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AuthorTopic: dsl setup / ip address  (Read 2641 times)

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dsl setup / ip address
« on: June 06, 2006, 07:25:26 am »
@CE  or anyone of you great CE Mod admin types. ???

I made the big step and got  Linlsys router; Model # BEFSR41    <GRIN>   6 months saving.

1. Is htis the static IP Address? To conect to CE mod ?
This was on the first page of your forum site.

I hope to start setting it up latter today, if the better half don't shut me down. <GRRRRR>

2. Which ports do I have to keep open for the Mod?

3.  Could you check and e-mail my account / inhanbent info at:                   

Don't want to mess up when I try to log in to D2 LOD CE Mod.
NO way for me to remmeber what I did when I first tried CE Mod. <GRIN>

4. Is there anything else I need to know? ???

Well also check with brian for more hands on help durring the setup. 
Even thou he has memory problems too.  <Ha Ha>

thks joe

bdpf    :wece:
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Re: dsl setup / ip address
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2006, 09:23:02 am »

you only need your personal data: acc name and password

for ce realm you need to keep port 4001 and 6112 open (outgoing), if you will play open bnet you also need 4001 realm need

the ip could be your personal is not one of ce

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Re: dsl setup / ip address
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2006, 07:46:32 pm »
@bdpf (and other people baffled by DSL setup)

My setup:
1: My machine talks to my router via a cat-5 cable from my machine to the router (the multi-port side, called the LAN side). This in-house LAN network has a network address set. The router is (traditional and necessary), and my machine is (from back in the days when I had a wife with a computer at .2, and 5 children's machines on the same LAN with addresses from .3 to .7).
2: The other side of the router, called the WAN side, uses a CAT5 cable that goes from my router to my DSL modem.  This side's IP address can change without my knowing it.  This address comes from my ISP when my router logs into the ISP network.  This WAN side of my router knows my account and password, and automagically logs in whenever the ISP resets this connection (or when I tell it to by logging in to the router and telling it to).
3: My ISP is actually a set of machines, each of them has a distinct IP address.  I never know nor care which of my ISP's machines my Router (WAN side) has logged into.  This ISP does the domain-name-to-IP-address translation to connect to the Chaos Empire network.
4: Talking to my router (to configure it) is as easy as opening my web browser and giving the "URL" of  Immediately the router's admin interface, a web page, pops up on my screen asking me for my admin password.  I give that password and go to the setup page and enter the DSL log-in information: my ISP account name and password, saying "always connect" and similar.

How closely does your setup look like mine?

Offline bdpfTopic starter

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Re: dsl setup / ip address
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2006, 01:07:15 am »
@CE & Webwalker

Better half has slowed me down & grand daughter #1 is on her dsl. <<>>GRRRRR<<>>

Yes it sounds about what the cd manual discribed for the setup.

As you might have noticed, I still have dial up. <SMILE>
Still waiting for shoe or is that ax to drop and cut me off.

Thanks for the timely replies.

I also hope it helps others setting up a dsl & router combo.

I and my dragon friends thank you, LRD fluffy, Fluffy's sister & Duffy LGD
Moira and Sparrow too.
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