AuthorTopic: Updated readme for 7.60d  (Read 2504 times)

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Updated readme for 7.60d
« on: August 28, 2005, 02:13:53 am »
We'll I'm up and running again.  CE makes D2LOD worth playing.

I was wondering if there was an updated readme/faqs for the 7.60d version.  I think the last time I played CE was when it was at version 7.5 or 7.51.  Then I could put 12 eggs in the cube and get 3 toys.  The readme that came with the new files says that should still work.  It doesn't.  I'm sure there are other things as well.

Is there a recent readme/complete recipe guide?  I'd also be interested in info on the new sets CE intorduces.  I have noticed a few already and I'd like to gamble to finish out the sets.  Problem is I don't know what the base items to game for are.

BTW - the top shell and bottom shell cube recipie that nets a toy is nice.

Also - I don't know if this is a exploit in D2 or in CE but you can gamble all day -  get everything you ever wanted - and max your money out.  You just have to buy the necro wand that sells for 3K - it is usually something nice enough to sell back for more and you will ocasionally get a20-30k profit per wand.  It also works with the 3k sorceress staff.

Oh yeah.  Before I go.  What is the deal with the hive and the level between it and the portal that grizwold spawns when he dies?

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Re: Updated readme for 7.60d
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2005, 04:53:53 am »
New recepies/itemlist/everything u need to know is at

and about the nec wand trick to get money, when you get eggs youll find lots of "valuable elixers" and "what happens if i smoke this"  they sell for infinite gold (somethin like 49999999370 or somethin like that) and enough drops out on the ground to supply all of CCC for a month.  so yeah, gambling is easy.

The hive is just to see old char.s and get chests.  The other one has new enemies, but theyre not really worth fighting.  bad exp/drops from what ive got

Sets are nice, but uniques are always better, remember.

make sure to get 7.60e from the downloads section.


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