Daily Chaos > Neuigkeiten

Re-Union has started - Ladder has been reseted

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Hi wollte mal fragen wann der letzte ladder reset war und wann es ein redet bevorsteht , danke schonmal :))

There is no re-union.  I like most have gone on to DIII. I'll stop and play CE now and than, which is like playing single player.  Oh well been a member since like 2005 I think.
@ Joe ... I'll always come back to your mod .... I do not donate often as much as I should. players of mods are like a rippling effect upon the shores of some beach where the sands wash away only to find them self back again. the poetic discourse of nothing to say but WTF are you talking about need not be asked. Thank You :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin:


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