Computer-Games > International Support

User banned

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--- Quote --- map hack ? super cheat .... :closedeyes:
--- End quote ---
Well, whats the point of this???

If u don't think Maphack is a cheat, u don't belong here, and u will be better of back in b-net.

If i missunderstood your post, please explain.

In this mod, the majority of users is against cheats. And the rest will get caught using them....


--- Quote --- map hack ? super cheat .... :closedeyes:
--- End quote ---
even Maphack is a Cheat !!!! we dont need it here ..... because we are good enough to play without Maphack  :wink2:  

I thought, if someone tryies to use some kind of cheating, he gets banned, or gets a timebann, i heard abouth that you could get a message like "XYZ believed to use yet unknown cheat in game ZYX" and its cause of the morph-amus or something like that. i don't know exactly how this happends, could seomeone explain me, please? I heard from a friend that happend to him and I am realy realy sure he never used a cheat.

greets Lord-Bahamut

its no cool no map hack lol is hard find  place :P
lets  map hack on :P
i edit  maphack in hex for  play :P


--- Quote --- its no cool no map hack lol is hard find  place :P
lets  map hack on :P
i edit  maphack in hex for  play :P
--- End quote ---
oh yes ur are so a 1337-script0r, but we dont like hacks/cheats, read my post in your thread, this hopefully was your last post..

someone who is to stupid to find places in d2 shouldnt be able to install ce, im wondering how u did it.



edit: forgot the smile [!--aimg--][img]' alt='--Resize_Images_Alt_Text--' width='61' height='45'  class='attach' /][!--Resize_Images_Hint_Text--][!--/aimg--]


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