Most of my friends don't play RPG D&D games or don't have DSL.
Lucky the one that does, will not play on_line. She is very shy, but a better RPG player than me.
She also has a life, not adicted to RPG.
Grand kids Play Furadcadia and enjoy play and chatting there.
ps Wifes computer drives me nuts too.
Postet at: August 27, 2006, 12:14:45 pm
The adict is having problems connecting to the server,,,,GGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
I hope is just me and the server is not down and affectting everyone.
The old Gummy also ran into an other problem, while leveling a mule to Lets Rock.
In act 2 got all the words before trying to enter the palce. I enterd and got killed on the first level. Had to leave the game, having no chance of retreving the body.
Entered a different game to get my body, which I did. Went to act 2 and was blocked from entering the place by the guards. I was able to pass them before.
So today I can't log onto the server,,,, Geee. The old adict needs a CE fix. <GRIN>
the best I can have is to poike out here my fixation with the CE Mod.
Cheers if you still able to play.
I will try again in a hour or so.