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Old Chaos Core Community News
« on: May 22, 2005, 08:28:18 am »
2 new news: One positive, one negative
First the positive: Asia Realm got 4 new server, so now 7 for Asia
Second the negative: We found out, that some people from Asia Realm found out how to use a MapHack Program, also some of them use it on Europe Realm!
I will shutdown complete Asia Realm, ban all users, and if needed shutdown complete PvPGN system, if the use of cheat tools wont stop NOW!
Started already with a fix for this issue
There is a really quick and dirty fix up now:
The Vanilla LOD realm is now powered :) by a small server.
Now your friends, who don't want to play ChaosEmpire, can play vanilla, and chat with you, playing ChaosEmpire
I wont spend any money into this realm, if it grows, it must grow by the users
I added a function reduced version of ChaosEmpire's AntiCheat system, so no MapHack, Bots and so on
The 27 runewords, the aurafix are included, if something is missing, I will add it
The SinglePlayer version is expanded with PlugY so they have also a big stash to mule, cause I block the double load of D2
Direct generation of Accounts disabled.
You must go to to generate an account

Changed Account Database from ASCII to SQL
Due to some people are not able to read announcement, some user accounts have failethe import.
Seems really to be hard, to not logon for 5 minutes!
Fixed an issue in Starcraft update to 1.12/1.12b, if you own Broodwar, check that you don't have a Star_....mpq file, it must start with SEXP.
If there was an issue, reinstall your Starcraft
Renamed the realms, be sure to join the correct one!
CE stable = CE Europe
CE temp = CE Asia
CE unstable = CE Test
Congratulations to Patriarch sdc-HITemUP for reaching Level 100 as first character in this Ladder Season
Warcraft III Version 1.18 uploaded
New Loader needed to play 1.18 online, find it
No-CD-Crack is not supported!
Also Starcraft 1.12b is now supported, Auto-Update will update to 1.12, then to 1.12b
This is a good week for CE Stable :)
The ZdL-Clan sponsors server 8
After long downtime of CE Stable Server 6, it has been replaced by a new one.
Server 6 is now sponsored by Aloha!
Also there is a third server for CE Temp(Asia)
Thanks to all our server donators!
Every player must have a post in our Inhabitant/Einwohner forum at
This forum is opened today, and this means, ALL players have to do it (again)
Eery user, a single post
Only our players from "CE temp" dont must do it, but I hope they will do too...
Reduced maximum characters per account from 20 to 18 caused by changes in PVPGN software
If anyone is above 18 characters on his account, please write a PM to ChaosEnergy in our forum
All german TDSL users can now support the ChaosEmpire, by changing their FlateRate provider to that one, I m reselling.
See Info is sticky in Off-Topic
That the provider is really good, you will see when joining server 4...

Happy valentine
Chaos goes america...
Due to a business trip, next 2 weeks will be hard for all :)
So dont crash the servers, or they will hang until EMGEE,or the owner of that server has time.
So dont forget to post in forum the server number and game name of the crashed server
Banned people, dont have hope...also I m in america, I will trace those users once a day
Server 7 goes online!
We will thank user: cx_one for a new CE-Stable Realm Server
Keep the Chaos Empire growing!
FrontEnd upgraded to latest CVS build
Backends upped to 7.51 + Vally Speed Fix

A good news for our Asian friends:
CE Temp got a 24h server, so there are two, one 24 hours, one 8 hours online
Realm: CE Temp is up now
It is a gameserver in Korea for our Asian friends
Please dont use this server,if you are not from Asia
The server is NOT 24 hours online! Playtime 18h-24h (GMT+9)
Realm Overview:
CE Stable: Main Realm, All server in germany
CE Temp: Server in Korea, not 24h online
CE Unstable: Private TEST Realm from ChaosEnergy, Never join here!
Ladder Season 2 started
You must have MOD 7.51
See in download section
Ladder Reset on january, 1st 6pm (18Uhr), server back on 7 pm, all characters gone on 6 pm (GMT+1) december, 31th

In the 24 hours between this, there is a special NewYear event

- The event requires a HardCore character!!!
- No PK allowed, the event should force team playing, not single playing on servers
- All quests must be done, and finished (eg. Charsi imbue must be used, so all quests grayed)
- Get as much experience as possible, best five will win a soulstone each, for the next ladder season (HC/SC as preferred)

Play fair, play legit!!!

We wish you all a happy NewYear!
Added autoupdate feature for all blizzard games
Only tested with LOD 1.09d yet, hopefully also other versions/games will work
Internal CE Update with following changes:
- Bartuc Set Level req increased, Gloves get higher chance for MindBlast
- Soulstones and UberAmu get higher resistances
- Anti-Rush Feature improved
- Volcano gets one second cast delay
- Stats of Goldskin and Silk of Victor little bit changed
- Experience of Diablo1 and Acid-Beasts improved
- Damage and Life of Diablo1 improved (little bit below butcher)
Introducing some major changes to C.C.C.
- Accounts can be self-registered (there is still a must have for an Inhabitant Post in forum, and it is still not allowed to use/have
- Characters will be deleted after 120 days of inactivity
- In case of character hanging in game write a PM in forum with Server Number(during login in red) and game name or write a SMS to +49-
- I expect a friendly and fair behaviour
- It is possible to play Diablo1, Starcraft/Broodwar, Warcraft 2+3+FT on this server too, so have fun with it, and use always latest pa
I wish you a merry peacefull X-mas
Hopefully you won't only think above your gift's, there are many people who will need your help.
Take your light into the darkness, it's time for love, peace, and a new definition of "together"
Updated server to version 7.50
This time really less changes.
Splitted MPQ into 2 parts, therefore be sure to delete the DATA folder, before installing 7.50
No one should ever need Play English link in future, only when you want to play other then your own language
Due to those change Nude Assassin patch needed to be in FileMode instead of MPQ, so if you need Nude Assassine Mod too, you must reload
Future patches will be around 4MB at startup
As a new highlight, I wanna announce Internet Radio with User "Schrecken".
Quite cool music, give it a try! Its not 24h so try more times, when it grows, it will be 24h,
They are looking for reliable DJs
Seems that the Party-Exp Bonus has been fixed
In Test we got doubled exp
Updated server to version 7.49f
Added 23 new RWs
replace 749e+ with 749f (also in link :) )
Accounts WAYNE and BELIAL banned due to racism and profanity language
Server-Side new version 7.49E++
Fixes a serious bug with Doll-Stash
Doll-Stash recipe is now:
2 Horadrim-Scrolls + Wirts Leg
Dungeon Levels in Hell decreased (hopefully no issues more in Level 11)
World Event drop improved
Server 5 enabled
Seems that more then 4 servers block the Char Select screen, Server 5 disabled
Many news today :)
Server 2 replaced with a new Server from Cybermage!!!
Thanks to CyberMage for Server 2 and SirRhaghi for Server 3
Server 3 from Sires doubles its RAM and also the amount of possible games.
DSL Chaos 4 gots 400% more upstream also 400% more users possible :)
Server 4+5 are DSL connected
Server 4 will always disconnect at 5am GMT+1, Server 5 unknown
I still force the politic of joining Games.
Less games,less crash risk! Bigger parties, more exp + fun!!!
Due to 45 users didnt changed their
default password, I have changed it.
PM in Forum Mr Bean to get your new
password, if it was still "playlegit"
Sometimes bad days want to repeat
So in that way, Server 2 was able to repeat this tradegy.
And some users used again the leak to get +7SkillCharms
The only chance is again a rollback, therefore there wont be a CCC update in next days.
A ladderreset wont occure, cause its much more unfair then this rollback
Today is a really dark day
Uploaded a version with test recipe
For safety a rollback was needed to all char from today 11am. SORRY!!!
Updated server to version 7.49e+ You MUST also install Patch from
Updated PvPGN to version 1.74
Hopefully server will get more performance and more stable and features
Build has one bug with channel config
Please join manually ChaosEmpire until I get a fix for this bug
Won't change back to old software cause now account files are saved in a better way
Updated server to version 7.49e
You MUST delete DATA Folder BEFORE updating to Version 7.49e
Serverside Update to version 7.49d+
Some Stats and Base Items of Elite Sets changed.
Little bit more dmg for Hammerdin and Javazone.
Vally fastest setting Chimera now in Seven.
Lets thank our Community Member
for giving us C.C.C. stable 3
Account Koger gets a warning caused by using profanity words in character name
Character: fallen_*oops*er deleted!
Updated server to version 7.49d
You MUST also install Patch from
Updated PvPGN to version 1.7
Hopefully server will get mor performance and more secure against hacks
Updated server to version 7.49c
You MUST also install Patch from
Updated server to version 7.49b
You MUST also install Patch from
Serverside update to Version 7.49
Energy will now get usefull
You wont get Mana per LevelUp, therefore Vitality is also rebalanced
You get more Life per StatPoint, same with Energy, its more then normal
Hope you enjoy this change, making the blue monster usefull
Chaos Empire Clan Server goes public
To play CE Stable you need to download
Debian Base System completly reinstalled in Frankfurt
Server now much more stable.
After some more base installation parts on server,
I will restart modding next weekend I think
Have fun!!!
System upgraded to version 1.6.5
Should fix the game crash in character select screen
Still runnig on CE1 and CE2
Willkommen im Reich des Chaos
Sollten Euch einige Charaktere fehlen,lasst es mich wissen
Hoffe aber alle erwischt zu haben
Aktueller Stand Alpha update2
Es wird wegen der Einarbeitung in Linux immer mal wieder zu
Ausfaellen kommen koennen, da ich versuche DSL Mini Server
anzubinden. Nicht boes sein falls mal wieder down :)

We are proud to announce our new private server

CEmail: chaosenergy(a)
Chaos Empire® is a registered Trademark of Hans-Jürgen Ohler ©2003-2012


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