Computer-Games > International Support
User banned
after posting about hacks, user gets warned
after this i have to read a *oops* you in my PMs
now the first international user gets banned..
If you dont play within rulez, are not friendly, be prepared to get the next ban!
99% of my users play fair and friendly and consume less time then those stupid 1% rest!
i hate those users..
chaos is doing so much for this mod and community, but some users don't respect him though....
We all just Hope that the rest of the International Players are like The most of us and that they only want to play Fair without any Cheats .
a User that doesn`t Appriciate the Work of Chaos or the Realm rules , is not Welcome in our Community and has to leave :thumbdown:
Lets Hope this was the first and last international player with such a behaviour
Fg Jolly [!--aimg--][img]' alt='--Resize_Images_Alt_Text--' width='53' height='43' class='attach' /][!--Resize_Images_Hint_Text--][!--/aimg--]
i would nt say that the genericinternational user is automatically categorized into cheater part
i meaned more, that the more users are there, the more risk is with that, also some cultures are really dificult, so it is really easy to get other viewpoints and so on
i m really not racism or something like that, hope no one has a misunterstanding of this
and i think i have done much more support for this few non germans than for others
eg holysun hgets more then one realm announce to get new helping hands around him, startign first time with this mod...and with bad pings from china
as i remeber he got much tips hints and items..
map hack ? super cheat .... :closedeyes:
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