AuthorTopic: Blood Raven Set  (Read 2611 times)

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Offline SorkyTopic starter

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Blood Raven Set
« on: January 24, 2005, 01:26:32 am »
This is information for Chaos and to let others know that they are not alone.

My character is a Bowazon

I have just hit level 85 and have put on the last pieces of the Bloodraven set.
I have put 5 zods into the bow and ghosted it and oiled it to indestructable.  I have also um' d the only sockets in the set.

The Problem:  Every time I put the cursor on a BR piece to read the stats, or just by accident as when reselling my arrows to refresh them, D2 instantly crashes to the windows desktop. My desktop is also corrupted due to this crash and I loose the picture I have chosen for the desktop and it reverts to the background color (winxp pro).  

I have talked to 3 Zons who have this set equipped and they experience the same problem.

My work around is to play with another 4 slot belt untill i really need the extra bonus from the set, then i switch to the BR belt and fight.  When I need to refresh my arrows, and I trade with a npc, the game automatically puts the cursor on the bow, and if I have not switched to a non BR belt, I will instantly be dropped back to my crashed desktop...the message other players get is that I was dropped due to timeout.

Obviously this is really annoying and makes using the complete BR set almost not worthwhile as during many situations I will need to open the inventory, maybe to refill my belt, or to switch arrows and if the cursor is located on the set when I open the inventory, I am instantly dropped from the game.

This only happens when you are wearing the complete set.  I have chosen the belt as a workaround as it takes up less inventory space than the other pieces.

Any help on this bug would greatly be apprediated by all Amazons I am sure. :thumbup:


 :angry:   :angry:   :angry:
I also have a gripe with  this set and I am not alone on this.

This set while grantiing some great bonuses, it has one major flaw.  It comes with one socket in all pieces that can be socketed.  While I realize that this was done for a balancing reason as to not make the set too powerful, it has made the set to weak when it comes to resists.  The set gives a fire resist bonus only, and when in Hell this leaves your fire resist right about 0 to fire(25% of my inventory is filled with charms and I have a Um in all of the sockets).  The rest of the resists are all near -100.
Since all other characters can use a shield to add Zods or Ums or p-diamonds, and have the option of puting more sockets into pieces to boost their resist, this leaves the Zon with only charms in the inventory to add to resists.  

My Husband has a level 93 Sorc with Stormshield. He has 4 ums in armor, 2 in the helm, zods and ums in the shield and zod in the ammy plus some resist charms plus the Anni, and he still has not maxed all his resists in hell.

What chance does a Zon with the Blood Raven set have in reaching max resists or even 50% positive resists.  I don't think this is a goal I will reach very soon as we have picked up every charm we have found and if I put all of the charms we both have found on my zon, I still would have a negative resist in all but fire.  Plus it is really hard staying alive to find charms when your resists are around -95.  

I could use other armors like COH, etc, but without this set your killing power is so low for hell that you are just to weak to do anything but leach from a group, and this I just won't do.  And besides, what would I do after I reach a higher level, nothing, without this set the Amazon just runs out of power in Hell.

The BR set is not Super Uber, it just keeps you at a level in Hell so that you can pull your own weight while in a group and do some MF to find some better items. The Bowazons best feature is the distance of the arrow attack.  This alone does not make the Zon uber.  Just ask any casting Assassin, or the crying Barbarian who run through the game like they were indestructable.  They are not and they die also, they each have a Mob that will stop them, but for pure killing speed I want a Barb by my side every time.  :nuke:

I realize that the design of this mod is slanted towards group play, and that is fine, I love playing in a group. I don't mind difficulty, which this game certainly has and is one of its charms.  Developing a Character is great fun and diversity plays a big role in doing it your way, but to always die from a one hit elemental or to have to scramble to grab an antidote before your plummiting health hits zero from poison, all because the Character you have chosen to play has no way to increase his/her resists, makes gameplay just a bit frustrating.
Please don't take this as a flame.  I love this mod and will never go back to regular bnet.  This mod is so far superior to regular D2, it makes the original seem like a really crappy attempt to acheive what Chaos and his group have accomplished.
Plus the community here is so outstanding and friendly, that having fun in D2 here is   the rule, not the exeption. :partytime:

just my 2 cents, nothing personal,

Any positive feed back would be welcome. :thumbsup:

Ps, this post has a built in fire extinguisher. :bash:

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Offline Olfmo

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Blood Raven Set
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2005, 01:55:00 am »
first of all:

it is a known d2 feature :rolleyes: that the game crashes when you have too much stats on your items... just don't put your mouse over the bow, put it in second slot then you won't do it accidently :)

about the resistances: as a bowazone it is very hard to reach 95 prisma in hell, especially with br set
if you want max resis so badly just take other items such as faith bow, CoH and so on
bowazon is a very strong character and last but not least it's a distance fighter (i'm not sure about that word, wordly translated from german^^)
so i don't think there will be any changes concerning your two points...

and you can get resicharms in nm and normal as well, especially in cow level, and by cubing charms :)


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Blood Raven Set
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2005, 10:07:28 pm »
The Diva set will give you some res bonus. Remember that you can put a Zod in the Diva amu, and two 15% prisma juwels into the Diva rings (one in each). Moreover, three Anya quests will give you an additional 70% res. That should give you some resistance boost.

Offline SorkyTopic starter

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Blood Raven Set
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2005, 02:39:46 pm »
Thanks for the info on the BR set.  Its much appeciated.

I did forget about the Diva set and that you can add a Zod or Um to the Ammi.  I also wasn't adding up the Anya quest correctly.  I did the Quest and put a Zod in the Ammi.  Right now the resist arn't to awful, at least there positive numbers. :P

I love playing this Zon, what great fun now that I have a better grasp on how to build her up.

Thanks for the help and a great Mod. :cheers:


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Offline Ueber

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Blood Raven Set
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2005, 12:47:08 pm »
If you don't rech max res anywhere i recomend putting a Diamond in Amu.

And i also think that a non Bloodraven Bow Ama is much more Powerful than one using the set.
Try Coh, 6Zod Wf (until u find a GMB to put Faith in), Trav gloves and boots and Unique Tiara and Arach belt or Buls Belt along with Diva.  


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