Chaos Empire D2 + LOD Mod

Computer-Games => International Support => Topic started by: Oronzo on June 03, 2005, 08:58:42 pm

Title: Uber Diablo Spawn places
Post by: Oronzo on June 03, 2005, 08:58:42 pm
Hi there, i was told (or read somewhere in the site or in the forum) that Diablo Clone naturaly spawns EVERY game somewhere in the act 5 Abyss maps (i'm not sure that's the way they'r called but let's say... Abaddon , Acheron and the Infernal Abyss). Now...sometimes it happens that Diablo isn't in any of the above....
If i'm not wrong i somewhere read there's another Abyss unlocked in this game. If it's so maybe Diablo spawns there when i can't find him elsewhere ? If so...where is that map ? How to get to it ?
Or if i'm wrong...Where can i find Diablo if he isn't in the Abyss maps ?
Title: Re: Uber Diablo Spawn places
Post by: DrowElf on June 03, 2005, 09:39:11 pm
These Diablo does not spawn in every game, but the locations where you have look are right.

The additional map is a redesign of those places. This means it is a additional look or way not a additional cave ;)
Title: Re: Uber Diablo Spawn places
Post by: Nemesis183 on June 04, 2005, 09:59:34 am
he spawns in about 70% of the games in one of the three Abyss...

another possibility where DC can spawn is a World event created by selling "Stone of Jordan" on the server (or SinglePlayer). After enough SoJ sold there is a massage "diablo walks on earth" and the next super unique boss will be spawn as DC :)
Title: Re: Uber Diablo Spawn places
Post by: mariomario1984 on June 05, 2005, 08:09:16 am
ok heres my question to that...ive read somewhere that theres a difference in item drops with the soj dc clone and the one that spawns in the 3 caves or abysses or what ever...anyways is that true and whats the item difference...thanks
Title: Re: Uber Diablo Spawn places
Post by: Phoenix on June 05, 2005, 05:05:35 pm
"Normal DC" (in the 3 caves in act 5):
he drops 1 annihilus and the status-potions like odgen, farnham, griswold and so on + normal items (like every boss in the game)

"World Event DC":
he drops every time 7 items (he can drop p.e. 5 times the same item):
Book of Wisdoms, annihilus or soulstones
I don't know if he drops any other items too, because my last World Event was in December last year and I can't remember on it.
Title: Re: Uber Diablo Spawn places
Post by: mariomario1984 on June 06, 2005, 06:44:47 am
can i sell sojs on single player and make the world event happen...or is that for the chaos core only
Title: Re: Uber Diablo Spawn places
Post by: Phoenix on June 06, 2005, 08:47:24 am
You don't have to sell SoJ in SP to get the World Event. There is a counter which is based on time. If you play Hell difficulty in SP you will see the messages of sold SoJ. If the counter reaches the right number DC will come.
If you sell a SoJ you will accelerate the counter and the Diablo Clone will walk on earth earlier  :s513:
Title: Re: Uber Diablo Spawn places
Post by: Tophead on June 06, 2005, 12:05:50 pm
You don't have to sell SoJ in SP to get the World Event. There is a counter which is based on time. If you play Hell difficulty in SP you will see the messages of sold SoJ. If the counter reaches the right number DC will come.
If you sell a SoJ you will accelerate the counter and the Diablo Clone will walk on earth earlier :s513:

thats right, but selling a soj will give the counter 20 sojs more so its not neccesery but sensefull to soll sojs
Title: Re: Uber Diablo Spawn places
Post by: the_simpsons_86 on June 06, 2005, 12:58:19 pm
"If the counter reaches the right number DC will come."

what is the right number? 1000, 2000 or....
Title: Re: Uber Diablo Spawn places
Post by: RafaWu on June 06, 2005, 01:07:48 pm
It isn'r a correct number there.
The Number depends on the games on the server (less games less Soj, more games more soj)
In SP it can happen everytime
Title: Re: Uber Diablo Spawn places
Post by: dundo on June 08, 2005, 11:42:40 am
I was amazed to see Diablo walking the earth and had a hard time killing him but it was worth,he spawned twice  so far.The 1st time on the map next to Burial grounds on nightmare and he droped 1 BoW and 5 anihilus charms,another time he came at the exit of Flayer jungle also on nightmare and droped 6 anihilus charms,all together I gained about 40 skill points to all skills with those stones.One more interesting thing, as I walk away from him and came back he had different imunities...
Title: Re: Uber Diablo Spawn places
Post by: blueman on June 08, 2005, 12:36:10 pm

its "normal" that he changes his immunities, because they are random and are different every time.
if you are able to pick up more then one anni you should update you ce ;-)
its a sp bug that this is possible.

kind regards blueman