AuthorTopic: Ideas  (Read 8043 times)

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« on: April 03, 2006, 08:15:22 pm »
I got some ideas down on paper, i  didnt know where to put them exactly, so i thought id make a topic so that everyone who want, can comment the ideas.
And for some of them perhaps to get in on the next upcomming patches, tho that ofcourse has to do with what everyone thinks about it.

1) Golems/Mercenaries/Valkyrie/Shadow Assassin and all that will stay through the map and continiously feed on kills, every(100x1/1,25/1,5) etc. kills it gains a lvl or additional stat points or even skills. And/or perhaps grow into another creature. with new or additional abilities.

2) More than 1 mercenary. Make them cost gold you play, so that gold will have more value. (of a max of 2, perhaps 3. making them weaker pr. merc).

3) Make some or a few items only able to be bought for cool cash(gold), so that gold will have even more value. :)_

4) Give the teddy extra powers pr. 100.000 killed creatures or such alike.

5) Give the merc a inventory page, so that he can benefit from charms and carry stuff, mule like.

6) Give Summons of any kind the ability to gain "extra" lives pr. value(xxxxx) kills, the amount can be discussed. So that they dont have to be self summoned all the time and every now and then.

7) Make overall Hell creatures stronger. Creatures have more health pr 10.000 creatures killed without death - the counter goes back to Zero 0 when death or fall back 10.000 pr. death.

8) If most of the above dosent work, perhaps a whole new lvl, could be like for Insanely Hardcore.
Hardcore i know already exist, but it could be like that those who have completed it through on the first 3, will now come to insanely harcore (name can be changed, was just to point out my meaning :) its full with even crazier creatures than "come get some" and if you die you die for good.
This is made so that players who feel like having a go at something really challenging can try it out and really feel happy to be alive... why... dont you ? :D


1) Change some of the skills on "CTA - Call to Arms" because its simply useless if you got even a half bad doll stash because it gives both BO and BC, so that would almost render it useless.

This is ofcourse only a few ones, more will come if its a good idea what im doing.
And ofcourse its open for other and more ideas.:)
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Offline Darkkatgirl

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Re: Ideas
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2006, 08:24:01 pm »
If you want harder, play HC and do tristram runs or dungeon runs.
無秩序帝国r 。I.p. 4 月19 日、 2006 年

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Re: Ideas
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2006, 01:16:20 pm »
I've been there done that, i just feel SP SC is more fun due to the fact that it takes much less actual consentration.. And besides it would be kewl with more hard areas, such as Uber trist or such. I for one just feel its too easy as it is :)
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Offline Darkkatgirl

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Re: Ideas
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2006, 04:50:27 pm »
Chimera there seems to have a random chance of a instant kill attack (over 10k dam).  Seems hard enough if your HC.  Also I dont think we need another "one shot" area. 

Monsters are default set at players 13 per game, monsters heal alot faster, resists are lowered alot per difficulty and lava dogs are just a pain in the *censored*!!  Add that to a HC char and thats hard enough :-p
無秩序帝国r 。I.p. 4 月19 日、 2006 年

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Re: Ideas
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2006, 05:33:16 pm »
Thing is, chimera does Corpse explosion thats why he does so much dmg in one shot.
Tho its weird that it bypasses bone armor, i didnt think Corpse Explosion would do that.

And i beg to differ about it being hard, i've played quite alot of HC on sp and even more SC and, idont know if im the only one searching for a even harder area than tristram or the dungeons but it would be sweet :D

If the problem is story line or something i could help with that.
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Offline Darkkatgirl

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Re: Ideas
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2006, 06:10:03 pm »
Biggest problem from what CE tells me is that there are not enough lines?  Im guessing the game is like a piece of paper and they have only so much room to work with.  If you can find a way to where they can use more pages instead of that one, CE (and other programmers / writers / artists) could make the mod (and game) so much better, harder, less buggy, more items etc. 

Like you, I would love to help with that stuff but I am not a computer genius.  Only thing I can do to help CCC currently is to play, report bugs, help newer members, and donate =^.^=  (check online account CE for donations in the morning (german morning) and you should see a surprise ^.^)
無秩序帝国r 。I.p. 4 月19 日、 2006 年

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Re: Ideas
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2006, 07:52:35 pm »
hehe well im doing what i can aswell, like you. :)

And like you i've also donated.. And i would wish for everybody else playing this mod and love it very much should donate aswell.. it dosent have to be much just a few euro to show your support ;)
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Re: Ideas
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2006, 10:36:10 pm »

1) Golems/Mercenaries/Valkyrie/Shadow Assassin and all that will stay through the map
They do stay through the map, across acts, and Iron Golem survives Save&Exit&LoadChar&enter game...
so I wonder what you mean?
and continiously feed on kills, every(100x1/1,25/1,5) etc. kills it gains a lvl or additional stat points or even skills. And/or perhaps grow into another creature. with new or additional abilities.
It would be necessary to re-cast the spell with a higher level... unless we're good at assembly coding and game code hacking... which I'm not (under windows anyhow).

2) More than 1 mercenary. Make them cost gold you play, so that gold will have more value. (of a max of 2, perhaps 3. making them weaker pr. merc).
Besides the assembler hacking necessary to add a second merc, there's a limit of 8KB saved data per character.  Everything on the merc counts against this limit.  Try to save/exit/return with too much, and stuff 'evaporates'.  Of course the 8KB limit could be hacked also... if...

3) Make some or a few items only able to be bought for cool cash(gold), so that gold will have even more value. :)_
You mean besides everything in the vendor's windows?  The problem here is that gold is free.  Even in online D2/LOD on, adventuring in Hell allowed selling elite armors and weapons until the purse overflowed and the stash was stuffed relatively easily.  Anything buyable (or gambleable) jus takes time, not playing skill.  We used to have gambling for runes...
4) Give the teddy extra powers pr. 100.000 killed creatures or such alike.
Might work...
5) Give the merc a inventory page, so that he can benefit from charms and carry stuff, mule like.
see 8KB limit note above

6) Give Summons of any kind the ability to gain "extra" lives pr. value(xxxxx) kills, the amount can be discussed. So that they dont have to be self summoned all the time and every now and then.
can you give an example of what this would do?
7) Make overall Hell creatures stronger. Creatures have more health pr 10.000 creatures killed without death - the counter goes back to Zero 0 when death or fall back 10.000 pr. death.
Please, not in HC... or the monsters wind up infinitely tough, or I wind up infinitely dead.
(anybody saying the Dungeaon is too weak needs his head examined!)
8) If most of the above dosent work, perhaps a whole new lvl, could be like for Insanely Hardcore.
Hardcore i know already exist, but it could be like that those who have completed it through on the first 3, will now come to insanely harcore (name can be changed, was just to point out my meaning :) its full with even crazier creatures than "come get some" and if you die you die for good.
This is made so that players who feel like having a go at something really challenging can try it out and really feel happy to be alive... why... dont you ? :D
I don't know what to sy here except "play hard core..." but you already do...

1) Change some of the skills on "CTA - Call to Arms" because its simply useless if you got even a half bad doll stash because it gives both BO and BC, so that would almost render it useless.[/b]
I've never gotten either BO nor BC on my doll stash... the ladders are too short and I play too slow.  I'm glad for CtA, and a humility armor (normally on my merc, switch to cast BC/BC/BO then switch back), and wonder: what would you rather that it have?

Offline bdpf

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Re: Ideas
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2006, 04:45:55 am »
You said it real nice. That 8kb is a real bummer.
Till it can be changed I Know the mod changes are limited.

Try knocking on secret doors. Be ready to run. ???

Did you get your handle from;
H. Beam Pipper's "Little Fuzzy"
Ardath Mayhar's "Golden Dream - A Fuzzy Odyssey"

bdpf :ce: :wece: :s513:
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          Roll my own cigarettes, strong tobacco
        Drink anything that don't kill me.
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Re: Ideas
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2006, 02:33:52 pm »
@ bdpf, Not completely sure what you mean by "handle" but if its my name you refer to i got it from Darby Conleys GetFuzzy Comics :) GL reading them, its the funniest and mosty hilarious ComicStrip ever! :D

@ Webwalker, to answer your questions:

Question 1, i mean that all those summons should stay not only through the acts and map, but they should be alive on a quit and exit.
The main idea is to help a summon necro somewhat on  hell, because that can get quite tough to do much on lets says. baal runs, if he dont wanna goback to a1 and summon there for awhile. And awhile it takes to summon over 100 creatures :) that is, if he wants them all.

Question 6, What i mean by extra lives is that, instead of a skele dies emidiately, it revives it self if its served you good enough for long enough.
This isent that important, but it would be a fun thing, so you could see which skelies serve you well.
Perhaps in time once the 8kb are broken they could evolves in due time, aswell as a merc and such.

Question 7, That wasent the idea to make HC tougher at all, cause there is only ONE life and thats it.. :)
It was ment to that SCs can have a real toughness lvl to compete against, and for those who dont feel like taking it too serious playing HC and just like the SC and battle the toughness there instead, just so they wont wind up without divine intervention :D

About the CTA. This is just an idea but what would giving it a whole new line, Could be class definated, not that people other than a particular race could use them, but giving it more of an option to give other stuff.
But if it should stay the way it are id like it having, Shout/Taunt/Thunder Storm, if not this giving it a value between all the warcries there are, making it 3xrandom. :)
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Offline bdpf

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Re: Ideas
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2006, 06:00:55 pm »

The comics are new to this old gummy. but you answered the question.
Handle = acct name / nick name

bdpf = broken down pipefitter

your 1. Gitting a set of summoned bones is part of the game and you run up against 8kb limit, I beleife.  Same for 6.

Your 7. Do you mean a colonne of the mod but tougher just for Single Play. It would require a seperate server / or server space to do on-line.

CTA? ??? It was Chicago Transite Authority
Leave Call to Arms alone pls.
It is a way to get skills without getting a certain piece of gear / weapon.

This is what rune words are for. They are a means of geting extr skills, dmg, def, etc without find a certain piece. or to add an extra boust for tought times.

If anything the need is for lower & med level runes to be available eariler or to have them fine tuned for broder use.

Now i'm getting on my favorite hobby horse.   Get the green sets to be more plentiful. the one missing piece of a set realy buggs me as a collector.

bdpf :s513: :ce: :wece:
:) +  + ;)   Don't Bite now, Lost my teeth
      /\         So now I tell rambling stories!
  / === \      Grumpy, I is
 ! /|||||\ !      Older than dirt, Piped God
 /||||||||\  aboard this here Sky boat called Earth.
          Roll my own cigarettes, strong tobacco
        Drink anything that don't kill me.
   Cleaned my musket, sharpened the blades
Long Bow is strong,  arrows heads sharp, start running
Wannabe wordsmith, stories fabricated.
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Offline Darkkatgirl

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Re: Ideas
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2006, 06:45:16 pm »
Oh no, dont make the greens more common. Then CE will have to weaken them for game balance.  Instead lower the amount of gems needed to make a Green or Unique.  Exp Instead of 15 of a specific type, how about 8 or 10 or maybe 15 of any gem?
無秩序帝国r 。I.p. 4 月19 日、 2006 年

Offline bdpf

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Re: Ideas
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2006, 08:10:33 pm »
Did I miss or forget something.
How do you make green set items with gems? ???
bdpf :s513:
« Last Edit: April 05, 2006, 08:12:49 pm by bdpf »
:) +  + ;)   Don't Bite now, Lost my teeth
      /\         So now I tell rambling stories!
  / === \      Grumpy, I is
 ! /|||||\ !      Older than dirt, Piped God
 /||||||||\  aboard this here Sky boat called Earth.
          Roll my own cigarettes, strong tobacco
        Drink anything that don't kill me.
   Cleaned my musket, sharpened the blades
Long Bow is strong,  arrows heads sharp, start running
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Offline GetFuzzyTopic starter

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Re: Ideas
« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2006, 08:18:01 pm »
@ Darkkatgirl Why are you talking about more or less "greens" darkkatgirl ? its not even on topic, as far as i know.

@ bdpf I think she mean:

Things you need You will get
 - Weapon
- Doll
- Jewel (rare,5x)
 Generates new item with: (Set Item)
- Any Shield
- Doll
- Jewel (rare,5x)
 Generates new item with: (Set Item)
- Any Armor
- Doll
- Jewel (rare,5x)
 Generates new item with: (Set Item)
- Ring
- Doll
- Jewel (rare,5x)
 Generates new item with: (Set Item)
- Amulet
- Doll
- Jewel (rare,5x)
 Generates new item with: (Set Item)


Things you need You will get
 - Weapon
- Doll
- Perfect Amethyst (15x)
 Generates new item with: (unique)
- Any Shield
- Doll
- Perfect Diamond (15x)
 Generates new item with: (unique)
- Any Armor
- Doll
- Perfect Sapphire (15x)
 Generates new item with: (unique)
- Ring
- Doll
- Perfect Ruby (15x)
 Generates new item with: (unique)
- Amulet
- Doll
- Perfect Emerald (15x)
 Generates new item with: (unique)
- Jewel
- Doll
- Perfect Topaz (15x)
 Generates new item with: (unique)
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Re: Ideas
« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2006, 08:28:37 pm »
@ Darkkatgirl Why are you talking about more or less "greens" darkkatgirl ? its not even on topic, as far as i know.

try to read more concentrated:

Now i'm getting on my favorite hobby horse.   Get the green sets to be more plentiful. the one missing piece of a set realy buggs me as a collector.
bdpf :s513: :ce: :wece:
by chio:
Die Maßeinheit für spammen=1Fenris


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