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Neuigkeiten / Illegal version of Chaos Empire MOD found
« Last post by ChaosEmpire on November 23, 2023, 11:47:13 pm »
Dear Players

it came to my ear (not the cut one) , that there is a modification of our beloved Chaos Empire MOD

It has been modified to get used with 1.13, D2SE and Highres mod

This might sound interesting in first moment, but...
- its not running stable
- its not compatible with our Server and Playerbase
- it lacks of features which are not possible with 1.13
- anticheat files got played with, so I cant tell you, if it now contains a virus

I contacted 2 of the responsible persons, one of them seems to be a russian hacker, which increases the chance of virus/trojan infection

I massively distance myself from this illegal modification
Neuigkeiten / Re: Frohe Weihnachten 2021
« Last post by ChaosEmpire on November 23, 2023, 11:40:19 pm »
hatten wir nicht erst vor kurzem einen reset
und wieso einen thread von 2021 wiederbeleben :)
Game-Server / Re: Where do i download this mod
« Last post by SABREWULF on November 23, 2023, 01:36:50 pm »
Did you installed it on 1.10 patch or 1.13?

I also don't say what they did is good but at least it works
Game-Server / Re: Where do i download this mod
« Last post by gbaandy on November 23, 2023, 07:21:31 am »
So now how can I solve this because I was a fan of Chaos Empire  and I was playing before on 7.60 ~ the best one in my opinion but now I have Windows 11 and it doesn't want to work there anymore.  The CE mod from that website I was mentioned before at least works  and it works very good on Win 11 but I didn't realized  that mana color was not CE idea.  So now I am very confused because I don't know will this setup file from here will work normally after I install it and does it need official Blizzard patch 1.13c or just like before 1.10.
I also think they more preserved the CE  mod making it playable for everyone instead of saying that they stole it.
If the owner of the mod doesn't support other people "preserving" the mod and these people copy it to make it their own, that's what I'd usually call stealing.
So, let's just find out: @ChaosEmpire, do you know about this "preservation" of the mod and do you support it?

As to the installation problems, I tried installing the mod on a 100% clean d2 installation just yesterday and it worked flawlessly for me. On my other machine it didn't work, but I have played different mods on that one before, so I can't say it was a 100% clean installation of D2.
Game-Server / Re: Where do i download this mod
« Last post by SABREWULF on November 23, 2023, 01:28:39 am »
So now how can I solve this because I was a fan of Chaos Empire  and I was playing before on 7.60 ~ the best one in my opinion but now I have Windows 11 and it doesn't want to work there anymore.  The CE mod from that website I was mentioned before at least works  and it works very good on Win 11 but I didn't realized  that mana color was not CE idea.  So now I am very confused because I don't know will this setup file from here will work normally after I install it and does it need official Blizzard patch 1.13c or just like before 1.10.
I also think they more preserved the CE  mod making it playable for everyone instead of saying that they stole it.
Game-Server / Re: Where do i download this mod
« Last post by gbaandy on November 22, 2023, 08:53:31 pm »
Hello, dear author of the Chaos Empire mod. I found your mod on different website. However right now, I don't know which one is more new - the one that you posted here 7.74fix or the mod I found over there.

If your version is newer than how can I update it by their method? Because you given us  setup file and over there you need to download SE Modmanager and  unpack the zip files  to the folder and manually put  everything where the mods are.
It means in this case I am going to need  files from your mod to replace the old ones and I don't know how can I  take them out from the setup file that you provided.

Another one are 2 things that's I found very annoying.
1 color of mana. What did you make up your mind to change the normal blue color that we all get used to into some  nonsense colors (dark red?, white?) Its ridiculous.
2 That spam in the top left  corner of the screen.
Even if I already thick the box that I only want to see text when I press Alt it still showing me  items names  there covering the screen.
Is it possible to turn it off somehow?

I don't think the version you linked is in any way connected to the original mod that you find here. The mana color stuff you mention is NOT in the original version of CE and must be a "QoL" change by these people who basically stole the mod.
Game-Server / Re: Where do i download this mod
« Last post by SABREWULF on November 22, 2023, 03:53:47 am »
Hello, dear author of the Chaos Empire mod. I found your mod on different website. However right now, I don't know which one is more new - the one that you posted here 7.74fix or the mod I found over there.

If your version is newer than how can I update it by their method? Because you given us  setup file and over there you need to download SE Modmanager and  unpack the zip files  to the folder and manually put  everything where the mods are.
It means in this case I am going to need  files from your mod to replace the old ones and I don't know how can I  take them out from the setup file that you provided.

Another one are 2 things that's I found very annoying.
1 color of mana. What did you make up your mind to change the normal blue color that we all get used to into some  nonsense colors (dark red?, white?) Its ridiculous.
2 That spam in the top left  corner of the screen.
Even if I already thick the box that I only want to see text when I press Alt it still showing me  items names  there covering the screen.
Is it possible to turn it off somehow?
Neuigkeiten / Re: Frohe Weihnachten 2021
« Last post by xxBornToKillxx on November 05, 2023, 09:19:32 am »
Da ja Weihnachten bald wieder vor der Tür steht und es jetzt nach der Zeitumstellung wieder gefühlt nach dem Kaffeetrinken dunkel wird…. Habe ich mir die Frage gestellt, ob CE nochmal einen Reset sehen wird? Oder „erst“ wieder im neuen Jahr?

Ich freue mich auf eine Antwort. Vielleicht könnte man, jetzt wo neue Hardware da ist, auch mal die Werbetrommel rühren für einen Reset  :clapping:
Neuigkeiten / Re: Frohe Weihnachten 2021
« Last post by webwalker on August 07, 2023, 03:30:00 am »
This seems to be either a business advert of a product advert; either way, it is (not) proper here?
Game-Server / Re: Where do i download this mod
« Last post by ChaosEmpire on July 06, 2023, 10:16:29 pm »

is working fine for me, and its a free site

maybe your browser has an issue with non secure site, so https could hopefully help
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