AuthorTopic: [Guide] Bow Amazon (7.59) english  (Read 23620 times)

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Re: [Guide] Bow Amazon (7.59) english
« Reply #30 on: June 21, 2005, 06:26:35 pm »
why you dont use only the cold arrow? hes like the magic arrow.

(auf deutsch weil mein english sowieso totaler mist is: Warum Benutzt du nicht den Eispfeil weil de ja wie der Zauberpfeil Pshysischen schaden umwandelt und weniger mana verbraucht, lohnt der nich eher?)

Ps: auf deutsch steht mehr weil ich das auf englisch nur sehr schwer ausdrücken kann kann einer die worte "Umwandelsn" und "verbracuht weniger mana" einbauen (vllt in nen zitat damit auch die lieben englischsprechenden leute verstehen was ich sage :-))

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Re: [Guide] Bow Amazon (7.59) english
« Reply #31 on: June 21, 2005, 07:38:30 pm »
why you dont use only the cold arrow? hes like the magic arrow.

First a Freezing Arrow to stop enemies because it is like Glacial Spike.
Then strafe for damage and mana steal.

(auf deutsch weil mein english sowieso totaler mist is: Warum Benutzt du nicht den Eispfeil weil de ja wie der Zauberpfeil Pshysischen schaden umwandelt und weniger mana verbraucht, lohnt der nich eher?)
I can translate easier if words are spelled carefully...
Pshysischen -> Physischen
nich -> nicht

You English is vastly better than running German (even perfect German) through "translators" like Alta Vista Bable Fish (my current technological bleeding edge tool).  Try English, and I'll gladly help!  This language of mine is a mixed-up mongrel!  (A Norman Knight had a date with a Saxon bar-maid... 9 months later, English!)

Ps: auf deutsch steht mehr weil ich das auf englisch nur sehr schwer ausdrücken kann kann einer die worte "Umwandelsn" und "verbracuht weniger mana" einbauen (vllt in nen zitat damit auch die lieben englischsprechenden leute verstehen was ich sage :-))
Umwandelsn -> no translation available
verbracuht -> verbraucht
vllt -> no translation available
nen -> einen

It is bad manners to pick on people for spelling mistakes, usually.  If chat-speak or short-hand spellings are used, I simply cannot translate unless I guess what the long-hand spelling is, make the change, and try the translator again.  ,2 seconds saved on your side is 10 seconds more spent on my side.

Cold Arrow as a killing skill... I've never tried it.  Freezing Arrow is vastly more powerful, and strafe/multishot must be used on mobs.  The conversion of Physical to Magical damage done by Cold Arrow doesn't appeal to me... if the monster is CI and PI, switch to Javelins and LF!  (If it is CI/PI/LI, I can out-run it unless it is The Butcher!)

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Re: [Guide] Bow Amazon (7.59) english
« Reply #32 on: June 22, 2005, 09:22:48 am »
Wrong does to me because of that few spelling mistakes however babel fish translated a little sometimes amusingly, I try to improve and write the words out

(Auf Deutsch: Ja tut mir leid wegen den paar rechtschreibfehlern aber babel fish übersetzt manchmal ein wenig komisch, Ich versuche mich zu bessern und die Wörter auszuschreiben)

I do not have a problem of English to read to separate me in English to express

(Auf Deutsch: Ich habe kein Problem Englisch zu lesen sondern mich in Englisch auszudrücken)

That was Translated everything by Babel Fish

(Auf Deutsch: Das ist alles per Babel Fish überzetzt worden)

Is this better?

(Auf Deutsch: Ist das besser?)

Ps: Thanks for the fast and helpful answer


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Re: [Guide] Bow Amazon (7.59) english
« Reply #33 on: June 22, 2005, 12:18:35 pm »
If u make a bow only ama, the magic arrow is the better choice. I think magic arrow needs less skills, and the LF won't deal very much damage without synergies.

Furthermore you can use cta if u do not use javelins in the second slot

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Re: [Guide] Bow Amazon (7.59) english
« Reply #34 on: June 22, 2005, 01:55:58 pm »
No I did not mean, I meant that the Cold arrow of the physical ones harm in Elementari harm convert (how the Magic Arrow) would be better because he not on the synergy am dependent and thus only to be increased do not have (is called which he ONLY against those magically and physically immune boss the monster/champion is, the frost arrow is naturally to does not pierce the immunities of the normal monsters always still there must however not max. be)

(Auf Deutsch: Nein das meinte ich nicht, ich meinte das der Kältepfeil der Physischen schaden in Elementarischen schaden umwandelt (wie der  Zauberpfeil) nicht besser wäre weil er nicht auf die synergie angewiesen ist und somit nur selbst gesteigert werden muss. (das heißt das er NUR gegen die magisch und physisch immunen boss monster / champions is, der frostpfeil ist natürlich zum durchschlagen der immunitäten der normalen monster immernoch da muss aber nicht max. sein)

Edit: wie soll ich das den sonst hinbekommen? ^^ muste einiges beim deutschen umschreiben weil mir babelfish das nicht übersetzt hat sonst sähe das anders aus aber ich kann mich überhaupt nich in englisch ausdrücken :-(
« Last Edit: June 22, 2005, 04:50:40 pm by Keksgott »

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Re: [Guide] Bow Amazon (7.59) english
« Reply #35 on: June 22, 2005, 04:26:28 pm »
please do not use the babelfish translations it's just cruel :)

i'm gonna translate you text in a better english (although i have really trouble understanding you german text because the grammar is just strange :P)

i didn't mean that, i meant the cold arrow converts the physical into elemental damage (like magic arrow) but it is better because he doesn't need synergies (it is only for magic/physically immune boss monsters/champions, freezing arrow is of course for piercing the immunities of the normal monsters but doesn't have to be maxed)

btw i'm not sure about the names of the arrows perhaps i mixed something up there^^


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Re: [Guide] Bow Amazon (7.59) english
« Reply #36 on: July 13, 2005, 04:31:43 am »
i am currently running a BowZone ( ok in reality it is a hybrid bow/java ) and i wanted to add a few things i noticed during play. I am using freezing arrow to stop a mob or kill phys imunes and either strafe or lightning fury to kill off mobs . well works great so far :) . but in one point u are right , 100% pierce is important ( either for bow or java ) cause with pierce and freezing arrow u can stop a whole mob ( a mob that is not cold imune anyway ) so i put 21 points in pierce skill to get 100% pierce ( with skill boni from items ) . i put only 1 point in magic arrow , guided arrow , multishot and 10 or 12 in strafe ; none in the fire tree ; freezing arrow max , few ( 5 or 6 so far ) in ice arrow and some ( 12 i think) in cold arrow . in Java i have 1 point jab and one point in prerequisite skills for lightning fury and LF maxed out .
for equipment at the mom i use diva set , Bloodraven set belt, gloves, boots ( the 6 part set ), a COH wirefleece armor, a +2 skill ( and some add ons ) rare tiara with Blood runeword and a grand matron bow with faith runeword.
for java equipment i have the Jupiters Rage set ( the spear socketed with 3 Ber runes for crushing blow and the shield with 3 empty sockets so far ).
i think the magic arrow could be a nice add on but since cold arrow is a synergy skill for freezing arrow and since coldarrow is also converting phys damage to elemt./magic damage (analog for the fire tree) u don't really "need" the magic arrow skill. and i don't know if pierce is really working with the magic arrow, it seemed to me that magic arrow is making one hit and finish ( but i may be wrong ) .

@countdracula : a good Guide for starters , it would be an idea to put an equipmentlist for low/mid/high level chars in it

for a start :as low level equip i would suggest tempered rare rings and tempered rare amu with skill, resi and  LL ( maybe life/mana ) (tempering rings and amus makes them wearable at level 1 ); gloves,belt,boots could be tempered rares ( or the starting set belt from the ama, boots from the pala set , gloves from the assa set ) , from level 25 on u could use the Psychos Revenge set ; headgear no real "thats it" suggestion here from me ( i used what i had on hand ), the same for armor, as weapon i started with some basic javellins then the starting set bow , with level 24 i used either Ragnarok Sliver or a tempered rare with the runeword Sting.

ok CU Dark


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Re: [Guide] Bow Amazon (7.59) english
« Reply #37 on: July 13, 2005, 11:26:36 am »
I don't really think it is necessary to take extra items for the lowlvls. Just take what you find should be enough (maybe some bartucs items or so).

The only thing that does matter is the bow. lvl 16-24 is pretty hard with the starter bow. Maybe somebody has some tips here - especially if you do not have a tempered rare bow.

According the magic arrow: You use java skills, so you should have no problem with immunes. If you play a bow only ama, you have the magic arrow for physical + cold immunes.

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Re: [Guide] Bow Amazon (7.59) english
« Reply #38 on: July 13, 2005, 03:19:50 pm »
U need M-Arrow  for having a third element against Dual immunes. U could also kill them with fire, but most monsters have lower Resis (not Immunities) against Magic.
Mana isn't a Problem u easily leech enough to be full when hitting one other Enemy.
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Re: [Guide] Bow Amazon (7.59) english
« Reply #39 on: July 15, 2005, 04:24:14 am »
@ countdracula
the uni huntersbow "carrionwind" could be a good alternative from lev 10 (imho) to level 24 , it comes with 1 or 2 sockets , acceptable damage and leech.

cu dark

@countdracula and shinlos
ok thats a good point , btw i think i found why i havn't skilled it ... somehow i missed that i cubed magicarrow on the teddy :)
so mea culpa ... i will try playing the ama with only the bowskills for a while to test if having the javaskills makes such a great difference.

cu Dark
« Last Edit: July 15, 2005, 04:27:26 am by Darkshield »


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Re: [Guide] Bow Amazon (7.59) english
« Reply #40 on: July 16, 2005, 12:33:32 pm »
if you use only bow skills you can use cta in the second slot. That's the most obvious advantage I think.
Maybe I'll add this bow later.

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Re: [Guide] Bow Amazon (7.59) english
« Reply #41 on: August 18, 2005, 01:01:11 am »
anzumerken ist noch das
100 dex nichtmal 4% dmg geben
100 vit geben 400 life mit guten bo fast 1000

also als beispiel 1000 statspunkte 30k grunddmg.

variante 1:
300 vit 700 dex
dmg: 38,4k
life: 1200 aus vit (2400 mit bo)

variante 2:
950 vit 50 dex
dmg: 30k
life: 3800 (7600 mit bo)

das sind entweder 28% erhöhter schaden oder 220% mehr leben ...
und elementarer schaden hat nix mit dex zu tun also werden es sogar noch weit weniger als 4%.
außerdem sollte man bedenken das der meiste schaden durch vernichtenden schlag kommt.

vorallem fuer die die viel alleine machen und hoch hinaus wollen, wuerde ich auch in sc die variante 2 empfehlen, es spielt sich einfach besser und eins ist sicher die 28% dmg merkt man garnicht die 220% life allemal.


€dit by Drow-Elf:
This is a Guide in English, please write in English ;)

ExElNeT wants to say
100 dex gives nearly 4% dmg
100 vit gives 400 life with good BattleOrder (BO) nearly 1000 life

Example with 1000 statpoints and 30k grouddmg

variant 1:
300 vit 700 dex
dmg: 38,4k
life: 1200 from vit (2400 with BO)

variant 2:
950 vit 50 dex
dmg: 30k
life: 3800 from vit (7600 with BO)

You can choose between 28% enhanced damage or 220% more life ...
and caused that elementar damage has nothing to do with dex, it will be less than 4% damage.
he sais that the mostly physical damage comes from critical blow.

If you play alone often and want to get at his levels, he would although play variant 2 in Softcore, it will be safer and his meaning is that 28% damage you wouldn´t feel but 220% life you will.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2005, 01:43:05 pm by Drow-Elf »

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Re: [Guide] Bow Amazon (7.59) english
« Reply #42 on: August 18, 2005, 01:26:54 pm »
Hm ist der Guide noch aktuell?
1. Zum Guide. Strafe ist keinesfalls nicht zum killen geeignet. Gegen 2-5 starke Einzelmonster ist es gar effektiver als Multi oder GA.

2. Zum Vorposter: Wie kommst du darauf, dass CB den größten teil des Schadens macht. CB macht nur 1/8 Abzug im Fernkampf. Und Außerdem wirkt CB bei Multi nur auf die mittleren 2 Pfeile.

€dit by Drow-Elf:
This is a Guide in English, please write in English ;)

Is this Guide actual?

1. To the Guide. If you use Strafe against 2-5 strong Enemies it could be more effectiv than Multi oder GuidedArrow.

2. To ExElNeT: Why do you think, that Critical Blow (CB) will make the most damage? CB only makes 1/8 from the life of the monster in ranged attacks. And CB will work when using Muti only with the 2 middle arrows.

Edit (by Shinlos): Thx drow_elf for translating, i somehow didnt realize lol.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2005, 02:23:34 pm by Shinlos »
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Re: [Guide] Bow Amazon (7.59) english
« Reply #43 on: August 18, 2005, 08:23:00 pm »
The Guide is not really actual - as it says - the version is 7.59

At the moment i do not have the time to rewrite it for the new version.

@exelnet - if you are right it is probably better to stat vita, but recording to d2wissen each point in dex gives 1% more dam on bows. so 100 dex mean 100% more damage.

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Re: [Guide] Bow Amazon (7.59) english
« Reply #44 on: August 18, 2005, 09:18:25 pm »
A friendly thank-you to the guide writers and guide translators!

A note for making the guide more accurate: Please distinguish between "Critical Strike" (double physical damage, generally abbreviated CS), "Deadly Strike" (double physical damage, generally abbreviated DS) and "Crushing Blow" (remove 1/8 of remaining life from target, then apply physical damage, generally abbreviated CB)

Pehaps an abbreviation set could be found that functioned well in both languages (English and German) but I don't know enough German to venture a guess.

Critical Strike is Amazon-specific, while Deadly Strike is general.  The two are mutually exclusive, you never get triple or quadruple damage by getting both.

CB is independent of CS and DS, getting CS or DS has no effect on whether or not you'll get CB.


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