I don't understand the revised rw Sting and why was multishot taken away.
First:Sting is listed as a level 17 word with the note at the bottom that some runewords may be higher depending on what kind of weapon class they're put into.
When I reached char level 24, I put sting into a tempered crossbow thinking I would be able to use it.
Much to my surprise it now has a char level use of 35!!

I looked into the new skills Sting now has added to it, enchant, pierce, penetrate and discovered that penetrate is a level 30 skill.
So my question is why is Sting listed as a level 17 runeword when it is impossible to make the word for a character of level 17?
To my knowledge you cant make a rw with skills on it that are above the level of the character class that is able to pick that particular skill. (I actually didn't know that the runeword had changed, I wanted the multishot skill which is no longer given
by the runeword).

Is this a typo in the item list or am I missing something.
Please advise :huh:
Second: The Crossbow Assassain,
Now that multishot has been removed from the rw Sting, to my knowledge the first multishot Crossbow available to use is the Unique "Pellet Crossbow". This is a Character level 56 item.
Since Psy Hammer is not an option with this build, that makes getting to level 56 a rather tedious and
increasingly dangerous level to reach. The Assassain's Traps really dont kick in till after level 30, when you have several points put into lightning sentry, and the Crossbow is not as forgiving in its aim as Psy Hammer is. It is way to easy to get overwhelmed, and the only option is to bail out of the game or die(I play HC only). You just don't kill fast enough to handle the amount of monsters in alot of places. I checked with a few people in the games and the Crosbow I was using is very good for my level. I was hitting for around 250-550 with max ias and I had decent equpment, but I still got chased out of the game on several occasions and some areas were impossible without assistance.
I live in the USA and I party as much as possible(in game),

but alot of the times when I play, I am the only person in HC. Solo Play cannot be avoided for me. There are sometimes you need a quest and there is no one around to help.
I guess my question is why was multishot removed from the game just as the New Crossbow skill was added. This was supposed to be a fun and alternate way to play the Assassain. This doesn't make any sense to me, to give a new skill and then take away the only decent weapon to use for that new skill at the lower levels.

No flames please, my Wife is giving me enought greif right now.

I started my Crossbow Assa and she got all excited about it, as she likes the Assassain. Then when this happened... aww, well,, those of you who are married and game with your spouse will understand.
Any help will be much appreciated by us both.