Chaos Empire D2 + LOD Mod

Computer-Games => International Support => Topic started by: Xantiana on April 05, 2005, 01:56:55 am

Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: Xantiana on April 05, 2005, 01:56:55 am
I have install the new update (7.55)
But when I start activasion off the mod, it is telling me that I missing Anticheat.dll.
But when I look in my folder, there are a file call Anticheat.dll ?????

Can enybody help me out?

Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: Olfmo on April 05, 2005, 01:59:31 am
did you deactivate and deinstall your former version, then install and activate 7.55? i'm pretty sure you didn't and now the easiest solution is to do a complete d2 reinstall and directly install 7.55
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: Charmin on April 05, 2005, 02:03:47 am
I think first you can try the repair.bat..but if you re-install d2 you are on the safer side :P
But give it try..may be works!
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: Xantiana on April 05, 2005, 02:04:47 am

I am pretty sure that I was uninstall the older ver, but maybe I forgot to deactivate older ver. :(

But thx for answer. I will lokk in to it now.
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: qoucher on April 05, 2005, 02:26:54 am
actually what may have happened is, you didn't deactivate it like you were supposed to, and then installed 7.55, there is however a way to fix this without havening to reinstall d2 completely, what you do is find your anticheat.dll, look and see if you have an anticheat.ce, if so, delete anticheat.dll and it should work perfectly, if it says something about any other files, look for the .dll versions of those and delete them.  sure reinstalling d2 is easier but just making another suggestion^^, this happens because the uninstaller removes only the .ce files, and not the .dll,so when you install 7.55 the activator doesn't want to overwrite anticheat.dll so it screws up, and causes it not to work
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: World_Chaser on April 05, 2005, 02:52:35 am
I did the same thing, Installing CE with deactivating the old version :blink: , so I reinstalled Diablo and installed CEv7.55. I was able to successfully activate it :clap: , but when I try to run Diablo nothing happens. :wallbash:  
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: qoucher on April 05, 2005, 02:55:57 am
oh damn dude, you've got the same problem as me, welcome to the club, the only thing that happens with mine, is....the cd spins....then it just sits there as if nothing had ever happened :blink: , well...this may suck
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: World_Chaser on April 05, 2005, 02:59:13 am
Ya, I hear the CD spinning and the litte CD cursor comes on, but then it all stops and nothing happens :(
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: ChaosEmpire on April 05, 2005, 08:45:14 am
we are searching for this issue

i dont know why some machines have issues with the anticheat part..
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: vycka on April 05, 2005, 04:18:04 pm
God, this is so strange i always thought that 7.51 was the newest www.planetdiablo/chaosempire is badly outdated  :thumbdown:
EDIT: Oh my god i am such a silly person i didnt even notice that there is 7.55 already! I suppose it is newer then 7.51 cos there is nothing said in news section about 7.55  :blink:  
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: MrBad151 on April 05, 2005, 04:28:17 pm
I have the spinning CD issue as well.  I deactivated CE, uninstall CE, uninstall D2, Deleted the D2 folder, then did a fress reinstall of everything.
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: Cubtz on April 05, 2005, 05:55:55 pm
I had the same spinning CD problem at first too.  What solved my problem was going in the glide wrapper configurator and choosing windowed-mode.  CE loaded even though it took a few seconds extra than the previous version.  After it loaded in windowed mode I set up my video options in game to my liking and exited. I then unchecked windowed-mode in the configurator and it starts fine but with the same extra few seconds delay. Hope this works for you.

Just checked the takes 10 seconds on my system before loading.
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: efh_nightshiver on April 05, 2005, 06:21:59 pm
got same problem, but even when i set to windowed mode it doesnt work..
its loading and loading and then it stops...
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: Cubtz on April 05, 2005, 07:13:37 pm
got same problem, but even when i set to windowed mode it doesnt work..
its loading and loading and then it stops...
Run video test and select 3dfx glide after tests are done... don't skip test.  This should work.
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: efh_nightshiver on April 05, 2005, 07:46:13 pm
doesnt work...=/
even with 2D it doesnt =/
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: qoucher on April 05, 2005, 08:50:27 pm
God, this is so strange i always thought that 7.51 was the newest www.planetdiablo/chaosempire is badly outdated  :thumbdown:
EDIT: Oh my god i am such a silly person i didnt even notice that there is 7.55 already! I suppose it is newer then 7.51 cos there is nothing said in news section about 7.55  :blink:
you shouldn't be checking for updates for chaos on any other site than
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: MrBad151 on April 06, 2005, 05:53:13 am
I tried the video test/ widowed mode thing as well, and it didn't work for me either.
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: vycka on April 06, 2005, 01:56:38 pm
Hello. Then i try to run 7.55 it loads for a few seconds then absolutely nothing happens. Same as for you i guess :thumbdown:
 Hope you'll find solution for this soon.
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: Daiko on April 06, 2005, 02:28:38 pm
Same problem here ;(
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: MajesticPriest on April 06, 2005, 02:51:50 pm
There is a resolution for this problem that helped some people already.

Deactivate the Mod, Start Lord of Destruction, change the gateway to Jenworld.. close LoD, activate the mod and d2 should start without problems... after this you can change gateway back to CCC
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: MrBad151 on April 06, 2005, 03:55:00 pm
Bah!  Switching the gateway didn't work for me.
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: Tophead on April 06, 2005, 04:18:15 pm
Bah! unbelivible  :lol:

then try the dlls from chaos
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: webwalker on April 06, 2005, 04:18:48 pm
I had problems installing and running 7.55 but I did some things out of order.

So, I re-installed D2LOD, then installed the 7.55 mod, and all is well.

My current problem with 7.55 is lack of a list of the changes.
What I have discovered:
Runes cannot be cubed up by the 3 -> 1 recipe.
Belt (razortail) + 3 spleens does not ger the poison damage + PMH mod
        (recipe fails I still have all components).
Recipe page is still out of date: e.g. black oils to put sockets in an item
        (should be 2 PGems/socket)

If an up-to-date page for 7.55 exists in German I'll happily do my best at
        translating it to English.
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: DrowElf on April 06, 2005, 04:22:40 pm
Belt (razortail) + 3 spleens does not ger the poison damage + PMH mod
        (recipe fails I still have all components).
Razortail is a unique belt. The recipe is only for rare belts ;)

€: Here is a Link to a few changes in the version 7.55. As far as i know there is no complete list of changes till now.

Some changes you can see in the included readme.htm under the point version history.
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: Zargor on April 06, 2005, 04:27:02 pm
@ webwalker

until now there is not a officel or complete list available

concerning runes :
changes are you can't gamble them anymore and it's
not possible anymore to cube a single rune down
the recipe 3: 1 have never been implemente in CE
but chaos is thinking about it ^^

Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: MajesticPriest on April 06, 2005, 04:30:45 pm
concerning runes :
changes are you can't gamble them anymore and it's
not possible anymore to cube a single rune down
the recipe 3: 1 have never been implemente in CE
but chaos is thinking about it ^^
Its possible to downgrade runes... Have done it a few times now...
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: Zargor on April 06, 2005, 04:37:04 pm

aha und in welcher version ?
in whitch version .. please check link ;)
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: MajesticPriest on April 06, 2005, 04:48:12 pm
wie wärs es mit der aktuellen 7.55 um die es in diesem thread geht... und wie du selber sehen wirst gings in dem thread um die 7.52...

What about the actual 7.55, which this topic is about...
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: Zargor on April 06, 2005, 06:02:45 pm
i just crosschecked it myself^^

sorry about  :bash:
MajesticPriest is right you can downgrade runes !!!!

thx for the correction @ MajesticPriest  :thumbup:

Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: MrBad151 on April 07, 2005, 01:52:44 am
Tried reloading LOD, no luck there either.

Is there anyone still having problems getting 7.55 to work?  I tried all the suggestions and still can't get past the spinning CD.  Any fixes in the works or new suggestions to try?  I've already reloaded 7.51, guess that's better than nothing at all.

Will it be possible to keep my 7.51 Characters when I upgrade to 7.55?  I'm guessing it will be.. but just wanted to check.
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: GothicTomCat on April 09, 2005, 10:53:01 pm
 ok, let me tell you about my story....I was playing 7.51 (didn't yet know about 7.55) so for almost 2 days I screwed around trying to figure out why I couldn't get into the games, kept getting failed to join game.. so I wrote a post about it and the moderator told me about 7.55 and where to download it...So I did that, then I was getting the missing anticheat.dll I uninstalled D2 and CE....Reinstalled both but before I realized it, I was getting another message about not finding something in the storm.dll file...couldn't figure out what was wrong, then I figured out what I did wrong, was in such a hurry to play CE that I forgot to download the D2 patch first  :angry: so I had to uninstall everything again and reinstall....So where am I now, in the CCC playing CE  :thumbup: good job guys on the mod...I love it, won't ever go back to playing D2LOD anymore....Thanks again

Laterzzzzzz all   :cheers:  
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: qoucher on April 10, 2005, 04:02:57 am

i can't go back to norm LOD either, it's serously's extremly too easy, and i find it meaningless really, because i'm too strong to do quests, and i just find pvp to be boring.
Title: Ver 7.55
Post by: GothicTomCat on April 10, 2005, 08:04:42 am
I here you there.......this mod is so awesome.....One problem tho what should I do after I kill a Quillbear in blood moor and i get a portal to a new level and I get killed after i enter the portal called "no level name"  I got killed by something called the damned or something like that..... what is the mysterious scroll do on the 7.55 version.  but i finally got in, but the game runs really slow like a second or two delay....should I download a patch or something, let me know?????


David (is my real name, but I go by boo or bub)