Chaos Empire D2 + LOD Mod
Computer-Games => International Support => Topic started by: Gibbs on April 10, 2005, 09:13:14 pm
Hi, I'm new to the Realm and just got my account today... I noticed in the TOS it says you're supposed to post in the forums, well I don't speak German so it's hard to have a conversation with most people on this forum, as they tend to post in German.
Take it easy on me guys, I'm just a stupid American and if you see me online please speak English to me if you want me to understand what you're saying, thanks :)
welocome to our family [!--aimg--][img]' alt='--Resize_Images_Alt_Text--' width='105' height='90' class='attach' /][!--Resize_Images_Hint_Text--][!--/aimg--]
i hope you enjoy to play with us
and sry for our not so good english [!--aimg--][img]' alt='--Resize_Images_Alt_Text--' width='35' height='38' class='attach' /][!--Resize_Images_Hint_Text--][!--/aimg--]
also if most are germans, most of them are able to speak some words in english
so you should be able to find frineds, answers, and
i even like talking english better than talking german :D
hm,think it´s on you to say in game please talk english,insn´t it :)
i think the most people then try to speak english ,maybe not good but enough to understand...hope so :wink2:
sometimes the school time is very far school time past 18 years :blink:
omg,i´m to old for this sh.... :wink2:
oh,sorry....first of all: welcome on this server,enjoy :)
remembering a time...far...far an old game....most of the peaple speak english...and i....alway got a langenscheid+ponds book ( a translation book ) beside the pc :thumbup:
Since you're from the US, you're most likely to play at a different time then the German players (If you play after school, most of us here are gonna be asleep). I've seen quite a bunch of US players on the Realm, and you should run into them, due to the time zone. If you happen to catch some German players who decide to go all nite thru the game, just tell them to speak English.
...and don't forget to make an Inhabitant poste. Just read a few examples how to write one, then copy and paste the format, and fill in your personal info.
I'll let you know as a dumb Canadian who doesn't speak German, so far every person i've played does, or at least trys to. Also, unlike Battlenet the people here aren't going to cut you up and call you "newb" for asking questions. So far the play experience is 10 fold better. ENJOY
I run into alot of germans when I play because I stay up til 3-4 in the morning, if not later :D and im homeschooled so im home all day! :P