Chaos Empire D2 + LOD Mod
Computer-Games => International Support => Topic started by: arcadians on May 11, 2005, 11:06:20 am
When ur looking for the uber uniques is it posible to gamble them in this version or do they have to be found?
if they have to be found who is the best bit to ge them
My second question is about the diablo clone
theres one in the pit thingy in hell he drops annilihus but if u activate the world event by selling soj do u ge a different drop?
You can´t gamble uber unique. Only finding and with a little bit luck you can imbue some ubers with the charsi quests, there is a low chance to get uber after level 97 from her.
The best chances are were the itemlevels are very high. Named places is the dungeon at hell or worldstone tower. Some players have found them on different acts in hell. It is possible to find them right were you quest if you play hell.
The worldevent clone has a different drop. Details are unknown to me but i think it is said that he can drop ubers, bow (books of wisdom) and other good stuff.
I'm not sure about it, but I heared, that ubers can be gambled at lvl100, but it can be, that this is only a rumor.
And in SP the WE-Clone dropped always 6 items (at /players 12) 1-3 BoWs and 3-5 annis but no other item. But the DC in the lavacaves dropped different items.