Chaos Empire D2 + LOD Mod
Computer-Games => International Support => Topic started by: Haemogod on May 04, 2005, 05:13:04 pm
i installed the latest chaos empire activated it and now i cant run D2 with it activated or the orriginal deactived. error:
Location : D2win\src\D2Comp.cpp, line #3533
Expression : 0
and D2 doesnt load
I searched the web for this error and it occurs on different d2 mods sometimes.
The main problem is located somewhere in your installation maybe or being low systemmemory/-resources. Mods need a lot of memory to load.
Is your d2 install "clean" or do you have edited dll's ?
I suggest making a clean d2+lod+Patch 1.10 install. Be sure there are no additional dlls or ini files in the folder.
Then install the CE Version 7.55 and activate.
If you play singleplayer modus than you should although install the, because of known issues in the actual plugy with the shared stash. This Update have to be installed over the activated CE 7.55
i solved it, it said in the install move all data files so i had renames "D2data.dll" or whatever, the big 1.
however i have found another problem thats has existed for me since 7.16 finished, and has stopped me playing.
failed to join game, only in realm games (chaos core community, CE europe. i really want to play.
Edit: *renames self to idiot* activates CE. the first problem was genuine mistake this is jsut foolishness.