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Runword Sting and Crossbow Assassain
« on: August 23, 2005, 11:03:59 pm »
I don't understand the revised rw Sting and why was multishot taken away.


Sting is listed as a level 17 word with the note at the bottom that some runewords may be higher depending on what kind of weapon class they're put into.

When I reached char level 24, I put sting into a tempered crossbow thinking I would be able to use it.
Much to my surprise it now has a char level use of 35!!  :censored:
I looked into the new skills Sting now has added to it, enchant, pierce, penetrate and discovered that penetrate is a level 30 skill.

So my question is why is Sting listed as a level 17 runeword when it is impossible to make the word for a character of level 17? 

To my knowledge you cant make a rw with skills on it that are above the level of the character class that is able to pick that particular skill. (I actually didn't know that the runeword had changed, I wanted the multishot skill which is no longer given
by the runeword). :BangHead:

Is this a typo in the item list or am I missing something.
Please advise  :huh:

Second: The Crossbow Assassain,

Now that multishot has been removed from the rw Sting, to my knowledge the first multishot Crossbow available to use is the Unique "Pellet Crossbow".  This is a Character level 56 item.

Since Psy Hammer is not an option with this build, that makes getting to level 56 a rather tedious and
increasingly dangerous level to reach.  The Assassain's Traps really dont kick in till after level 30, when you have several points put into lightning sentry, and the Crossbow is not as forgiving in its aim as Psy Hammer is. It is way to easy to get overwhelmed, and the only option is to bail out of the game or die(I play HC only). You just don't kill fast enough to handle the amount of monsters in alot of places.  I checked with a few people in the games and the Crosbow I was using is very good for my level. I was hitting for around 250-550 with max ias and I had decent equpment, but I still got chased out of the game on several occasions and some areas were impossible without assistance.

I live in the USA and I party as much as possible(in game), :angel_not: but alot of the times when I play, I am the only person in HC.  Solo Play cannot be avoided for me. There are sometimes you need a quest and there is no one around to help.

I guess my question is why was multishot removed from the game just as the New Crossbow skill was added.  This was supposed to be a fun and alternate way to play the Assassain.  This doesn't make any sense to me, to give a new skill  and then take away the only decent weapon to use for that new skill at the lower levels. :mellow:

No flames please, my Wife is giving me enought greif right now. :mad:   I started my Crossbow Assa and she got all excited about it, as she likes the Assassain.  Then when this happened... aww, well,, those of you who are married and game with your spouse will understand.

Any help will be much appreciated by us both. :thumbup:

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Re: Runword Sting and Crossbow Assassain
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2005, 11:57:04 pm »
I can't comment on the change to Sting.  How to get around it:

If you have a high level character, gamble x-bows until you get one with good mods, then temper that bow with jaws or hornsremoving the level requirement and adding elemental or physical damage.  This can be used to make your tedious way to level 35 when Sting becomes available.
Ditto armor, giving life-leach.
Ditto a hat (circlet) that has +2 ass skills, when tempered you can wear it at level 16, and a +2 ass skills ammy giving mana steal.
Ditto gloves, gambled with +20IAS and tempered for more IAS.
Ditto a belt (resists and life) tempered for PMH and poison damage.

Grab up a Ring of Engagement for a Might aura, and a tempered +ass skills +resists  ring.

1 point in Blade Fury ought to let you use any weapon in Ranged Mode until Sting comes in.
A level 25 word (ORtOrtAmn) called Thunder should help with the killing...

Sorry this has to be done this way, but the weak end of the characters has recently become MUCH weaker in order to tone down the power of the high-end character.

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Re: Runword Sting and Crossbow Assassain
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2005, 08:38:45 am »
Thanks for the response Webwalker.

You gave some good tips, which I will heed in finalizing my new Sin..

Regarding the high end power verses the weaker low end of the characters:
   As far as I know no one has taken this character through hell to see how strong it is on the upper end.
My concern is that the low end is too weak.  Having the Runeword sting have multishot will not affect how the end game will play out as there is a better crossbow at level 56.

Other characters get bows with strafe and I believe multishot.  You and I were in a group with a pally last night, he was using a bow that had strafe on it.  I wish I had 1/3 his killing speed with that bow.  I khow he was at least ten levels higher than I was at the time, but even at his level I will not be able to kill as fast as he did. 

I asked him, " oh, a bow Paladin" and he replied "No, I just use this bow because it is fun".

That was a key statement from him.  The FUN factor of this game.  I really like this mod.  It's the most fun I have had in Diablo since D1 was released.  I understand that there has to be a balance between characters to make the playing field equal.  I also understand that Chaos wants this Mod to be really difficult. so to bring out the best in a playes ability to be able to get to the end of the Chaos level.
But Imho, there shouldn't be any compromise in the FUN factor to achieve those goals.

I don't believe having the old Sting Runeword back in the game would mess up the balance of the game.  I think it would actually even the playing field for the low level Crossbow assaassin to that of the other characters.  I have seen all sorts of characters use the bow as part of there arsenal, like the Enchantress, Barbs, Pallys, Necs, etc.  They alll have better equipment available to them than this new hybrid Assassain.

I think that making multishot available earlier for this new Hybrid would make the playing field more equal than it is now and make the Crossbow Assassain a better party member as well as a better solo character.

After all  its,,,,,,,,,, :unsure:
Just my 2 cents.

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Re: Runword Sting and Crossbow Assassain
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2005, 09:05:04 am »
OK first for the level requirements

The database calculates the base level req only depending on the rune levels...thats the reason for the description, cause upped items will increase the level too

So, I can fix this only, by using runes with lvl >35 then the list will get fixed
The level is caused by the spell, and diablo adds some levels to the base I thaught it will be 36 not 35, but ok..

There are some items, which also have this issue, but there you wont see it, cause you cant see the base level of the item, its automatically increased

It was a must to remove the multipleshot form rw, cause powerfull bows with that RW on a sorceress ruled to much...the bad site..automatically you decrease all non sorcs (i really thaught about giving the sorc masteries to every char...)

I can only create a little bow with multiple shot (btw there are 2 with strafe, probably level little bit less...)
but then, this ms bow will have a little level of ms..and so only a few arrows...not really much better then a good 1hand bow..and assassins are quick cause of bos
Oh I forgot one thing

It is in your hands to get mor eplayers in night playing CE

How about making a nice thread about the positive side of CE on famous fan sites in the u.s.?
how about posting in atmas tavern on lurkerlounge or making a forum entry on

Only one thing, dont say to loud that CE has its own about how muh fun it makes, also playing onlione...but not them to tis forum..and they will see themself that we have a realm :P


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Re: Runword Sting and Crossbow Assassain
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2005, 12:41:18 pm »
Thankyou for clearing up the runeword Sting level situation for me. It was really confusing me.  I can see now how that word could be too powerfull for the Sorc.  That situation never occured to me.  Once Again my glass was half empty instead of half full.  :blink:

That is a good idea about posting on US forums.  I will make up a post and vary it a bit and post it on as many sites as I can find.
It would be nice to have more company while all of you are sleeping. :goof:

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Re: Runword Sting and Crossbow Assassain
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2005, 05:29:56 pm »
i can only give you a hint...hopefully more people from your site will add posts to the post the link here..and they can give the post m0ore life..

CEmail: chaosenergy(a)
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