IRONMAN-DUELS[/size]1. IntroductionYes I would like to introduce a new way of playing PvP in CE. I guess that most of you already know this kind of PvP, but I think "Ironman-Duels" will work well...
I'm already thinking of organizing "real duels" like PalaVsPala

I think the people who also liked PvP in LoD too will be very happy if my ideas work..
So back to Ironman:
2. What are Ironman-Duells?Ironman-Duells are quite simple to describe:
If u want to participate you just post under this topic. For one Ironman-Duel we need eight players. Each of them creates a hardcore char and joins a certain game.
Then the eight players join one party and begin to play.
When the first one reaches lvl 9 he returns to town and waits until the others are lvl 9.
3. Are there any Rules?Yes, there are rules!
Nobody is allowed to return to town until lvl 9. So you have to wear and use all equipment you find on your own. You are allowed to "grab" every item that drops, except character-spez. items if you don't need them for your character. Often this is reality but the main aim should be to play TOGETHER!

2. If you have a timeout or have any other reasons for unwanted quiting of the game you are disqualified! Also if you die... LoL..
3. Skills that stun your enemy are not allowed (like Psi, Tk or Smite... etc.)
Curses are not allowed!
Any kind of minions are not allowed (also no mercs).
The following skills are forbidden:
Psychic Hammer, Telekinesis, Smite, Tiger Strike, Taunt, Bash, Leap, Molten Boulder If you know any other skills who are too godlike tell me!4. People who are impolite to other player are disqualified!
5. If you try to break these rules or try to use gabs to have an advantage you are also disqualified.
If you know more important rules send me a PM!6. It is ofc not allowed to drink any potions!
4. Who is the winner?Always two player make an duel. (so in the first round there are four duels.)
Then the winners of the first round play against each other. (so in the second round there are two duels left.)
At last there are two characters who are still alive. (so our last duel.)
The one who is still alive has won the whole duel.
5. Why should I play Ironman-Duels?Just 4 fun ofc! PvP got a bit lost in CE. I'm a bit sad of this because I liked PvP very much in LoD. I also had the idea that every player has to make an offer for taking part @ Ironman-Duels. For example 1 Farnham/Odgen... And then later the character who is still alive gets all Farnhams/Odgens. (Only Softcore atm.. I didn't found a helping hand in HC yet..)
If you want to take part in such a duel just post here!The next Ironman-Duel will be on the following Sunday at about 20.00[/size]Gallery of Ironmans:1. Ironman-DuelWinner: -
Character: -
Main Attack: -
Prize: -
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