Da ich keine Ahnung hab, wo ich das Geschreibsel hier aufbewahren soll, bis das DotA-Forum wieder online is, stell ich's hier rein.

First, thingies in paranthesis are my thoughts, like ("you see?).

I played an open -ar game yesterday and had two germans in my team.
I got Leshrac (hey, he isn't that bad i noticed o_O), Blue got tree, orange got Luna, yellow was a newb, as he said self and got soulkeeper (lucky to get a good survivor as newb, huh? ^^), purple got Prophet.
First they start flaming things like "hey, that's my lane", "noob", "switch lane" and leave me as a fragile caster alone to face´nevermore ("oh shit�._.).
Soon after the first creep wave, orange starts to complain about luna, saying luna is too slow, she sux and so on ("omg oO") and has to return to the fountain even more often than i have.
Yellow, as a newb, is cautios enough not to feed the enemies, what i really appreciated, but begins to complain about laggs and flames the host.
The host, blue the tree, explains, he sits in an Internet cafè, but is being flamed on and on…by yellow.
I try to survive and harras nevermore, what worked quite well (when he killed me, i killed him first) and try to explain to orange, that luna isn't a shitty hero, has about the fastest movement speed and has devastating spells, like her ulti. Orange, however, hasn't reached lvl 6 yet but is stuck at lvl 5...yeah and he calls me a noob, claims that i don't know the game i'm playing.
Right after that, nevermore surprises blue in the south east river and gets him (blue flames nevermore) ("-.-") and orange attempts to revenge his slain comrade, faces a lvl 10 nevermore with yellow hp, while he self has yellow hp, too... and gets horribly mauled. Double kill for nevermore.
All this happened while i was creeping ("omg, he goes 1v1 with a higher lvl nevermore... -.-") and i type "what the hell are you doing? Going 1v1 with nevermore, while hp are yellow? He is 5 lvl higher than you!". All orange knew to respond was "omg, noob, you die while creeping". I suppose it was, cuz i reached yellow hp, due to the short creep respawn time.
Orange starts to flame nevermore, cuz he should go 1v1 with him, instead of sneaking around ("stop, i can't laugh anymore^^")...
Well, the game ended, due to leavers --> disconnect.
I had some fun, talking with nevermore and making fun of my smart assed allies. I found the game quite amusing.
I have a replay, but, as i said, the whole chatlog is german.