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General information
« on: May 12, 2005, 12:17:49 pm »
General changes:

Gambling chances no longer depend on the difficulty - you can gamble in every game
Proceed of sale increased
All Ladder recipes/items activated
German Patchstring.tbl fixed cause of the ItemAuraBug
Magic-Register at NPC´s activated
Fara does not heal any longer, Atma heals now
Quest reward of Akara, Atma and Izual doubled
You don´t loose gold from stash after death
Crushing blow does not depend on amount of player any longer
Shortcut Switch -act2 until -act5 changed (generates now test char with Level 45/60/78/95)
Runewords possible in Magic, Rare and Crafted Items
New Town Portal Graphic
New Game loading screen (for quick identify that you have the mod)
New Background-Sounds
Modified Interface
Credits adapted
New names for the 3 difficulties (normal is Piece of Cake, nightmare is hell, hell is Come get some)
Items, general:

Increased stash, cube, inventory
Original items don´t have sockets any longer
Stamina, Antidote and Thawing Potion take twice as long effect (1 minute)
Graphics of rings, Amulettes changed
Books not buyable, max 10 scrolls
All BasisLevel increased with factor 1.3 (this means drops from chases are better, annihilus possible really late act5 on chaos difficulty)
Exceptional and Elite Items possible in all difficulties (very low chance in normal, better chances in nightmare)
Monsterdroprate little bit increased (additionally to players function)
Gamble Chance massively increased (49,25% magic, 29% rare, 14,5% set, 7,25% unique; Exep 37%, Elite 13%)
Shrinking Heads, Barbarian und Druid Helm, Paladin Shield, Orbs, Amazonen Weapons and new character specific Items in gamble screen possible
max of 25 Items in GambleScreen instead of 14
Throwing Weapons can have sockets
Belts with max. 2 Socket, Amulette and Rings with max. 1 Socket
(Amulette work as Shield, Rings as Weapons, Belts as Armor)
Gas- / Oil Potion do more damage (factor 5) and sell very well
Annihilus gives 2-5 to all Skills
Rings, Amulette, Charms, and Teddys, can be personalized
ZOD and UM rune changed

Faster cast rate on charms possible
Rings can drop with +1 all skills
Rings can drop with character specific skills
7 character specific Itemtypes added

Description of Gem-Bags:

There are 7 Gem-Bags for each gem type.
The bag can contain 2 gems of same type and quality, if you put in a third of same type and quality it willbe converted to next better quality.
There can be 200 perfect gems in bag
Maximum is 200 Perfect, 2 Flawless, 2 Normal, 2 Flawed and 2 Chipped Gems of same type.
So 208 gems in bag for only 1 place in inventory, you save 207 places!

How to put gems into gem-bags
Put the gem-bag and the correct gem type into cube, press the button, thats it
If there are already 2 of same type in gem bag, you get a better one that you can cube again into stash, until its a perfect one

How to get gems back?
Put the gem-bag into the cube, press the button, and one of the lowest will be put off from bag
To get the perfect gem, you must remove up to 8 from other type...heee you got 207 saved do a little work.

Where to get this gem-bags
Lysander (Act2) sells them for 750 Gold

New Items:

Your personal Teddy
Counts Monster killed, attacked, hit, also how often you are hit and have died(not all attack work, eg Sorceress spells wount count, D2 Bug)
+1 to all Skills
+ 2% MagicFind per LevelUp
Must be identified with Horadric scroll (in Cube)
Magic and rare arrows and bolts possible
A special Unique-Set (including 5 unique charms)
They will make your life really easy in hell..if you find it

Doll stash (if character gets Fade-Look, stash is full, dolls won`t add effect after this)
Lightning and Fire Resistance Potions
~ 1.000 new Uniques
~ 100 new Sets
27 new runewords from Blizzard Realm

~ 80 complete new runewords

The following items transmogify with right-click into...

Brain - Identification Book
Spleen - Townportal Book
Heart - Zod Rune
Jawbone - Small charm
Horn - Large charm
Quill - Grand charm
Fang - Torch
Eye - Jewel
Tail - Herb
Flag - Valuable Elixier
Soul - Surprise Egg
Torch - more light, adds %Magic Find and %Extra Gold (5 minutes)

Herb run like on drugs, some guys feel refreshed smoking this suspicous herb (4 minutes)
Valuable Elixir increases defense, hp, mana temporarly (3 minutes)
Black key - allskills +5 (2 minutes)
Book of wisdom - + 5.000.000 Experience [only read one book, then kill a monster (best act1 only little exp), or you can run at LvL 99 into a rollover and rollback to Lvl ~30].

GubbelGubbel - + 2.500.000 Experience [only eat one GubbelGubbel, then kill a monster (best act1 only little exp), or you can run at Lvl 99 into a rollover and rollback to Lvl ~17].
Potion of Farnham - +1 Skill
Potion of Ogden - +8 Status Points
Potion of Griswold - +1 Strengtht
Potion of Gillian - +1 Dexterity
Potion of Pepin - +1 Vitality (+5 MaxLife + 5 MaxStamina)
Potion of Adria - +1 Energy (+5 MaxMana)

Put Oils in the Cube with a Item to improve the Stats of the Item or to achiece a specific effect on the Item.


Oil of Accuracy:
Increases a weapon's chance to hit by 1-2%. PERMANENT, Weapon
Blacksmith Oil:
Repairs completly Weapon, Shield, Armor
Oil of Death:
Increases the damage potential of a weapon.+1 to minimum, +2 to maximum. PERMANENT
Oil of Fortitude:
Adds +10 - +50 to the max durability of an item. PERMANENT Weapon, Shield, Armor
Oil of Hardening:
Adds +1 Armor class to helms and shields, adds +2 Armor class to armor. PERMANENT
Oil of Imperviousness:
Adds +3 - +5 Armor class to armor and shields. PERMANENT
Oil of Mastery:
Increases a weapon's chance to hit by 3-5%. PERMANENT
Oil of Permanence:
Makes an item indestructible. PERMANENT Weapon, Shield, Armor
Oil of Sharpness:
Adds +1 to maximum damage of a weapon. PERMANENT
Oil of Skill:
Reduces the attributes needed to use a weapon or armor by 6-10%. PERMANENT Weapon, Shield, Armor
Dont use those items on realm, if you are outside of town!!!Cube specific doll with a rare Amulet to get a Morph Amulet
Possible dolls:
cow king
chaos howler
black knight

« Last Edit: December 30, 2006, 07:38:43 pm by Hans-Jürgen (ChaosEnergy) »

CEmail: chaosenergy(a)
Chaos Empire® is a registered Trademark of Hans-Jürgen Ohler ©2003-2012


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