounds harse but that the way people are.
              That guy acts like some one is robbing him. lol !!

              Hans, you ideas of makin new serve is very good and the most of us fully agree!! Keep on doing what you do so well!! :)

Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: sheeper on July 18, 2006, 05:27:05 pm
I looked and see that some player has decided that he/she has been offended because they have to Donate to play on the New server!

dont know who u point at and therefor i dont care. I said i understand the need of money. And i said i m willing to pay it. Good enough for you?

All those things said sound like a bunch of Bull to me.

very constructive  ??? - i see u hav great understanding of discussions.

The new server is a great idea and it is working!! The games are getting smoother and more people are playing. There were 4 or more games running last night. It will continue to grow.

Ok this is your opinion. I respect that. U like the server split - i dont.
As far as i understood Hans he s not happy with the situation too but the server dont support locking accounts after a preset of time. I see this is a problem and un/locking accounts by hand takes too much time :(
Hmm but how do you manage it with the donators server?

Now I do not know what Sheeper problem is OTHER than he does not want to sent any funds to help the game!

Well maybe its to early in the morning and your coffee isnt working the way he should but i think i clearly described the things i dont like about the split. Please try to pick every point i wrote and say why u dont see that as a problem. Maybe u see it in a completly other light and i was just too blind. That wouldnt be a problem for me.
So please try to convince me!

That a shame, and throwing comments at me is a bad move, because players like me, all read the forum and Now they know where Sheeper stands on everything and probably will not help. I know that sounds harse but that the way people are.
              That guy acts like some one is robbing him. lol !!

Damn what is that? Did i attack u personaly? Is it because i hav another opinion?
I tried to start a discussion because there is something happening i dont like. Aint this the key-feature of every forum?

Yes now everyone who read this thread knows "I (sheeper) dont like the server split".
What s wrong about that?

And what does the comment "players like me" mean? Am i no player like u? Cause i dont play the mod as long as u do? Cause u donated earlier than i do? Are u a better human than i am?

I m sorry i cut here. I didnt want to flame but i just dont understand what Allen wants to say, why shame on me?

All i wanted was a qualified discussion with pro and contra to the server spllit.
But what i read about it was smth. like that:
    "i m a better player cause i donated and u did not"
    "drink less beer and u can donate" or smth like that :angry:

All i wanted to talk about was the split not the need of donations, did i already say that i understand their need and that i m willing to donate?.
Well of course the problems r connected...

That a shame, and throwing Hans, you ideas of makin new serve is very good and the most of us fully agree!! Keep on doing what you do so well!! :)

Ok this is your opinion. It s ok for me. Just tell me why u like it and i m fine. And if u like to, read my posts and try to collect my arguments and say why u dont think they r problems. I did never want something else than that.

But everytime i read your post i thought u didnt read or understand mine :( a pretty bad base for a discussion.
Hopefully we only play on different servers and dont life in different worlds - oh sorry i didnt want to flame  :angel12:
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 18, 2006, 05:43:51 pm


this results into personal flame war, and I m much more unhabppy with that, than with the server split

The result of the Split, is the grow of a new single server...

Once again, the more people switch over, the less people play without donation...the more server are needed in donators backend(and are payable) there will be a time, when the last free server goes down
and this time is coming faster than most of all believe

reason is easy...i warned more than 9 month, since begin of this year i botted the message into games, mostly no effect
sometimes there popped up a discussion about donation, then..a few (really few) new people donated, and some always donating people, donated again(and helped people not able..but also people not willing to donate, also if they can)

we waited long enough, now ~14days left until 1 or 2 big servers (donated by users) will go down, so I must decide, and i have decided, and everybody has enough time to switch over..
probably on 1st august, the light goes out for free..probably there are only 5-10 games possible on a realy small machine..we will see

but my priority is not to invest 80% of my time for the free servers, when I m able to invest 20% time into donators and keep them running cause of people excepting the "fee" needed to keep their fun online
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: satye on July 19, 2006, 05:15:46 am
Hi Hans and players,

                                Well we (me and Widowmaker) have been off and on here lately, because we got alot going on lately around here too. So play time and all will suffer a little. No time and not enough hours in the day! But we will still donate as always and will continue to do so. Even tho we may not be around as much, we will keep visitin the Forum to keep up with the News, and playing when we can.
                                  I really hate it has come to this situation, but I think anyone watching knew it was possible, Widowmaker and myself keep paying attention to how many (Blue) names we were seeing and they have increased nicely, but we knew it wasn't looking like it was enough to really help with all the servers being used. Hopefully, even after losing the servers you are speaking of, It could still get better in the future!! Never lose your focus Hans, you have a great mod and will still grow I am sure :) It just may take a little longer than expected.

                                   Widowmaker and I will always support you and your helpers on the other side of the ocean, with this fantastic mod!! We enjoy it very much and I do not see that ending. It is a great way to relax and let off some steam, if you know what I mean lol !!

                                   We I gonna get off here, Keep your head up :P, it is gonna be alright !!


PS : We All gonna suffer if the Gas prices keep going up !! (:()
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: sheeper on July 19, 2006, 05:01:41 pm
Hmm ok,
sry for flaming i didnt want to. I m harldy new to the mod and realy like it. A fantastic pice of work like Allen said. And je i understand u do much more like to spend your time for the donators than to the ones u were asking for half a year now.

As i said i relatively new and so i remeber my first steps on the mod. I was realy pleased about all the help i got and it just frightened me that with the grow of the new server new players wont get this help cause most people r gone. Especialy now that the blizzard server is goin even worse and possibly some new players therefor wanne try your mod (well this was my intetion).

I think more players will try the mod if the realm is free for at last a month or two and more of them stay if they experience the community as it was before the split.
Well it sounds like the free servers r going down in a near future and then new players will be even harder be aquired for they instantly hav to give some money to play on the realm.
Overall i m sorry about the situation, i just wanted to get to know the gameplay and donate when i like it. Seems the other way is needed to keep the server up and running.

As long as the free server is up, playable, crowded and i hav the time - i ll stick to it, cause i like to give the help i used to get. And when this one ll be shut down we met on the donators realm^^

sry for flaming i m shure u r a good man, just didnt understand u sometimes...

Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 19, 2006, 05:30:10 pm
so..why not directly switch over to the donators..
new ladder season...much more friendly players ( less 1week playing bnet kids..which never will learn to behave)
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: sheeper on July 19, 2006, 05:57:42 pm
Oh there still are friendly players on the free realm ;)
And i just started a month ago, dont remeber the exacte date and now the time has come that i may find my first ueber... i want to find one on my own :D
Well and as i said i like to help the newbies.
How should they get to love the mod if noone is there to tell them about it? <- that was overall my problem with the new server
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 19, 2006, 06:08:13 pm
so, why discussing, if you never have the intation to support the hardware :)
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: satye on July 19, 2006, 06:21:51 pm
Hi all,
        Got a few free minuetes to check forum and games. Trying to get some house cleaning done before Widowmaker get off work, or my butt might be sore.!:) She a Red head, so clean I must. lol

@sheeper, we were both at fault! Me as much as you. No worries :)

         Everybody is going to have to adjust to the facts that ALL games have problems and the real players will help the games and makers of the games. Mainly because, like me, it gives me a headache just thinking of all the brain work involved in building a game ! I love the games but I could never build one. I can build houses and racing engines and other stuff done with your hands and sweat, but building something as huge as this mod or any mod for that matter, is out of the question:) Hell, I cant even type good, but I can KILL the monsters!!

So anyway, we will all survive I am sure. Play hard and hang with it!!

@CE Hang in there :P, it gonna be alright!

Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: Dexterity on July 19, 2006, 08:38:16 pm
Hi guys, I'm not new to D2 but I'm a total newb at Chaos Empire; PLEASE HELP ME!

I'm at the Catacombs, all I can fight is 'The Butcher' from d1; he's basically impossible for me (Lvl 25 which is ridicilous for Act1 !!)

What am I suppose to do ?! Where do I go, the walkthrough is in german.

HELP ME PLEASE! (I'm a newb to this forums systems to, please post a tip here <this artical>)

Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 19, 2006, 10:11:09 pm

I read this in three (wrong) boards!

Use the map, and use your eyes, and always look on small ways
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: sheeper on July 19, 2006, 10:44:32 pm
so, why discussing, if you never have the intation to support the hardware :)

I do support - u ll see in a few days :)

Well u said this problem is around for the last 6 months but i m here for maybe a month and i did not find a thread were the possibilities were discussed maybe i didn t look close enough ???

I just thought it s a pitty that noone seems to care for symforas post cause i agreed with his opinion.
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: Dhg_PvP on July 20, 2006, 05:29:23 pm
Wie funktioniert es genau? Kann ich dir 12 Euro schicken, und dann ein Jahr auf den "Donators" Servern spielen ?
Kann ich meine alten Chars nicht mitnehmen?
Und reicht das Geld fürn Jahr? (Bin Schüler und bald Student, da schmerzt jeder Betrag)...
Aber ich muss sagen, ich verstehs so wie dus gemacht, obwohl ich jez wohl oder übel zahlen muss :D
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 20, 2006, 10:59:33 pm
da die 12 euro mal auf 300 leute gerechnet waren, wir aber nicht mal auf 100 kommen, wurde dies angehoben auf 30 pro jahr

und ich steh vor der fruerente und soll monatlich mit 1/3 dessen was ich vorher hatte auskommen..da schmerzt jeder cent sicher mehr.. vor allem, wenn er nicht mal fue rmich ausgegeben wird
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: satye on July 21, 2006, 06:04:32 pm
Morning all,

                   I am just checking in. I ran in the new realm last night, and it was smooth as glass!:)

it played with NO lag at all. Now I need to find Spock (Star Trek) to translate some of the posts on



lol !! Not complaining, just joking!
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: webwalker on July 21, 2006, 07:08:43 pm
Now I need to find Spock (Star Trek) to translate some of the posts on here!!
There is a multi-level creature on your shoulder.
There is a multi-language creature on your shoulder.
There is a multi-legged creature on your shoulder.
*sounds of Leonard Nemoy killing the assistant director*
*Rodenberry*Ok, we'll go with "multi-legged".  Jeesh.  Leonard! what is so hard about saying "Look, a spider"?
It would be illogical to lie.  But the actor has lice. Sorry about the first two screw-ups.  Have the Dub-girl hold my script card still please.
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 21, 2006, 08:08:08 pm
@brian donators realm...see new announcement..and check the skelliemancer there..but dont forget BO and the LifeGhost
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: symfora on July 22, 2006, 07:41:39 am

• It seems that any message that does not sing glory about the new realm is immediately considered hostile, and the responses are not only unfriendly but totally besides the point.

• Neither I nor Sheeper have said anything indicating that we are *not* willing to contribute. We raised valid questions about the survivability of the community and are worried about the fragmentation of our not-so-big community, but in return we get a respin of old records. I've read Brian's beer and hamburger comparison on several other threads already, it didn't add anything new to the issues I brought forward. Allen's responses were downright spiteful and totally uncalled for. I do feel personally offended by his messages. If you have no intention to discuss a message constructively, then please restrain yourself from answering. Thanks.

• Not everyone is attracted to D2/CE for the same reasons.
Personally, I am a slow player. I like to collect items. I compare sets/uniques that I already have and keep the best of these, minor upgrades, but I like that. I also like to store a few extra items to hand down to new players or friends. I don't care about my ranking on a ladder. I play this game for my own entertainment and not for competition. I like to chat a lot. I like to help newbies or people with lesser knowledge about the game, as I was helped before. I like to learn from the people who have higher level characters and/or equipment. My highest level char is 86 and still in act1 cgs. I like to have many different characters and builds.

For most people 1 account may suffice. Considering the above, I have a big problem with the limited amount of space, especially since I've started my 6th character today.

• I think I do understand the original intentions of disabling level and player limitations, showing all games, no passworded games: prevent people from isolating themselves, stimulate community interaction. (Hans-Jürgen: correct me if I am wrong). I think I'm a perfect example of someone who interacts a lot with people *in game*. I care less about posting on a forum, since playing (organizing, comparing, chatting, learning, educating and helping) consumes nearly all my time already as is :-)

• The 8kb bug got me again yesterday, I was given a lot of items by a friend who changed realm (and whom I will miss dearly). Unfortunately I lost many great items, since my character was already holding a lot of items that you would consider low level crap :-(

I would gladly pay my membership fee to get rid of the current EULA limitations.
But starting from scratch, without newbies, without half of my friends, with only one account and continued risk to loose items due to 8kb bug, doesn't appeal to me at all.

• @Hans-Jürgen: as we are relatively new players, we have not seen the bot messages for 6-9 months, but only as long as we are playing (and evaluating this mod). To you it may be dragging on for a long time, for us newbs it's not been all that obvious.
Many times I felt that julia wasn't sending the proper message. The messages are usually set in a negative tone, complaining, nagging. I think you could yield better results with a friendly, challenging message, that clearly says what you want/expect from people. Julia likes to talk in riddles. I you want I'd gladly volunteer to proofread julia's messages to fix embarrasing mistakes like "to expensive, to laggy" (should be "too" in both cases).
For example, this particular message was just like a nagging old hag, spinning the same record over and over again, with an open ending like "servers are to expensive,..." (or something like that)
It may have been more fruitful if Julia had said something like "Hi, we urgently need funds to keep the servers running. please visit http*insert correct url* for detailed information.".

PS. english is not my native language. I am dutch, and we seem to be less political correct than is common in other countries. I apologize if I offended anyone unintentionally :-)

on a more positive note:

• I would like to know the system requirements for a server.
• Is there a ready made package to run a CE server, or how and where can I obtain the necessary software and settings?

I would gladly dedicate some hardware and my bandwidth to add an extra server to the public realm.

Having been a helpdesk/testlab engineer for more than seven years, I think I should be able to handle the setup easily :-)

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 22, 2006, 09:55:16 am
I m in hurry, so a quick answer:

In game there is a NEWS message, dated somewhat in future 2010, or similiar
Also, we have written about needed money since month in forum
The game opens forum automatically,

I also told many times, also with bot, thatI expect every user, to write/read in forum

Traffic in forum, with many people means, attractive for advertising partners

A dead (forum) community, is a dead advertiser place


We maked it more attractive to give you, and your friends a place to talk a lot, find friends, be part of real life events, share your goods at marketplace, upload your pictures, new also the option to create your personal family tree, and some more things, like the browser game and so on....

Mostly no one makes use of it...same people, do same things on other places

So, I hoped, you buy your amazon goods via our search box...again..failed...

So..last step, and most hated step, is make a must have donation, like in a closed club community (another description for CCC??? )

Once again, we can only life, and grow, if everyone takes the time, to be part of the community, shares his/her interests, let other be part of it

Mostly all told me, they are playing CE cause the mod is ok, AND the community is great....

Where is the community?! if it needs herself?!
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: Fingerpicker on July 22, 2006, 11:45:46 am
Dont rail against the community, its still there...but most poeple are not interested in buying things on, the best market place for selling things is still ebay, this is just a question of efficiency... , and a family tree in an open forum, my opinion: a strange idea...., i think you still did not notice that 9x % from poeple who are here just want to play a mod in a friendly community, and everyone wants to decide himself if he`ll talk about personal things, or maybe meet poeple in reallife. (my experiences are positive with that)
Shure, i understand your request to get poeple together, and this is commendable, but theres no way to force that.

Where is the community?! if it needs herself?!
you wrote..

Here for example:
• I would like to know the system requirements for a server.
• Is there a ready made package to run a CE server, or how and where can I obtain the necessary software and settings?

I would gladly dedicate some hardware and my bandwidth to add an extra server to the public realm.

Having been a helpdesk/testlab engineer for more than seven years, I think I should be able to handle the setup easily :-)

 Just some thoughts on saturday morning, and..only my personal opinion.

Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 22, 2006, 12:07:59 pm
read my nbaseline, instead piucking some simple words out of context
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: satye on July 22, 2006, 05:02:09 pm
Well said Finger and CE !! I have nothing to add, because I am fixin to go play :) Have a great day you guys !

Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: sheeper on July 24, 2006, 01:28:48 am
Ok now that i am donator i hav access to the donators forum and there i found what i was looking for:
A Thread with a discussion about the possibilities to get some money for the realm...

Why didnt u move it to the public forum Hans? Some people were asking for it and i think this one could have been of great intrest for every player!
Well this discussion started some time before the split and is a little outdated now but for the forum active players this is for sure (hehe symfora i learned^^) intresting.

I understand why u like to hav a active forum community Hans but i think most new and older players just like your mod and the ingame community. The forum needs a lot of time to read the new posts and most of the time people r complaining about simple things that one either dont understand (cause he is new) or one dont care for (cause its of no intrest for you).

Hmm a dead forum is indeed no good idea but browser game foto upload or family tree just dont attract the people as much as your mod does :) (a sighn of your good work, ey?) and most of the questions r answered ingame i think, by people like symfora or lasarf for example.
At least the argument of a dead advertising space is a little weak for u did say serveral times that u r not able to aquire valuable advertising partners.

Its very difficult to bring people together wich just want to enjoy your game. If they get to know each other better and like to share a little more than playing together there r many other platforms for doin so, no?
Title: public server?
Post by: symfora on July 24, 2006, 07:14:43 am
I would like to know the system requirements for a server.
Is there a ready made package to run a CE server, or how and where can I obtain the necessary software and settings?

I would gladly dedicate some hardware and my bandwidth to add an extra server to the public realm.

Having been a helpdesk/testlab engineer for more than seven years, I think I should be able to handle the setup easily :-)

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 24, 2006, 07:31:18 am
low latency, high upload, 24hour online, no big outgoing things, no emule /torrent, fixed ip, access to the machine and some open ports, webserver

At least the argument of a dead advertising space is a little weak for u did say serveral times that u r not able to aquire valuable advertising partners.
why is it is not possible, cause of the dead forum, it is the strongest argument
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: symfora on July 24, 2006, 09:20:34 am
Hi Hans,

Thanks but that didn't answer my questions, all of that is obvious and speaks for itsself.
My computers are online 24/7. And with bandwidth shaping there's plenty of options to guarantee enough upstream for gaming servers.

I would like to know the hardware requirements for a server pc. What processor and how much ram does it take to run a small server?
I think I also read it's preferable if it runs windows? which version exactly?

Eagerly awaiting more details.
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: showboat911 on July 25, 2006, 05:52:15 am
Another point for you guys that seem to be upset over the LITTLE money that is ask of you! I dont see yall working to keep the Servers up and running, with all the headaches and long hours. We do have some guys that help out in that department and they are very appreciated.. But for you to complain over the small amount ask of you is ridiculous!! Hell dont eat a hamber and fries for one day, or give up your beer for a day, I mean come on, grow up people!!

This doesnt to me seem like the attitude I expected to see from a "family" in a community, anyone can clearly see these people here care about the gam and the community on a whole, and are merely making suggestion, wich should have been taken before they jumped the gun and split up a happy well working community, I guess their ideas are the "ONLY" ones that are right, or will work? I just started CE and I love it, I have been playing since D1, D2, and LoD all came out, and I belive you have something here. I enjoy it thoughly, and was fixing to start donating on a regular basis, because I saw something here that looked like a "COMMUNITY".  I read somewhere I believe julia said CCC was a family? Hmmm Doesnt look like a very functional family any more. I really enjoy the rules here, and the laid back lets help everyone attitude, but I wish you people would quit calling these friends of the community whinners and telling them their ideas wont work, because you never tried them. I probably wont donate now, and probably wont get to play because of it, but I was liked what i saw before the split, and could use the least bit of common sence to see there are many different and better ways to go about funding a community. If you will read the actual words, and get it out of your head everyone is complaining about money, you'll see they havnt mentioned the money much, they mentioned the split, and the effect of the split. I have already noticed the gamplay has taken a downfall, because all the items for trade and people helping one another has gone away, and I would gladly donate and go play on the donators realm, if I thought it wasnt a buch of better than thou donated more than yopu forum posters I've saw in here. I feel the public realm will disapte and all newbies wont ever stay even though they think its a great MOD and  its because of julias negative spamming (like in LoD) constantly. I'll quit rambling now, and go lvl up my Amazon I wish our meeting would have been on better terms.
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: Sorky on July 26, 2006, 01:00:33 pm

I beleive you entirely missed the point that Hans and some of the other long time players have been trying to make.

Which is, this mod has been running for over 2 years and it has been, up to now, free to all.  While this was nice for us, it was not so nice for Hans, who paid for all of the equipment, plus made the mod, plus donated his time in maintaining the servers.   This has taken most of his time and alot of his own money, leaving him short of funds for his own bills and food. 

The request for donations has been slowly comming to the forefront as the server load has become greater as the mod has increased in popularity.
Now the time has finally come that Donations are a must have.  This will ensure that the quality of the game play will contine, at the level that we have become used to.  Fixing bugs and adding content have cost Hans many hours of work.  This is not his job, it is his hobby.

Those opposing the server split in this thread are New players who have not expereinced the growth of this mod, its great community, and stuck by Hans when things didn't go so well.

Hans has made it clear for quite a few months now, that he cannot handle the entire expense of this d2 mod community.  As donations were too slow to come in to handle the high overhead cost of running this community, Something had to change.  And that change is, Donations are now a must have situation.  While obviously this does not please everyone, anyone who loves this mod and wants to stay connected to this great community, has a choice.  Donate, or go somewhere else and play something else.

If you are new and don't understand why you have to pay to play D2, then you need to read some past posts and try to understand this is not Bnet. Bnet sucks and has a really crappy player base.  Lots of cheaters, dupers, pkers, etc.... This mod has none of that.  Here it is safe to mule in and open game, just let it be know what you are doing.  Players help each other here, not kill each other.

This Mod is so fine, that it is the only online game I now play, and I have accounts in most new online games.  The players here are so helpfull and friendly that it almost seems unreal that the only worry you have ingame is 'try to kill that monster before it kills you'.

If the free realm seems a little sparse, most likely the players you miss have moved over to the Donators realm.  I was slow moving over because I didn't know about changing the realm to Chaose Empire.

Also I don't see the point you made about Donators "elite" status.  It is not how much you donate, but that you do donate. That is the point.  We do not care how much you give in comparison to us, me or whomever.  The fact that you give, and stay as a member of this community.  This is what is important to us.

We welcome you as a Donator, amount unknown.  Please stay and join us in the new ladder season.  We are not any different there as we were in the old realm.  We will help all who ask and 99% of the time we will always be polite,, this depends on if we have had our coffee yet . :P

So Donate as much as you feel is right for you.  I hope to see you in the new ream.


Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 26, 2006, 02:13:54 pm
At this point I have a big bad news...

The company I worked for, will shutdown the servers hosted there

This means 50% reduce for free realm (only 1 is left there), and 2 little backup servers (nr 7+8) will go down on donators site

On 1rst August alohas server will go down...end of the last free server will also go down...much faster than expected

rest of servers are all hosted on my site, excluding the ZdL Server, I dont know, when it goes down, and I need to clarify this with the owner

Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: sheeper on July 26, 2006, 04:13:55 pm
Nice speech Sorky. I think most users will agree you. Sure there can always be more, maybe that some more players understood the situation if the thread "Chaos Empire Finanzierung... " were public and not donators only...

But what upsets some players i hav talked to is that many questions stay unanswered. It seems that serious questions are ignored.
Let me give you a example:

symfora offered to "donate" a new server <- no reaction

I asked Hans how he manages the donators realm access, for he must keep a list to see who paid for how long and when the accounts expire. For there are only little differences to the proposed WoW try and buy system, even it is not supported by the realm software <- no reaction

This is what upsets people and this is why some stick to the free realm and do not donate for as long as their questions r not answered.
I dont say this is the best soulution, these are just some facts i collected from my subjective point of view.
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 26, 2006, 04:16:52 pm
wrong, i answered, but everything is visible to you, but i didnt get back an answer

Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: sheeper on July 26, 2006, 04:22:20 pm
Sry u answered via pm?
Ok then excuse my impatience!


Hmm is asked him but nothin...

As far as i see your last post relating symforas offer is from July 24, 2006, 07:31:18 am
and the following post from July 24, 2006, 09:20:34 am is the last one relating this topic.

Maybe you two should get in close contact, outside the forum?!
Hehe theres a offer for new (for you Hans free) server capacity!
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: satye on July 26, 2006, 04:30:32 pm
Morning CE and players,

                                     Well like you said, it has been coming to this. Does not make it easier, I am sure. You have worked tirelessly to make this mod the best it can be. You have done a great job too! I think if enough dedicated players stick with it, it will draw more players, and the mod will grow again! I am confident that this is a short time set back.

                                      Widowmaker and me will always play and have fun and donate to help keep mod alive.

@Sorky : nice post, and well said!

Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: symfora on July 27, 2006, 07:32:42 am
wrong, i answered, but everything is visible to you, but i didnt get back an answer

Sorry for sounding bitter now, but since July 22nd, I have suggested donating a server to the public realm three times. GubbelGubbel even quoted that particular passage in a direct reply to you. Only once did you get back with some futile, redundant, remarks.

I did not receive an answer in this thread, not a PM, not even an email, containing any additional information.

Now that the end of the public realm seems eminent, it surprises me that you simply ignore offers like these.
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 27, 2006, 07:47:04 am
you got an answer in this thread, you got a pm
I didnt got answers
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: symfora on July 27, 2006, 11:15:17 am
you got an answer in this thread, you got a pm
I didnt got answers

As of this time, 11:00 AM, I have only one message in my inbox (from GubbelGubbel, btw thanks!).
Perhaps you sent pm to the wrong person or account?
Please try to resend the info, either as PM or email. thanks.

low latency, high upload, 24hour online, no big outgoing things, no emule /torrent, fixed ip, access to the machine and some open ports, webserver

This is not the info I asked for. Those are obvious, as I stated before. All the things you mentioned here are common for any game server environment, or could be easily configured.

low latency: any latency is better than no public realm at all.
High upload: Unlimited 1024kb/s upstream should be sufficient to cater a fair number of simultaneous players.
24 hour online: all my systems are online 24/7
Outgoing/emule/torrent: bandwidth shaping is a wonderful thing.
fixed ip: it's been the same for almost a year now.
access to machine and webserver: can be provided. (I assume the webserver is for administrative purposes only?)

But I really need to know the CPU/RAM requirements.
If my spare machines do not meet those minimum requirements, then everything else is water under the bridge.
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: DunkelSchlumpf on July 27, 2006, 02:20:55 pm
As far as i see this leads to nowhere, just go to check the forums and maybe download the gameserver. The rest you should already got on your harddisk...
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: sheeper on July 27, 2006, 05:58:57 pm
There was one post for Hardware Requirements of D2 and it said that for 200 active users a machine with 2Gb RAM and 3Ghz is needed.
Can u approve that Hans? How big is Aloas machine? For you long term experience u can surely give more informations.
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: DunkelSchlumpf on July 27, 2006, 06:21:46 pm
If you run D2GS without X, it would be no problem to run 2 instances with 30 games each on that machine...

PS: I think Aloha is a AMD Opteron 148 processor with 1 GB Ram (hosted at strato)
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: Evingolis on July 27, 2006, 09:49:18 pm
well, my impression is that symfora and dunkelschlumpf are mainly interested in getting the stuff without costs, not in supporting ChaosEmpire/this site

I can understand if "questions" like that are ignored. after all, this is the best way to deal with it
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: sheeper on July 27, 2006, 09:59:19 pm
Sry but isnt offering a server a kind of donation too and a far better than most of us can offer?

And if u read the postst carefully you could hav seen that noone ever discussed about the need of support! We are frightend about the community split and the problems that appear therewith.

By the way dont you think that all questions are worth an answer?
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: symfora on July 28, 2006, 01:37:01 am
Troll detected:

well, my impression is that symfora and dunkelschlumpf are mainly interested in getting the stuff without costs, not in supporting ChaosEmpire/this site

I can understand if "questions" like that are ignored. after all, this is the best way to deal with it

Just because you paid your membership fee, doesn't mean you can troll around and piss on people who try to contribute in other ways.

Contributions come in many shapes and forms. I am willing to dedicate hardware, electricity, bandwidth and my time to the CE community.
Use some of that grey mass in your head and do some math before posting such elitarian nonsense.
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 28, 2006, 07:56:46 am
warning smyfora
Reason: again bad language and behaviour, like with the Community Bot in game
Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: Evingolis on July 28, 2006, 05:31:43 pm
@symfora: thanks for the confirmation

Title: Re: Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Post by: mr_proud on July 28, 2006, 09:48:00 pm
hallo hans-jürgen ich hab mehrfach versucht dich anzurufen oder in die icq liste zu bekommen ebenfalls hab ich dir ne email geschickt weil ich ein paar direkte fragen an dich hab wegen payment etc! würde mich freuen wenn du dich melden könntest! danke dir im voraus!