Hi, I just recently joined, and have enjoyed playing CE for quite a while, but after downloading the latest version (7.66 SP3). I have a few questions that I hope can be answered, because they are bugging me.
First, one of my favourite characters is the Amazon, and when I started to play, I was shocked to see what happened to her Dogde, Avoid and Evade skills, the percent chance for the first skill point is 1%, is it really meant to be that low, because unless I decide to dump in 20 skill points each (60 total), that would mean only around 20% chance, which is still low, is that a mistake, because if it isn't, you have killed off one of the Amazon's unique skills.
Second, What weapons do you mean for the Druid's new Weapon Mastery skills...it mentions 'Druids Hammer' and Clubs, does that include Maul's, since Mauls are a Druids main weapon (I think anyway), and I'm not sure whether it works with Mauls or not, I would like to know before wasting a lot of Skills points on a skill I'll never use. Another thing regarding the new Weapon Master skill for other characters, why is the Necro one for Wands, if a Necro decides to use a Wand, they wouldn't attack as much as one for Daggers, or is it you didn't want overpowered Necro's with a Dagger Mastery and Poision Dagger combined? Going back to the Amazon again, why does this have a Spear Mastery Skill, and not one for Bows, are you trying to tell everyone, to play as an Spear Amazon and not a Bow one, because you like the Spear more, seems like Favouritism to me.
Third, how do you make the Doll Stash again?

I think thats all the questions I needed to ask at the moment, I hope you'll answer my questions and put my mind at rest, but no matter what problems I have, I still like Chaos Empire.