Chaos Empire D2 + LOD Mod

Computer-Games => International Support => Topic started by: TheMuppet on April 07, 2005, 05:21:52 pm

Title: two questions...
Post by: TheMuppet on April 07, 2005, 05:21:52 pm
Hi everyone,

two quick questions. firstly, what exactly is inside the crypt and the hive, apart from lots of the same monsters? are there any uber-monsters or things like that down there?
secondly, in the readme file there is this line:

Shortcut Switch -act1 until -act5 changed (generates now test char with Level 16/45/60/78/96)

how does that work, and what does it do?

the mod keeps getting better and better! :thumbup:

Title: two questions...
Post by: DrowElf on April 07, 2005, 05:38:52 pm
Crypt and hive are testlevels as far as i know there isn´t a uber-monster there.

The shortcut-switches can be used to generate testchars in singleplayer modus with these levels and skill-/statpoints of their charlvl to try charbuilds ingame.
To use these you have to add the shortcut depending on the wanted level of the testchar to your Diablo-link, i.e. "c:\diablo\diablo.exe -act1". Then you start the game with these link and create a new char.

-act1: Testchar in act 1 with charlvl 16
-act2: Testchar in act 2 with charlvl 45
-act3: Testchar in act 3 with charlvl 60
-act4: Testchar in act 4 with charlvl 78
-act5: Testchar in act 5 with charlvl 96

But they start in these acts without any quests and wp except wp start act1.
Title: two questions...
Post by: TheMuppet on April 07, 2005, 09:52:12 pm
cool, thanks, will try that out  :clap: