Guys, just reread the final version post.
This all proteins to single play.
So your hold out on the old dummy?
Elixirs taste real good going down almost as good as beer. Wish beer and ale would drop, nice and icy cold.
The resit potions taste foul and never have one that I need. Stamina potions sure help when you have to run.

I use a bow or javelin on those little bouncy balls of fire, run like hell, till I can equip enough fire resist. Jab, zeal, fend, and double swing work in the teen levels with fast foot work. "Throw up your hands, run and shout, run around in circles." I sometimes run a "J" hook pattern around the little devils and whack them from behind.
My collection of green set items have improved. I lost all the saved stashes, a couple hard drive crashes ago. <Frown>
A collections of bows and javelins lets the low level guys reach out and touch someone. I save all the reworked, socketed, 1+ skill items, and special skill and resist items in the shared stash, sorted by class or level. <GRIN> Only use the first page of the normal / personnel stash. <>Smile<>

As for leveling, Act one does not provide a target rich environment that a low level character can survive in.

and have a chance to level.
"Zons are just weak until Strafe kicks in, so there is a good reason to practice going forward only enough to attract a few enemies, then run so they follow you, and kill them separately. It's slower, but it avoids the dirt nap."
I frown on dirt naps, when your all hot and sweaty. You just end up covered in mud.
Zons are not weak in low levels, just skill challenged till they can run. Bow and javelin collections little them have a pointed edge.
The sorc is slow out of the box till about the 18th level, when she can use socketed items with perfect gems and skulls. Of coarse older brothers ans sisters let her have things they find.

A sorc is almost as cute as a nasty assassin.
A cute assassin seems to level up fairly fast compared to the other characters, Why Joe?
So that is why there was two M. soul stones in the stash of the last new guy I made? Ah, its written on a mysterious scroll, but which one? Good think I have collected some. Now I'll have to read then more closely. <Grin>
"So is cubing your stash with a wirt's leg and two Meph soul stones?"

Not a H. Scroll? AH, Webwalker I'll have to check this out.
Drinks on me the next time, guys. The Ye Old Tavern, needs a few more maids to liven the place up. Of coarse i'll have to trim the bread and hair. Now where did I put the head wax? I found the younger ones thought the gray haired ones were harmless.

Cupid, I am not.
Its in the high eighties and humid with thunder storms here. Break out the candles.

See ya
bdpf, aka; Snuffy